
Thursday 15 March 2012

nope, not a bean!

Hi all,

Well I've been sat here for the last few minutes trying to think of a snappy title for this post, but nothing is coming to mind.  So I'll just carry on and waffle, as per usual, instead!

So I'd said in an earlier post about Emily and the not beautiful shoes - well I've got her new shoes but the fuss I've had over them!  We were in the shop looking at these shoes and she wanted a lace up canvas boot, so I said no we are looking for school shoes - they need to be sensible, how about these ones?  I got a foot stamp and a 'not beautiful shoes, don't want them'.  So we trotted off to the next shop and I bartered!  I got her to have the sensible shoes by also letting her have sparkly party shoes and a pair of Hello Kitty slippers.  And where the desire for those came from, I don't know!

Oh and on top of that she'd already had a temper tantrum in the car in the car park - she wanted to get out the drivers side, I'd said no so she started crying and shouting in the car.  I lifted her out, popped her next to the car and she proceeded to knee me!!  I thought she'd kicked me and when I bent down to her to ask, she said no she hadn't kicked me - she had hit my shin with her knee!!  This is better it seems!

There we go, the saga of the beautiful shoes.  No doubt we will have another one soon, but in the meantime, I have another card to show.

Here we go:
Front shot:

Detail shot of image:

I used:

Sugar Nellie: Leanne Ellis stamp - If Only, coloured with my Flex and Promarkers.
Papers are Basic Grey - I'll have to go check which collection.
Craftwork cards - card blank and sentiment
Gems from my stuff.

That's it really!

Hope you are all having a great week and see you again tomorrow.


A challenge, or two:

The Sugar Bowl: Challenge 79 - Erika's sketch (I thought I was following the optional Spring theme, but I'm not so sure looking at it now!)

And just for fun:

Lisa's Waste not Wednesdays - can I have a gold star, this stamp has only been in my possession since Jan 2011 and this is the first time I've inked it.  Much better than last week's stamp!!


Berry said...

Well Sarah the card is beautiful and such a pretty image! Lol at Emily Caleb is exactly the same! He kicks off at everything literally! Hugs Rebekah xx

Jayne A said...

Beautiful card Sarah. I love that image. How could you have left her in the draw for a year?.

As for the shoes.. it's no contest really.. party shoes every time .


Kathleen said...

Another fab card Sarah, love the colours and layout.
Oh poor you with Emily, we've not quite reached that stage yet with Alex, Maya is a different story though! Lol. I remember Meghan having the full all out screaming throw yourself on the floor temper tantrum in tescos, we walked away and left her, ( we hid around the corner and watched her ) she never did it again! Result!! Not going be as easy with Maya though!
Hugs Kat xx

Little K Smith said...

Oh this is gorgeous Sarah, I love those beautiful papers and the image is fabulous too :)

DesignerDiva said...

Lol I remember the joys of little girls! My sons were half the trouble of my daughter! Not sure you got the best end of the shoe deal lol!
Love your card today Sarah and I love the SC Snow White too, I'm back at work and struggling to blog!
Hugs Laurie xx

Unknown said...

Beautiful card Sarah lovely image
Love the colours
Well done
Hugs Elaine

scrappymo! said...

Oh my...what a trying day...but you got the shoe problem solved! Yay!
Every girl needs sparkly party shoes.
This card is lovely...the image is so sweet and your colours perfect.

Arabella said...

Lol Sarah! I love reading your posts! Life with a 4 and 3/4 year old sounds... interesting! Your card is gorgeous! I love seeing the Leanne Ellis images made up on other people's cards, but for some reason I can't bring myself to actually stamp mine!


Christine L said...

HI Sarah...

Beautiful card.... love that image and how you've coloured it.

And oh, your tale brings back memories. Just a warning... be very careful how much you give way..... my 26 year old now still wants her own way all the time! I mean seriously! She used to have tantrums in shops so bad they'd open a special till to get us out!

Christine x

Karen P said...

Truly beautiful - you've coloured her wonderfully Sarah and the papers are stunning too! Such a gorgeous stamp - one to go on my must buy list! hugs Karen

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Lol this post made me laugh, the bit about kneeing someone being somehow better than kicking them especially made me laugh. Gorgeous card, love the pretty image and the soft colours
Lindsay xx

Anita said...

Beautiful card Sarah and I love those pretty papers too. And of course - every girl wants party shoes lol!

Julie C. said...

This card is beautiful. Love the soft colours.
My daughters are always on a look out for party shoes. Their social life is sure better than mine!!

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.the image is stunning and i love your beautiful pretty colours and design :D
oh dear it sounds like you are being put through it a bit at the moment.i remember the tantrum days too well, i used to love when it was my sons bedtime.

xx coops xx

Wendy Fraser said...

Such a beautiful card. My wee sis was just like that over shoes as a child, in fact she still is! xx

Fiona said...

ha ha Sarah...I sometimes sit for a bit thinking of a title too.

Fabulous card, love those spring colours and awesome colouring!!

Thanks for joining us at The sugar Bowl this week.


Katya said...
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Katya said...

Love your coloring and the card layout is awesome along with those papers. Heehee yup the little gals and their shoes. My Jade usually wants anything that lights up or that sparkles. Really any shoe that looks nice she will accept but she has so many shoes and sandles- way more than me that's for sure.

Wishcraft said...

Ooh Sarah, this is so pretty! Love the soft colours and gorgeous image - someone sent me some stamped images of these AGES ago but I've never got round to using any of them, no idea why because they're lovely!

I loathe shoe shopping with the kids - it's no easier with boys... well, not my boys anyway :o) Lisa x

Oops nearly forgot - thanks for playing along with my WNW challenge hun!

xxxtglxxx said...

This is just stunning - such a pretty card in every way :)



Sarah-Jane said...

Great card Sarah. So pretty. I love the papers and the image is gorgeous, why have you only just inked her up!

I hate shoe shopping for my girls. The oldest, Amelia-Grace says yes mum they fit fine then once they are paid for tells me they don't fit. Eve, the youngest just wants everything to have Peppa Pig on.

Sarah-Jane xx

Janice said...

Beautiful card - so love your colour choices, Jx