
Thursday 7 June 2012

Long time no see

Hellooo blogworld,

Bet you thought I'd vanished of the face of the earth didn't you!  I haven't, but I have been rather busy in real world, so no time to create or blog.

Firstly, a big hello and wave to my new followers.  Hope you like it here and apologies to everyone for not getting round any blogs, at the moment I'm barely keeping up with DT commenting let alone my own.  I will be doing a huge catch up early next week when I get back to normal.

Not been the best week ever, missed all the Jubilee celebrations - had to get the holiday place ready for guests for arrivals on the Friday and again on the Monday - so busy there.

Been nowhere at all - got a poorly hubby, a daughter who thinks it's OK to write on walls (so trips / treats cancelled) and poor weather = a very bored daughter, grumpy mummy and one of the worst holiday weeks I can remember!!  I wonder sometimes what goes on a small person mind, I mean love her to bits - but my goodness she can be a handful!!!!

Anyway, it will be over soon and I'll be able to get back to my routines and making cards!!

Just to keep you going here is a card I had to make for the weekend - another child's birthday party, got one every weekend for the next 3 weekends.  The last one is Emily's birthday party and we are fingers crossed for good weather, otherwise we are on the hunt for a local hall.

Anyways, me card:

Front shot:

Detail of image:

I used:

Sugar Nellie - Little Farmer; coloured with my Promarkers
Sentiment - Blonde Moments

The spots is a random piece from my stuff
echo park - A boy's life

Memory Box - Picket Fence

Everything else
Buttons from my stuff

So hopefully things should calm down at home soon and I'll get back to blogging and creating very soon.  Until then please bear with me and I'll try and catch up with you all soon.


A challenge, or two:

The Sugar Bowl: Challenge 85 - Kiki's Sketch.  Sorry had to move the sentiment as I had a bit of an accident with the paper and needed to hide it!

Papertake Weekly: Anything Goes

and, for fun, Lisa's Wast not Wednesday - the stamp again.  Won it last year in the Sugar Bowl and not used it since.


Sarah-Jane said...

Great boys card Sarah. I'm no good at making male cards, I really should make the effort and try to do more. The males in my family usually get a shop bought card from me!

I will be glad when this week is over. Amelia-Grace is driving me crazy. She has been to parties, the park and a trip to the seaside this week but she is still too loud, and hyper! I'm so tired because she just wont sleep. Roll on Monday!

Sarah-Jane xx

Doreen said...

This is gorgeous Sarah,love the fab

Faye said...

Hey you, sorry you're having such a naff week. On the plus side, the card is FAB!

Sue said...

Hi Sarah,
Oh I do feel for you, sounds like you are having a rubbish week. I hope things get back to normal for you soon - whatever that is!!
Anyway, your card is fabulous, I love the image and the colours are lovely.
Take care
Hugs Sue

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Sarah this is such a sweet card! Love the image and the awesome papers :)

Wishcraft said...

Sounds about as bad as my week Sarah, quite looking forward to them going back to school!

Love your card, that image is so sweet - he doesn't look like he'd be any trouble does he? ;o) Thanks for joining in with my WNW challenge hun! Hugs, Lisa x

Anonymous said...

A fantastic boys card Sarah, sorry you are having a bad week, hope things improve soon!
Helen x

coops said...

so stunning sarah,i love this image and your coloring is fntastic ;D
roll on monday morning eh.

xx coops xx

catherine said...

Fantastic card sarah and sure they will love it. Holidays do leave us all with our hands full at times and I remember the artistic side in the wrong places!!!
The weather has been rubbish all round this week. Hope hubby feels better soon and chin up will be back to crafting soon
x catherine

mixamatoasties said...

Fab card Sarah. Love it :) Great colours.

Sorry you've been having a rubbishy week. Hope this weekend is better xxx

Berry said...

What a sweet image and card Sarah! I know how you feel, poor Amelia has been at guide camp this wk, I'm surprised she hasn't floated home! The other 2 have been crazy bored too but next wk we are off to Butlins so no rest for anyone! hugs rebekah xx

debby4000 said...

Adorable, sweet card.

Christine L said...

Fabulous card for a little one hon....

Hope things calm down next week... you certainly make me smile and bring back memories of when my two were young!!

Christine x

Wendy Fraser said...

Brilliant boy's card, love the cute image. Great to have you on board at Cutie Pie too xx

Sue B said...

Aww this is really sweet Sarah! what a wonderful image and your colouring is so beautiful. Love the scrummy papers and embellies!
sorry you have had poorly hubby! and yes this weather has been awful for the kids… I can imagine they get really bored…
Hope things settle down for you soon!
Big Hugs
Sue xx

Jayne A said...

Fabulous card Sarah. Hope you have a better time of it next week.

Karen P said...

Hi Sarah, fantastic boy card with wonderful colouring, as always! Ooh dear there's nothing worse than rotten weather and a bored little one and with your OH ill to boot! Hope things much improve for you soon hun Karen x

Fiona said...

hey you...this is fabby, great layout and beautiful colouring!!

Thanks for joining us at The sugar Bowl....hope to see you for our next challenge.


xxxtglxxx said...

Again, more gorgeous colouring, the shine on this is gorgeous! :)

Lovely cheery papers and perfect embellies for a boy card! :)

Hope your little princess has been behaving better hun, I'm sure she is only testing boundaries - we all do it ;) and to use a well worn cliche - its probably just a wee phase! lol :)

