
Tuesday 2 October 2012


Oh no, more moaning!

Hi blogworld,

I'm so frustrated right now, I'm almost about to do some craft shopping!!  Either that or I need someone to give me a swift kick up the posterior.  I wonder which one I'll decide on.

I am soooo struggling right now with even being bothered to make a card.  Then when I can be bothered, I'm getting it wrong. Doesn't help that my dining room table looks like a whirlwind hit it and I'm crafting in a space only as big as my craft mat.

Reason being we've still got 3 kittens here.  One waiting for someone to come claim him and then we only have one left to re-home - so for now it's still chaos (tho less chaotic than it was).

Add on top of this one serious bout of where am I going with my life (bah hitting 41 is not good!), are we going to live here until they cart us off to an old people's home, what is the meaning of life and death - oh I had one serious headache that evening!!!  All this angst means that I might be getting the kitchen moved and the dining room turned into a craft room.  All that storage took up more space in the computer room than hubby liked or realised so I offered up some drastic alternatives and he took them!

I think I will stop moaning now and go get She Who Must be Obeyed - in the meantime I leave you with this poor offering.

Front shot:

Detail of image:

Arty farty:

Arty farty two - for the glitter:

I used:

Lili of the Valley - Never too old for a hug
coloured with my Flexmarkers

Dies / Punches:
Nestie circle
Whiff of Joy - heart banner
corner edger punch

Anything else?
Wild Orchid Crafts / Joanna Sheen - flowers
Glamour Dust
D'vine Swirls embossing folder

Really have got to go get her now - I'll be back to enter challenges in a bit.


Back again, for those challenges:

Lili's Little Fairies: White with a hint of colour.  Hmmm, don't know if there is more pink than white - feel free to delete if you want to.

Cupcake Craft Challenges: Cupcake 212 - Think Pink


Kim said...

don't be too hard on yourself. it's a gorgeous card Sarah. hope you feel a bit more positive soon
Kim x

Pink Dandelion said...

It's a super card Sarah. Hope your mojo returns very soon. Debs xx

DesignerDiva said...

Lol Sarah you are a little down on yourself today Mrs! There is nothing wrong with your card its so NOT a poor offering, your colouring is awesome and as always your details are beautiful!
If you think 41 is bad wait till to get to 51!! I think I'm just about coming to terms with myself!!
Sounds like you need a trip out - get hubby to bring you to Harrogate on Sunday to meet us!!
Hugs Laurie xx

Doreen said...

Gorgeous card Sarah. Love the soft colours and the image ;)
So sweet.
Doreen xx

Berry said...

I love this Sarah really pretty! I know what you mean though my motivation is super poor at the mo and I'm not creating how I like or as much as I like good luck with getting your own craft room you lucky thing!
Hugs Rebekah xx

Kathleen said...

Awww Sarah, its a gorgeous card, dont be so hard on yourself! But I must admit I am kinda in the same place at the moment, fed up, corker of a migraine last night has left me fuzzy today. No motivation either and my hubby has just gone to Munich till Friday for Oktoberfest, so feeling a bit lonely now! Oh dear we are a pair arent we? I am sitting on my hands trying to avoid a blowout online crafty shopping!! I need to save my pennies for a vintage fair on the 20th and going to the craft fair at the secc with Sara on the 28th!. I think I had best go and find some mittens to put on my hands and then sit on them too! Lol
Kat xx

Flowergirl said...

Hi Sarah, sorry you're feeling so stressed at the moment and Mr mojo has gone missing, I hope you get your crafting space sorted out out, I'm sure that will make all the difference x
Your card is so pretty and it's beautifully coloured x
Wendy x

Faye said...

Oh Sarah, this is really pretty. The glitter on the wings look fab. X

Sue said...

This is gorgeous Sarah, I love the sweet image and the pretty colours.
I hope you feel better soon.
Take care
Hugs Sue

Wendy Fraser said...

Oh so pretty! I'm glad my cats are fully grown now, so much easier! Big hugs to you xx

Unknown said...

This is absolutly gorgeous!! Love the soft colors, the pretty image and the sweet details! Thanks for joining my Think Pink Challenge over at Cupcake Craft Challenge this week! Good luck! Hugs and sunshine

Anonymous said...

There is nothing poor about this, it's absolutely gorgeous, lovely soft colours and so pretty!
Helen x

catherine said...

You say a poor offering (NOT)!!!!This is beautiful and love all the embossing. You need to de-clutter your mind with worry. I'm always wondering about what ifs and whys!!
Creativity is the best answer and this is super, super!!
x catherine

Sharon said...

Gosh Sarah you are fed up at the moment. I am sure your mojo will return when you get a bigger space and one just for you. Your card is gorgeous so stop beating yourself up and I don't think there is too much pink. I adore this image and love your layout.
Now take some deep breaths and go and get yourself a glass of wine - that may sort you out.
Hugs Sharon. x

Wendy said...

Oh Sarah, you must not be so hard on yourself your card is so gorgeous, adorable image coloured beautifully, the colours & details are really pretty.That heart banner is on my wish list.
Hope you can sort out a craft place soon, will make you feel much happier.
Hugs Wendy xx

Magic Flying Boots said...

What a beautiful card! Really love the delicate colouring. I'm still trying to get the hang of shading, and this is a really lovely good example of it being done well! Love it :)

mixamatoasties said...

Gorgeous card Sarah. And you could do with a mahoooooossssiiiiivvveeee hug (Sarah) xxxxxx

Christine L said...

Hi Sarah

Well your 'poor' offering is still gorgeous... but I know those feelings so well! Believe me, it gets worse as you get older... I only have one year to go now before the big '6' (with a zero after it but can't get myself to type it yet). PANIC!

Christine x

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.beautiful embossing and i love the sweet offereing, not a poor offering at all.i really hope you get your craft room, mine is all up a corner with the tiniest little :D

xx coops xx

Cheryl said...

So sweet! I love the soft colors.

Lorraine A said...

Gorgeous card Sarah :-) the image is lovely and the delicate pink with the white is perfect :-)

thanks for joining us on Lili's Little Fairies :-)
Lols x x x

Debbie said...

This is a gorgeous card Sarah...don't be too hard on your self. A sweet image and lovely delicate colours. So pretty.
Hugs Debbie x

June Nelson said...

Aw bless you swetie your having a rough time, sending big hugglies to you, your card is absolutely stunning shugm big huggies Jun exxx

Vicky said...

Hi sweetie loving this beautiful creation, lush colours hun. Def NOT a poor offering sweets.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

rosie said...

gorgeous x

Karen P said...

oh my, i so wish i could colour like this when suffering! it's gorgeous Sarah, and you've still got a couple of months to go before you finish your UIU! Karen x

Mickaela Vildljung said...

angst, kittens or age. I think your card is beautiful but i know the feeling. For me it helps to just let go and flip through my paperpads:) Try something that usually makes you happy and let everything else goes, even if the kittens are biting your feet:)

Love Mickaela

Teresa - My Crafty Heart said...

Hi Sarah, your mojo looks absolutely fine to me:) this is a beautiful card, I hope you have a lovely Sunday, Hugs, Teresa x