
Saturday 3 November 2012

Can you see it?

the glitter that is!

Hello blogworld

Good morning on this lovely Sweet Stampin day!  Or Saturday as it's known out of blogworld ;-)  I wonder if you've got the theme for the new challenge yet?  No, well here's a clue - you generally manage to tip the pot of it all over your workspace when creating something using it!

Ah, yes!!  That would be glitter then - so the theme this week is 'All that glitters'.

We are sponsored this week by:

with a gift pack as the prize.

Our regular monthly sponsor is:
with a £10 voucher to spend in the shop.

Now I know a lot of you will use this as an excuse to make a Christmas card, I can't do that - it's not December!

So here is my glittery but not Christmassy card:

Front shot:

Close up of image:

The arty farty:

Trying to show the glitter - does it work?

I used:

Digi image:
Emma Canning: Flatfriend - Birthday Wishes

First Edition - Summer Breeze (again!!)

Memory Box - simple banner and Macarena corner
I'll get back to you about the border - I can't remember!

Anything else?
Glamour dust
flat back pearls from my stuff

We are now on the countdown back to school - will be nice to get my craft time back!  Although, in all honesty, it's been a very nice week off.  We've all managed to enjoy ourselves and I'm almost sad to see school go back (for once!!).

Have a good weekend all and I'll see you next week.


A challenge, or two:

Sketch n Stash: Challenge 99 - The only new things on this are are the digi and the simple banner die - everything else I've had from a few months to more like 6 or 12 months!!

Stampin for the Weekend: Challenge 20 - Anything goes.

Card Makin Mamas: Anything goes.

Fussy and Fancy: Challenge 75 - Pearls and Flowers.


Caroline said...

I can see the gitter. Gorgeous card I love the image which is coloured so beautifully and the layout is fabulous. Caroline xxxx

Doreen said...

Beautiful card,love the image,fabulous colours and

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Sarah, I love the image and your colouring is fabulous

Hugs Sue

catherine said...

I think it glitters beautifully Sarah. Did you see my surprise news then!!Have a great weekend and soon be back to school for us all
x catherine

Judith said...

yes I can see it! - it's definitely there, love this image Sarah and great layout too - have a fab weekend hugs judith x

Wendy said...

This is gorgeous Sarah, love the image, fabulous colouring & layout.
Wendy xx

mixamatoasties said...

Fab card Sarah, although I did think the lady was nekkid under that cake but I can see some straps ;)

I bought that banner last week. Haven't used it yet though!

Susan x

Sue B said...

Ooh this is gorgeous Sarah… really love the image and the scrummy papers… and the bunting… it's a fab card!
Sorry I am such a bad blogger lately!
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Big Hugs
Sue xx

Faye said...

I can see it and I love it! I'm loving these flat friend images, I think I might need me some. X

Karen P said...

I didn't see this image on Polka Doodles - she's a gorgeous image! The glitter is lovely and I love how you've coloured her in - such a beautiful card Karen x

Little K Smith said...

This is gorgeous Sarah, I love the fab layout and lovely colours!
Enjoy what's left of the hols, it's gone way too quick! ;D

coops said...

so stunning sarah.i love your image and design and fabulous sparkle :D

xx coops xx

scrappymo! said...

I can see the glitter and it looks great! Lovely the image and the banner and swirly corner embelly!

PS I will be featuring your card tomorrow night on my blog...I think it will be Monday your time!

Ally said...

Hi Sarah
Your card is so sweet and I am very pleased that you entered it over at Sketch N Stash this time! Thans so much for joining us.
And then I realised that I wasn't yet a follower of yur gorg creations, so sorry!!! I thought I were but couldn't find me in your list of I just became one and the problem is solved now, tee hee!
xoxo, Alessandra

scrappymo! said...

Back again...We have the wee litle tubes of mini smarties...
Generally smarties come in a retangular cardboard box. But at halloween you can get min sized versions of the boxes. They are sold in huge bags of 120 chocolate bars.
The huge bag will usually contain 4 different types of bars. Smarties, Kitkats, Coffee crisps and Aero bars. Each bar is about 1/4 the size of a regular sized bar.

But just to confuse the issue, smarties are also available in full size rations but sold in a bag. The bag is the same size as a regular chocolate bar...just sort of a foil type bag...
Too much choice!!! teehee

Soon as I do the paperwork for DH today (uggggh), I will be writing the post to feature my glorious card!!!

Rachel said...

That image is fab Sarah! Love the papers you've used too. Hope you're having a lovely weekend. Wedgie xxx

Fiona said...

fab card Sarah, love the image and you have made a great job of the colouring...


Wishcraft said...

This is really pretty Sarah. Fab image and I love these papers :o)

I'm not getting on too well with the copics myself yet, but I'm hoping to improve with lots of practise! Hugs, Lisa x

Julie said...

Fab card - don't you just hate it when you'e made a card all lovely and glittery and the camera just doesn't pick it up as well as you hoped!

Thanks for joining us at Stampin' for the Weekend for our Anything Goes challenge.



DesignerDiva said...

I love your sweet card Sarah, and I love those papers so you can use them as much as you for me!! Fab design Hunny and the flourish is cool in the corner!
HUgs Laurie x

Faye said...

Yuh-huh! After eight mints are the perfect cure! Thanks for the really lovely comment. X

Jenny said...

Gorgeous sparkle. I can see that no problems! x

Anonymous said...

Yes!! YES!!! I do see the glitter!! Sometimes it's so hard to capture it in a photo!! Really sweet design and image!! I love it! Thanks for sharing your creation with us over at Fussy and Fancy Fridays ! Hope you will join us again!! Smiles and Hugs - *Vicki* ~ DT member

Natali said...

Beautiful card. Love these elegant colour you choose. Gorgeous layers and image.

Evelina Wikberg said...

Lovely. And love the papers and detail. Fab!Thanks for joining us over at CMM. Hugs Eva xx.

Unknown said...

I've only just seen this sorry - been a bit bed bound over the last few days with a nasty bug - this put the smile right back on my face :-)

Absolutely love this card - you have such a beautiful style and I always love your colours and papers soooo much x x x