
Monday 26 November 2012

Cutie anyone?

Hello blogworld

Oh dear Monday morning, again!, where is the year running off to - can anyone get it to stop, please!!!

On a brighter note Monday does mean it's a new challenge over at The Cutie Pies - with the challenge this time to use a doily somewhere on your entry.  Easy, eh!  Hopefully we won't stump you this time as we did for the last - Cream and Brown Christmas really didn't seem to be your cup of tea at all.

This challenge we are sponsored by the pure cuteness that is:

and there is a fab prize on offer.  The DT were very kindly allowed to pick an image to use and this is my creation.

Now before you go too far I would just like to say that I was experimenting with pinks when I coloured this (it's the only thing that disappoints me with Promarkers - the pinks, they could really do with more).  I also picked the wrong greys - so bearing that in mind, apart from that I quite like it!!!

Here you go, bet you don't see a pink bear all that often!! :

Apologies also for the very poor picture - I took it on a day when we had just buckets of rain and its' the first time I couldn't find enough light to get my light box to work!  Hence the view of my window in the background!!

I used:

Digi Stamp:
Pink Gem - Fairy Teddy
coloured with my Promarkers

Nestie for the image
Memory Box - simple picket fence

First Edition - Bird Song

Anything else?
The doily - of course! - and pom-pom trim: from my stuff
Craftwork cards - sentiment
Glamour dust on wings and stars

 Looking forward to seeing all your cutest projects for the new challenge.

Oh, before I go - another anecdote from SHMbO - we went Christmas shopping yesterday.  Wandered around a wild and windy Skegness for a couple of hours and by the time we'd been in a number of shops I'd had to get her to put things back quite a bit.  I said, each time, Emily it's coming up for Christmas - put it on your list and if you are a good girl Father Christmas might bring it for you.

Well she picked up another little toy and I started with the 'put it back' routine, but before I got a chance to finish madam puts it back and says' I know, put it on the list!' - what a little terror, eh!!

On that note, I'm off!


A challenge, or two:

Allsorts: Week 182 - Bring on the bling

Eclectic Ellapu: Challenge #7 - Celebration with sparkle


Caroline said...

Beautiful card Sarah the image is so cute and the layout and colours are fabulous. Don't know where the year has gone. Caroline xxx

Doreen said...

Beautiful card,love the image and fab

Jo said...

Hi Sarah, that pink bear is so cute & the pom pom trim is fab! I agree with you about the promarkers.....don't like the pinks much at all....other than that I love 'em! Am just trying Spectrum Noirs at moment but find they bleed bit too much.....oh, well....any excuse to practise colouring! Bet Little Miss is getting excited.....not too many more sleeps....happy days!
Hugs Jo x

Christine L said...


Gorgeous little cutie... and i'm talking about the card not your daughter! LOL

There are certain promarker pinks that I go back to over and over.. I love blossom.. but you're right.. Copics have a bigger range!

Christine x

Sue said...

This is gorgeous Sarah, I love that cute image and your colouring looks fabulous. That's really pretty paper too.
Another one here agreeing about the pink Promarkers, I find them hard to match to certain papers.

Hugs Sue

Karen P said...

out of the mouth of babes lol. super cute image, beautifully coloured and the details are fab xx

Pink Dandelion said...

Super card Sarah. That's the sort of thing my Emily would have said, along with the hands on the hips and the stare. Debs xx

Debs said...

Super cute card Sarah - love that sweet image and fab die cuts.
I too agree about the pink PM's - and I think Santa might be bringing me Copics - but only if I'm a good girl though - what's the chances???
Enjoy your evening.
Debs xx

Crafty Moone Cards said...

Beautiful card Sarah. x

Jenny said...

Hi Newest follower :) Love your pink bear - what a cutie <3 Jen xx

nnalorac said...

Adorable card Sarah, lovely colour combo and love the image. Carolxx

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.i love your pretty pink bear and your colours are beautiful :D

xx coops xx

Anita said...

this is so pretty and I love the little pink bear!

Chris said...

Aaahh, this really is a cutie! That pink bear is sooo sweet! The colouring looks great (and i think the pinks look fine!!)

June Nelson said...

Morning Sarah, thats such a cute image sweetie, and the pink is gorgeous, well it would be being my fav colour lol, just fabulous shug love it big huggies June xxxx

DesignerDiva said...

LOL I love the anecdotes of SWMBO this one is a cracker aa is your fabulous pink bear - love it Sarah it is soooooo cute!
Hugs Laurie xx

Laurian said...

I love your pink bear Sarah, I understand your frustration with Promarkers I could do with about six more shades. Your design is gorgeous by the way!
Thanks for joining us at Eclectic Ellapu this week and I hope we'll see you again soon!

Wishcraft said...

Aww I love your cute bear Sarah! Such a pretty card. I know what you mean about promarkers... I like the colours in copics so far, but I need LOTS more ;o) Hugs, Lisa x

Elizabeth said...

Super cute card! Love the image and your fab design! Hugs, Elizabeth