
Wednesday 18 April 2012

A post - for me!

Hello blogworld!!

Well doesn't this feel strange, a post that's for a card that I made just for me to join in a challenge or two - not for a Design Team!

I am still struggling to find some sort of inspiration, but at least now I have some time back!  I forget, now that Emily has been at school for nearly a year, just how much time she needs when she is at home.  I really didn't get two minutes to myself for the last two weeks - so had to surf and craft in the evening!  Poor Hubby was complaining quite bitterly that I spent all evening either on the computer or making cards!!

Didn't help either that most of the last two weeks were a wash out!  Not much fun for Emily being stuck indoors with Mummy and Daddy nearly every day.  Still we made a couple of days out, saw some friends and went swimming, and now she has happily trotted back off to school - it's still raining though!!!

Anyhoo, enough waffle (bet that's not something you've been missing eh!  Had to keep my recent posts short and sweet) and onto card.

So this one isn't too bad, but there were a couple of bo-bos on the way - please close your eyes to the spot of glue.  It will dry and disappear, but hadn't when I took the pics.  I've got to take the pics now as I'm trying to join in with The Sugar Bowl - first one I've made in about 4 weeks!!!

Here you go, whaddya think?

Front shot:

Detail shot of image:
 I used:

Stamp: Sugar Nellie - Cherry Pip, coloured with my Promarkers then chalked whilst still in the die, for definition.  (I do wish some of these dies were slightly larger and had smaller gaps between the layers then I would be able to matt and layer.)
Papers: Docrafts, Andrea Jayne - Tulip 
Kort & Godt for half pearls
Ribbon from my stuff
My card blank

And finally, can I share one funny story before I go link up to the challenge and then do the dishes? Emily's class had obviously been learning about Easter and the reason for it before the school break as at dinner one day she suddenly said - "we've been learning all about Jesus."  "That's nice" I said "and what do you know about him?"  "Well", the reply came, "he was born, grew up and died!"  "Is that all?", asked Daddy.

"Well no", came the reply, "he had a lovely Easter as well"!!!



A challenge, or two:

The Sugar Bowl: Challenge 81 - Gayle's Sketch (took the option of stripes)

Stamp with fun: Challenge #157 - Favourite colours, (mine are combinations of green & pink & blue)


Doreen said...

This is just gorgeous Sarah,love the image and fabulous

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Sarah she is such a cutie! Love the colour tones and the layout :)

Kim said...

Beautiful card Sarah, love the image! Papers are pretty too. Your daughter sounds very funny, that is a great age, you never know what they will say!

judit said...

A lovely Easter lol. Love the card, the colouring and the colours are fab! judit x

catherine said...

This is a super card Sarah and love the colours you have used. I know what you mean about timescales whilst the kids are on holiday!!
Don't kids say the funniest of things - I had a chuckle with yours
x catherine

Lily Anuska said...

Very cute image Sarah. Wonderful card. It is never boring with your daughter. Have a nice day. Lily

Karen P said...

Hi sweetie, please don't fret about not be able to get to our blogs as much - real life gets in the way for all of us! It's wonderful what children say - it is always so perfectly right they get to the point much quicker and clearer than we do.
Beautiful card hun, wonderful colouring and I couldn't find any spot of glue! speak soon Karen x

Catherine said...

This is so cute, love the colours...

Wendy Fraser said...

Such a pretty card and such a funny story! Robbie makes me laugh all the time, oh to be 5 again! xx

Kathleen said...

Hi Sarah, lovely to get your waffle again, been missing it lol! Cute card, love the image and the soft vintage colours, gorgeous!
Right! The trick to matting and layering nesties is to die cut one out, the take the same size die lay it with cutting side up on the card you wish to use for your mat, draw round the outside of it with a pencil, cut it out and voila! Perfect mat!
Hope that helps
Love and hugs
Kat xx

Anita said...

Sarah, this is so pretty. You've used one of my favorite little Pips too :) So glad you got a chance to play just for fun.

Jo said...

Hi Sarah, fabby card, gorgeous image, colour combo and your colouring is awesome!Don't kids come out with some crackers,love how they make us laugh......Emily sound great fun!
Hugs Jo x

Mel said...

Ohh Honey
Your Emily is a star! She is just lovely and so like my nephew! They are so serious when they telly you something and its hard to not laugh!

Adore your wee card! Your mojo seems perfect to me! Image so cut and colours lovely!
Hugs Melly xxx

Wendy said...

Hi Sarah...your funny story did make me smile, its so sweet what They come out with.
Love your pretty card, that image is adorable and coloured beautifully.
Enjoy your quiet time with Emily back at school, I still have a poorly Katie at home with a bad chest infection and now on second lot of antibiotics.
Wendy xx

Anonymous said...

A gorgeous card and thanks for sharing Emily's story, it really made me chuckle!
Helen x

Wishcraft said...

Gorgeous card Sarah, love how you've coloured that cute image. I've got this one, but I don't remember using her... maybe she'll be on next Wednesday's card :o)

It's so sad about Thomas - I was in the same online antenatal group (you know, those parenting site things) as his mum, there were just a couple of weeks between him and Dex... Dex doesn't really do cuddles but he's had to put up with a few tonight! Hugs, Lisa x

Berry said...

Lol at Emily she is so funny they are such characters! Caleb says all sorts of funny stuff.
I also cannot remember the last time I made a card that wasn't a DT creation! Maybe I should think about limiting my DT work!
Your card is so cute love that sweet image
Hugs rebekah xx

DesignerDiva said...

Really pretty card Sarah and I can't see a glue spot - and I looked hard!
Children say the funniest things, mine are grown up now I'm waiting for Grandchildren!
Laurie xx

Brenda Brown said...

A really cute card Sarah, love the colours.
Out of the mouths of babes they say. I love their little comments.
Hope your week is going well.
hugs {brenda} xox

coops said...

beautiful card sarah.i love the gorgeous pip and your soft colours are stunning ;D
lol at emily,kids say the most funny things.

xx coops xx

Faye said...

Cooooooooeeeey! Long time no see! Sorry about that. Loving this just for me card. Soft and feminine and really rather pretty. Mwah. Right, back to the boxes. xx said...

Sarah this is lovely such a sweet image. Alison xxx

Arabella said...

This is just lovely Sarah! Gorgeous soft colours! Lol! Your Emily sounds like a riot!


Christine L said...

Hi Sarah.

Gorgeous card.. I love cherry pip.... And you've coloured her so well... Love your layout too!

And your story about Jesus made me smile!

Christine x

Sue B said...

Aww this is really sweet Sarah! I love this adorable image and you've coloured her to perfection! The papers are gorgeous and I love the delish border and pearls - it's a really cute card!
Aww Emily sounds adorable!! they do come out with some amazing things when they are little! LOL
Hugs Sue xx

xxxtglxxx said...

LOL!! your post really made me laugh - lovely easter!! :D

Now I love your card, and no matter how hard I tried I couldnt find the spot of glue - so it looks like you were right, it did dry off after all! ;)

Cute image, fab colouring and sooooo sweet!



PS. I do both FB and twitter, but they are different things to different people and there is never any cross over from one existence to the other! ;)

You are right though - pc's and the internet are time-bandits!

Desire Fourie said...

This is lovely. Great design and beautiful image.

Unknown said...

Hi Sarah,
what a pretty image isnt she lovely. What a gorgeous card, well done
I am just catching up viewing as I have been poorly, feeling much better now and will be posting soon.
You have been making some fabulous cards since I have been away
well done Hugs Elaine

Pink Dandelion said...

Hi Sarah, you waffle away, I love reading your posts. Smashing card, great image beautifully coloured. Good luck in the challenges. Debs xx

mixamatoasties said...

Gorgeous card Sarah!

Wee tip on the nesties. Draw round the outside of the one that you just used to cut out your image and cut it out. I've only recently discovered this and love doing it :)

Did you notice the swirl on tomorrow's card?!


Sonja said...

Very cute card! Thanks for joining us at Stamp with fun this week.
