
Monday 25 June 2012

21 again!

Oh how I wish!  Tho, maybe not I had a lot going on when I was 21 - I think 28 was a better year for me.

Hello blogworld

So what's 21 got to do with anything?  Well it is the new challenge number over at The Cutie Pies and this time we'd like to see your boys cards as the challenge is 'One for the Boys'.

Our sponsor is:

And there is also a fab stamp prize up for grabs - pop over and check it out!

This is the card I made:

Front shot:

Detail of image:

I used:

The Greeting Farm: Oliver and Amelia - Surprise, coloured with my Promarkers


K & Co: Hopscotch Boy

Anything else:
Craftwork Cards - sentiment
twine and eyelets - from my stuff

I'm sure that you'll all be pleased to know the party went off well, I'll be back later in the week with a full news bulletin!

Oh and I've noticed I appear to have lost a follower - obviously my waffle has put someone off!!!

Cheerio for now,

A challenge, or two:

Sketch n Stash: Challenge 90 - free choice, I chose sketch 52

Here come the boys: Metal and/or embossing - now feel free to remove me if you need to, as I'm not sure if I completely stuck to the spirit of the challenge.  The only metal I've used is in the eyelets - is that OK?  If not, strike me off - and don't worry about it!!


Unknown said...

Such a pretty card Sarah, sweet image, love the papers! Jo xxx

Doreen said...

This is just gorgeous Sarah,love the image....fab

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Sarah, such a lovely image and fabby colours
Glad the party went o.k. Looking forward to hearing more about it. I definitely enjoy your 'waffle' so keep it up because you always make me smile!!

Hugs Sue

Caroline said...

Morning Sarah just found your blog and your card's are gorgeous love this card gorgeous image and fabulous colours. Have a great day and glad the party went ok you made me smile. Caroline xxx

Christine L said...

Hi Sarah.... love this fab boys card! Perfect colouring and such a lovely design too!

Christine x

Tracey T said...

The colours in your card are just perfect for a boy and I love the image - cute but not too cute! Hugs, Tracey xx

DesignerDiva said...

Love your little man Sarah and I hate it when I lose a follower - I can't help it I take it personally lol their loss though
Hope we get to see some pics from the party
Laurie xx

Wendy Fraser said...

Love it! xx

catherine said...

Fantastic card Sarah and super colours. So glad the party went well and you survived. Hope Emily had a fab time and lots of nice pressies!!
x catherine

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.i love your colours and stunning sweet image :D

xx coops xx

Anonymous said...

A fabulous card Sarah and so glad your party went well!
Helen x

Anne-Marie said...

Well, it's not me.....I'm still here, 'cos your waffle is fun....and I can pinch ideas off you...haaaa!
Love, love the card.....any one of my grandsons would love it....well done!

Jo said...

Fab card, Sarah, great image & papers.You've not lost hearing your stories.....always makes me smile!Glad to hear party went well....can't wait to hear more!And no, don't think I'd want to be 21 again either!
Hugs Jo x

mixamatoasties said...

That's fab Sarah.

I'll let you know what it's like when I get to 21 ;)

Susan xx

Carol said...

Cute card Sarah, love the papers. Carol x

Karen P said...

love that stamp hun! sorry to say you're stuck with me and never ever stop the waffle - i love it - makes me smile! also could be blogger is up to its usual tricks - i regularly loose one follower one day and then the next day she's back lol Karen x

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Sarah this is adorable! What a cute image and I love those bright papers :)

debby4000 said...

Love your sweet card.

McCrafty's Cards said...

Gorgeous card Sarah, I like the image and the colours, Thanks for joining in with us at Sketch N Stash, Good luck.
Kevin xx

Julie C. said...

Hi Sarah, Long time no see! Your card is so cute and lovely as usual. I am being too lazy to blog these days but still makes cards. Getting hooked on using beads to make charms and key rings now. I have photographed every thing and just need to find the time and energy to post and share it with somebody!! Hope you are well and I will come and visit you again. You don't get rid of me that easy!! Hee hee! ^_^

Sue B said...

Aww this is fab Sarah! what a cute image and you've coloured him beautifully! Love the scrummy papers!
Hope you have a lovely day!
Big Hugs
Sue xx

Unknown said...

What a fab boys card Love that image and the backing paper well done Sarah Hugs Elaine

Sarah-Jane said...

Great card Sarah. I like the papers.
Sarah-Jane xx

Wishcraft said...

Fab card Sarah :o) Love the image, he's so cute - great colouring too. 21 was a bit rubbish for me too, don't think I'd choose to go back! Hugs, Lisa x

Faye said...

Bonjourno. Love the bright colours on a rather fabby make. Colours please for the hair? Mwah. xx

Vicky said...

Wow what a fun card for a boy, such bright colours

hugs Vicky x x x

Jill said...

such a cute card thanks for joining us at SNS hugs Jill xx