
Saturday 30 June 2012

Scallops, anyone?

Hello there blogworld

Here I am again, hopefully having finally caught up with all my commenting (am scheduling my post Friday evening fully intending to go visit everyone after doing this) and next week returns to normal in Chez Sarah - so I shouldn't get so far behind again.  For 16 days - then the school breaks up!!!!!!!

Anyhow - the real reason for the post is that it is a new challenge over at Sweet Stampin and this week we would like to see your 'scallops'.  Now I thought that I had plenty of stuff that I could use, but when I came to look I was short on scallops - I could only find one die so that got pressed into service.

We are sponsored this month by Joanna Sheen, with a £10 voucher:

Our weekly sponsor is Crafts and Me (who very kindly gave a choice of two digis to the Design Team to use)

This is my not very scallopey card:
Front shot:

Close up:

Afty farty side view:
I used:
Crafts and Me - Violet; coloured with my Pro and Flexmarkers

Die-namics - Open Scallop Edge
Memory Box - Valerian Flourish

six by six My Minds Eye - Paris & Co

Anything else?
Viva Pearls
wooden flower
ribbon (coloured with Promarker)
Craftwork Cards - sentiment

So hopefully sometime this weekend I might even get to share the pictures from Emily's birthday party. Oooooh and I might, just might, be going to the cinema on Monday - going to be a saddo and go on my own at 10.30 in the morning, I wanted to see Snow White and the Huntsman - nobody else does so I'm off on my todd!

Cheerio for now,

Finally, a challenge, or two:

Crafts and Me Challenges blog: Challenge #90 - Birthdays

Charisma Cardz Challenges: Challenge #25 - Anything Goes


Caroline said...

Hi Sarah gorgeous card the image is beautifully coloured loving the blue hair and the layout is superb. Have a great weekend. Caroline xxx

Doreen said...

This is gorgeous Sarah,fabulous image,colours and

Sue said...

Stunning card Sarah, the image is gorgeous and you have coloured her beautifully - especially loving that blue hair.
hope you have a fab weekend
Hugs Sue

Faye said...

Too cool for school, I love it. xx

Christine L said...

Hi Sarah

Gorgeous card.... love these Crafts and Me images and you're colouring is FAB!

Christine x

Kim said...

Gorgeous! Love the colors you chose and colored perfectly. All that hair intimidates me, hair coloring is not my best! Looking forward to seeing pictures of the birthday celebration!

Wishcraft said...

This is lovely Sarah :o) Your colouring is gorgeous and I love the papers you've used. Hugs, Lisa x

catherine said...

Fabulous card Sarah and love the colours. Hope you enjoy the film and will wait for the party photos. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend
x catherine

Wendy Fraser said...

Ooohhhhhh, just stunning! xx

Karen P said...

This is even more gorgeous in real life. The colouring is so fabulous, fantastic, awesome! I know because it's mine and it is truly beautiful! Karen x

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Absolutely gorgeous Sarah! Love it!

Warm hugs

Sue B said...

Wow! this is gorgeous Sarah! what a wonderful image and you've coloured her to perfection - I love her hair!! The papers and embellies are gorgeous!!
Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
Big Hugs
Sue xx

HelenR said...

Gorgeous card! Helen x

Anonymous said...

Totally fabulous, I love it!
Helen x

Flowergirl said...

Fantastic card Sarah! Gorgeous colours, love her blue hair!
Have a lovely weekend x
Wendy x

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.really stunning colours and image and your design is fab :D

xx coops xx

Unknown said...

Soooo sweet Sarah it's really pretty love the colours and image... Big hugs Jo xxxx

Kathleen said...

Its gorgeous Sarah! Love her blue hair! Brilliant colouring and I see just enough scallops to make it a scallopy card! Lol
I want to go see that film too,pity we didnt live closer I would have gone with you!
Kat xx

Unknown said...

Wow I was looking at these images yesterday , she is mesmerising what a fabulous card , great colouring too well done Sarah Hugs Elaine

Vicky said...

Lovely card, great vibrant colours, and oooh love the blue hair!!!

hugs Vicky x x x

Berry said...

Beautiful card Sarah stunning colours! hope all is well there hugs Rebekah xx

DesignerDiva said...

Sarah this is fabulous! I love the blue hair - I want to try that now lol Goodness know when I'll get a chance - maybe October!
Love your LOTV card below too Hunny
Hugs Laurie xx

♥Gemma♥ said...

I love it Sarah, great layout & you image is stunning n amazingly coloured too...

hugs and xxx

RoseC said...

Sarah, your lovely colored, blue haired Violet image looks fabulous on this great birthday card. So glad to see your entry at the Crafts and Me Stamps' digi team's Birthdays challenge. Hugz, ~ Rose

Blankina said...

I love your card, the image is great and your colouring and papers just beautiful.
Ciao Blankina

Natali said...

Oh so beautiful!! Paper choice, details and you colour this gorgeous image amazing!!

Jenny said...

Great image and I just love your choice of hair colour - fabulous! x

mandy said...

Lovely card Sarah, i'm loving the blue hair it's fab

Thanks for joining us at Charisma Cardz Challenges

Hugs Mandy xxx

Arabella said...

This is so beautiful Sarah! I love the blue and brown colour combo! I hope you enjoy the movie! I wish I could come with! I haven't seen it yet, but it looks good!


kavitha said...

Stunning card,love the hair color,i have never seen this before:))Thanks for joining our anything goes challenge at charisma!!