
Thursday 19 July 2012

All done

Hello blogworld

So that's it Year Reception all over and done and dusted for my little Emily - now we have the summer holidays before I have to think about her going on up to Year 1, properly 'at school' not learning through play anymore!

She was very good, up until bedtime anyway!!  Poor thing was tripped up by her best friend yesterday and sent home early from school with a lump the size of an egg on her forehead and managed to bash it again when I was washing her hair tonight.  Such wailing!  School told us how the accident happened, but she wouldn't drop her friend in it at all - absolutely insisted that he had nothing to do with it!

Right I'm aiming on an early night so I'll pop up the card and the final version of the flower bouquet then I'm off to bed.

I know I've got loads of comments to reply to, I'm catching up on my DT comments and then starting on personal comments - so I should be round to visit you all before the end of the weekend.  Thanks for all your patience and hopefully I'll be better soon.  

Oh and hello to my newest follower - thanks for following and hope you see something you like!

So card:
Front shot:

Close up of image:

Arty farty side shot:

I used:

Lili of the Valley - Milly Flower Power coloured with my Promarkers and Flexmarkers
Sentiment - combination of Lili of the Valley and Blonde Moments

First Edition - Boho Chic

Anything else?:
Buttons and pearls from stash

Shock horror - no dies!!!

Finished version of the paper flower bouquet:

Being held in my hand, to try and give size perspective:
I ended up making three of these, but they were all the same so I didn't see the point of showing all of them. Thank you all for your suggestions they were very helpful.  As you can see, I dropped the butterfly, green tissue paper wrapping and added the green base of the flowers and used 3 blooms in the posy.  They were very well received!!

So look out for me waffling on your blogs soon!


A challenge, or two:

Sketch Saturday - Week #216

Papertake Weekly - All things girlie


Anne-Marie said...

Don't you just love it when your teeny kiddles act all grown up? Poor lamb....hope the egg goes down fast!
Pretty the image, and that flower is about the size of the weeds in my back garden, with all this rain...haaa!
Love the look of your posie....I've been very worried about it...(;P) it!

Caroline said...

Gorgeous card love the image which you have coloured beautifully and the layout is fab. Love the flower bouquet it's gorgeous. Caroline xxx

Sue said...

Hello Sarah,
Your card is gorgeous, I love the image ( well it is LOTV so I would!. The way you have scattered the buttons and pearls looks really effective.
The flowers are so pretty too, I bet Emily enjoyed handing them out.

Bye for now..
Hugs Sue

Teresa said...

Beautiful card & Bouquet Sarah, hope you enjoy the holidays with your daughter and wishing her lots of luck at her new school come September. xxx

Little K Smith said...

Aw a gorgeous card Sarah, adore the cute image and what a fabulous bouquet too!
Hope Emily's ok :)

Doreen said...

This is Gorgeous Sarah,love the image and fabulous layout.... Love the bouquet. xxx

Wendy said...

oh poor Emily, hope the bump soon settles down.where did that year go, only feels like yesterday I was reading about her starting school.
Your card is adorable and so gorgeous Sarah, love the buttons & pearls.
Wendy xx

Wendy said...

Sorry Sarah, forgot to say love your gorgeous flower bouquet too, such a lovely idea.
Wendy xx

Tracey T said...

The bouquets have worked out beautifully, haven't they? So pretty - I bet Emily's teacher were delighted with them. The card is gorgeous, too. I love the colours. Sorry to hear that Emily has bumped her head; I've got a photo of Gregor when he was little which shows a huge bruise on his forehead after he'd bumped into the table. I was convinced for days that social services were going to come knocking! Hugs, Tracey x

mixamatoasties said...

Absolutely gorgeous Sarah!

Hope you had that early night. I was having one of them too. It appears to have failed so far...

Susan xx

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Love the beautiful card is so fun and cheery. And that bouquet is simply gorgeous! Loving all of those colours :D

Berry said...

Reception all over! Scary isn't it! caleb has 3 days left of reception he wants to go to year 1 now! I love your card and the flowers so cute! Sorry to hear about Emily's bump, Caleb got one on the back of his head yesterday too!
Hugs rebekah xx

Kim said...

Great card, love the bouquets! How fun. Your coloring is beautiful!
Hope your little one heals fast, poor baby.

scrappymo! said...

Hop[e Emily heals quickly! I am dying to see the complete inside of the card. Little Miss C goes up to First Grade in September, as well.

Her printing just cracks me up. She is a good student but her printin is crazy! They do not stress straight lines or printing all the letters the same size here.

The emphasis is on being creative, spelling phoenectically (sp??!!)
and being creative.

I am old...I grew up with penmanship lessons, etc. My writing has become atrocious over the years...but at one time it was just fine.

I wondered what the printing expectation style in England is for Kindies...I'm just nosy like that.

Natali said...

Beautiful card Sarah. Love pastels colours on your cards. So lovely and gentle.

Christine L said...

Hi Sarah..... fabulous bright and cheerful card.... gorgeous LOTV image and perfectly coloured too. And I love your flower posies .... I think they'll be loved by the teachers.

Sounds like your little one has a strong sense of loyalty.... hope that bump doesn't cause much pain!

Christine x

Always with a Sentiment said...

Hello Sarah. How pretty is this. Lovely image, such a lovely colour and pretty design.
Love Sandra xxx

Hanna said...

Hello Sarah!

Just found your blog, and your creations are AMAZING.
I adore everything I see here on your inspiring blog, you are incredibly talented!

I'm totally in love with this card, it's so cute! The image is beautifully coloured and the buttondesign makes the card even more adorable. It's too cute for words!

Your flower bouquet is very impressive!! What a masterpiece! You've done a fabulous work with it!

Have a nice day

Karen P said...

Fab card and wonderful posie - i bet they really did love them as it's such a thoughtful gift. don't fret about keeping up with your comments, just do it when you can. i'm sure other bloggers have young one's and know what it's like. poor little mite i hope her head doesn't hurt today Karen x

catherine said...

This is a super card Sarah and great image. love the flowers . Hope Emily's little head is better. Sounds like she has been in the wars a bit. Have a good weekend. I'm taking two girls to Leeds tommorrow as they turn 13 and want to go shopping. This you have to look forward too!!!
x catherine

Anonymous said...

A gorgeous card and beautiful flowers Sarah, I do hope Emily's poorly head is better soon!
Helen x

coops said...

so stunning sarah.i love the image and gorgeous pretty colours and design and your flower bouquet is really gorgeous :D

xx coops xx

Inkypinkydelights said...

Great card! Love the bouquets! Have a lovely weekend, Judy x

Faye said...

What cuteness. I love yellow, so this is a winner for me. xx

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

A really adorable card, I love the sweet image and the layout is gorgeous too, loving the flower bouquet too, how gorgeous is that. I hope Emily's head gets better soon and you both enjoy the holidays together, I too am still trying to get caught up on my commenting with a ways to go as yet lol (not enough hours in the day)
Lindsay xx

Jo said...

Hi Sarah, hope poor Emily's head doesn't hurt too much! No more reception.....eek!....that's a scary thought isn't it? The card is so pretty, fab image and the bouquet is just gorgeous! Hope you're weekends going well!
Hugs Jo x

Rachel said...

I love all those buttons! Fab card...its sooo pretty! Wedgie xxx

Unknown said...

Sarah this is just gorgeous , I can see Emily's writing inside how sweet, fabulous card well done Hugs Elaine