
Saturday 28 July 2012

Help I'm trapped in a Christmas card factory

rescue me someone!!

Hello blogworld,

I'm now having the whip cracked over me by the wonderful ladies who run the shop over at Sweet Stampin  to make another Christmas card as this week's theme is Christmas in July.

I think this must be the first time I've ever made two Christmas cards this early in the year - honestly as far as I know Christmas starts1st December no earlier.  I'm sticking to that and not making another Christmas card now until the 1st of December.

So all moaning aside we've got two fab sponsors:

For the monthly prize it's the wonderfulness that is:

For the weekly prize it's the total cuteness of:

Want to see what I came up with?  This is it:

Front shot:

Detail of image:

 Arty farty side shot:

Detail of Glamour Dust on her coat and the floor:

I used:

Digital stamp:
Di's Digi Downloads - Shopping Spree
coloured with my Promarkers

Nestie Label

crate paper - Peppermint collection

Anything else:
Ribbons and fabric stars
Glamour Dust

So there you go my last Christmas card for a few months!  Looking forward though to seeing all the snowy, Christmassy, beautiful creations that you make.


A challenge, or two:

Crafty Catz Weekly Challenge: Challenge 143 - All that glitters

Cardmadfairy's Digi Days Challenge: Challenge 38 - Christmas in July


Doreen said...

This is Gorgeous Sarah,fabulous image...lovely colours and

Sue said...

Hello Sarah,
Your card is gorgeous, I love the sweet image and beautiful colours. Fab layout too.

I hope you have a good weekend
Hugs Sue

Wendy said...

Gorgeous Christmas card Sarah, love the sweet image and just think you are now 2 down on your Christmas list lol.
I am really bad at starting Christmas cards and always leave it to late.
Enjoy the weekend.
Wendy xx

Anita said...

A beautiful Christmas card Sarah and that image is just adorable. Thank you so much for the bday card too ;)

catherine said...

Firstly this is a super xmas card Sarah and great image with the colours.
Secondly I bet we see some more before the beg of Dec!!!
Just give in and at least it won't be such a mad rush nearer the time.
Hope your having a great weekend and Emily is enjoying her school holidays
x catherine

Sue B said...

Aww this is gorgeous Sarah! what a fab image… I love her sparkly fur trims! Love the scrummy papers and ribbons!!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Big Hugs
Sue xx

coops said...

aw so gorgeous sarah.the image is really sweet and i love your papers ;D

xx coops xx

Jo said...

Fab card, Sarah, cute her fur trimmed coat! Hope Emily is enjoying the holidays!Bit cooler here today, thank goodness, been waaay too hot for me so i've been making Christmas becoming ever so slightly obsessed......should i be worried????
Hugs Jo x

Karen P said...

gorgeous and beautifully coloured Sarah. one more Xmas card hey? hehehe lol! Karen x

Wishcraft said...

Gorgeous card Sarah :o) Love that cute image and your fab colouring. I've made quite a few Christmas cards this month - all because I 'had' to, but at least I've got a few done. I suppose I'll appreciate that in December! Hugs, Lisa x

scrappymo! said...

Cute, cute, cute. I love that shimmer on the white trim.

Debbie said...

Lovely card this fab image.
Hugs Debbie x

Anonymous said...

Love that fab image Sarah, I really should start my christmas cards too!
Helen x

Gillian said...

Gorgeous card, the image detail shows up your fabulous colouring,the 'arty farty' shot shows up the excellent backing papers and the close up highlights your clever use of glamour dust. Overall a triumph, thanks for sharing with the Cardmadfairy. Hugs Gillian x.

Kim said...

gorgeous Christmas card! I know what you mean about making them at this time of year though! thanks for joining us at CraftyCatz.
Kim x

Natali said...

)))) lol (open some secret for you: in Russia Christmas is in 6 January ))) but I also have to do card now )))
Beautiful card and sweet image with lovely traditional Christmas colour.
Love glitter details.

chanya13 said...

Beautiful card, lovely image

Jenny said...

What a happy fun Christmas image this is. Love it! hugs x

Plastic Card said...

Stunning card. So lovely design. I like the colors you have used and that image is super cute. Thanks for sharing.

Plastic cards said...

Don`t seems that you need any help.....perfect designs for the occasion with eye pleasing shades making it more adorable....