
Wednesday 18 July 2012

Quickity, quick, quick, quick

Hello blogworld,

Last day of school tomorrow, one more card to make, paper bouquets to finish, presents to wrap and I'm off to T'ai Chi shortly and I've bread rising that needs to be made into rolls. 

So no waffle today, just cards.  Oooh and kittens!  We still aren't back in the dining room, but I've managed to make the mess even messier so I could get to my stamps and Promarkers (I was just fading away without making cards, honestly I was guv'nor).  I'm working on  my mat with no space anywhere else and I'm having to carefully step over boxes and around tables to get in and out.  No worse than usual then!!!

So card:
Font shot:

Detail of image:

Of flowers (can you see that I've tried to give them dewdrops?):

Arty farty side image:
I used:

Lili of the Valley: Pom Pom - coloured with my Pro and Flexmarkers
Sentiment set 9 - chalked

Memory Box - Bubble Daisy Border

Melissa Frances - 5th Avenue (it's beautiful, was a real struggle to cut into it!!)

Anything else?
Wild Orchid Crafts - Flowers
K & Co - tag (it was part of a 1500 piece scrapbook kit I've had for years and re-discovered when we moved everything for kittens)
Anita's 3d gloss

Now kittens - deep breath and awwww!!!!   No eyes open yet, but sure it will be soon.

A challenge, or two (then I'm going):

Lili's Little Fairies: Pretty in Pink

Stampin' for the Weekend: Challenge 13 - Tags

Sketch N Stash - Challenge 92


Tracey T said...

Awww, so cute... the card and the kittens! Love your LOTV card - she's one of my favourite images and you've coloured her perfectly. Hugs, Tracey xx

Flowergirl said...

Arr! Gorgeous kittens!
Beautiful card too, love those papers and your border die is very pretty x
Wendy x

Berry said...

Love love love! I am so busy myself (should be in bath not on here lol!) mine are still in school until next tues (phew) but have 2 cards to do today so need to get on top asap! The kittens are just too too cute but my Nikita would have a tonne of fun with them! Your card is lovely the tag is fab, wonder what I would discover if I moved everything, loots of unused stamps I bet! Hugs rebekah xx

Sue said...

AWWWWWWWWWW I want one of those kittens!! They are just so cute.

Anyway, hello Sarah! Your card is gorgeous, I love the LOTV image and the colours are so pretty.

Oh and thanks so much for taking part in the Sketch and Stash challenge.

Bye for now..
Hugs Sue

Caroline said...

I Lovvvveeeee the kittens they are gorgeous bless them. Anyway gorgeous card love the image which is coloured beautifully and the layout is fabulous. Take care. Caroline xxx

Karen P said...

gorgeous card Sarah, with my all time favourite LOTV stamp! beautiful details too hun! the kittens - ooo love them so cute! Karen x

Anne-Marie said...

Now, c'mon.....'fess up....did those dewdrops fall off your ikkle nose?....haaa!
Beautiful card (in spite of dubious dewdrops), and I am a big fan of that sweet image...beautifully coloured up btw!
Gorgeous kitties, and I still think you should be a grandma to 'em!

catherine said...

This is a lovely card Sarah and such lovely soft colours. Glad you have retrieved some of your crafting stash and hope you get all your gifts finished.
The kittens are so cute.
x catherine

DesignerDiva said...

OMG! Have I been under a rock! I can't believe I have missed so much over here Sarah, I'm really sorry, work kinda gets in the way now till September.
I've just had a good look around and you have made some beautiful cards, the kittens are super cute, how on earth do you eat off your dining table and the paper flowers are gorgeous! and breathe!!
Hugs Laurie xx

Janet - aka stacky said...

The kittens are soooooo adorable x
I love your card the image is lovely and so is your colouring, thank you for joining in the fun with us at sketch n stash, good luck xx

Anonymous said...

A beautiful card Sarah but those gorgeous kittens have stolen the show I'm afraid!
Helen x

Christine L said...

Gorgeous card Sarah.. And yes I can see your dewdrops!


Christine x

mixamatoasties said...

Lovely! I love Pom Pom Fairy. I haven't used her in a very long time.

Susan xx

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Such a cute card but those kittens!! Ahhhh - adorable!!! hehehehe. Love this! :D

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.your soft colours are beautiful and i love the image and awwwww the kittens are even cuter than before.

xx coops xx

Wishcraft said...

Aww they're adorable Sarah... want one!

Love your card, one of my fave images (although I've not used her for ages - typical me!), pretty papers too :o)

Re the Fizzy Moon stamps - yes, I've found the same too... if you rub over them with a rubber before you ink them up that should help, or if you're braver than me you could try lightly sanding them! Hugs, Lisa x

Sarah said...

SO Cute! I have a grey and white kitten almost just like the one in your photo! Well I say kitten because he is still only 2, but my goodness he is a big cat! Not fat like just tall, and long! He is so very athletic, and can jump so high. But when it comes to sleeping he wants to snuggle right up close to you, so close so that you almost cant breath! *sigh* they are still so cute when there young, hope that they open there eyes soon!

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Fab card, I love the image and the floral arrangement is gorgeous. And a very big AAAAAWWWWWWW! those piccies are just so gorgeous just want to cuddle them
Lindsay xx

♥Gemma♥ said...

Gorgeous card & such a cute photo of your kittens...

Thanks for joining us at sketch n stash & good luck :o)
hugs and xxx