
Thursday 25 October 2012

I think....

I hear my cross-stitch calling, the cards certainly are still not working for me!

Hello blogworld,

Well I'm still in a funk and I'm still not overly pleased with the cards at the mo.  I really don't seem to have recovered since the school holidays.

And as this is how I'm trying to work, I wonder whether it has a lot to do with it?

I'm sorry that there's not going to be a lot of chat right now - I'm in a bit of a rush, got to get SWMbO from school in 20 mins.  She went as Tinkerbell today!  The school is doing a fundraiser for Help the Heroes and they were allowed to dress as their heroes - she chose Tinkerbell.

Anyway, here is card:

Front shot:

Detail of image:

I used:

Stamping Bella - Uptown Girl Ava, loves to celebrate
coloured with my Promarkers and paper pieced (normally another big no, no - I must be feeling peculiar!)
Sentiment - Lili of the Valley

My Mind's Eye - Lost and Found two

Wot no?

Anything else?
Distress ink - spun sugar round the edges

All done,



A challenge, or two:

Cupcake Craft Challenges: Cupcake 215 - Pieced off

15 comments: said...

Lovely card Sarah, yes your desk looked like mine did before I had to tidy it as I have lost two pairs of craft scissors still not found them. Alison xxx

Caroline said...

Fabulous card Sarah love the image. Your desk looks a bit like mine. Caroline xxx

scrappymo! said...

I love the heroes day idea...what fun it must have been to see them all running in to the classroom!

OH have been busy...can't say my desk has not looked like that at times...hangs head in shame...but the good news all cleans up in no time...when you are ready!
I think that is the key.
If I try to clean up when i'm not ready, I just seem to make orderly piles of stuff. Lots of them!
If i am ready, I manage to actually put things away! LOL

Sarah-Jane said...

Totally gorgeous card Sarah. I love the image and the paper piecing.

MY craft area is the kitchen. Our very small round table is covered in my stuff. Can't remember the last time we sat at the table for a meal! I'm quite behind with my dt cards at the moment and I think it's because my craft space is a mess, and I have no motivation to tidy it! I am having a clear out of stash I don't use, so maybe that will help me.
Sarah-Jane xx

Natali said...

How I understand you Sarah... I also doing everything but only NO card... Dont know what heppend with me..

Your card gorgeous with this shaby chick style. Love how make dress. Gorgeous choice.

Christine L said...

I LOVE it Sarah.... always do with the Uptown Girls... and I don't know what you're worried about... all your cards lately have been fab!!

Only thing I'd be worried about is seeing your dining room table ever again... LOL!

Christine x

Karen P said...

Beautiful card Sarah, especially love the paper piecing! Have to admit I do have to start with a reasonably clear table/desk or I can't 'create'! Have a lovely weekend Karen x

mixamatoasties said...

And I thought my table was a mess *runs*

Your challenge and blog post have made me lol. You're not in a good mood are you? And you've entered pieced off....

Susan xx

Anonymous said...

A beautiful card Sarah and fabulous paper piecing...thanks for joining us at Cupcake!
Helen x

Brodders said...

A gorgeous card :) Thanks for joining us at CCC and good luck - Jane x

Keep It Sweet and Simple said...

Ha ha! That's what my desk is like :-)
Super cute card - love her pretty paper-pieced dress.
Caroline xxx

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

I think you card is beautiful, I love the pretty papers, lol my desk looks a bit like that too (in fact most of my house looks like that at moment lol) sorry for being a bit rubbish with my commenting lately, the time seems to be disappearing in the blink of an eye
Lindsay xx

Teresa - My Crafty Heart said...

Hi Sarah,
I found a few weeks back I couldn't find anything I really needed and wanted for my cards, my mojo was at a real low and a large "pile" was starting to "develop" to the left hand side of where I sat and made cards. Was everything I needed in this pile? Of course it was! You did make a lovely card though, what a wonderful image and I love her paper pieced dress too. Hugs, Teresa x

Wishcraft said...

I bet it is your work area that's affecting your mood... although there's honestly nothing wrong with your cards hun! I've got in a fairly good routine lately with tidying up my desk after each card, or at least before I start on the next one, and I feel so much happier about my crafting now I'm not surrounded by huge piles of 'stuff'... I know your table is a kitten-related issue though, so I hope you can get it back to normal soon!

Your card is lovely. I really love this image and that pretty paper is perfect for her dress :o) Hugs, Lisa x

PS. Boris is great... unbelievably naughty at times, but sooo cute and snuggly too!

Pink Dandelion said...

Smashing card Sarah, love the paper piecing. Ha Ha my table looks just like that, its a good job we only use it at Christmas. Debs xx