
Monday 5 November 2012

The things they say..

those little people, also known as children.

Hello blogworld

Just a quick one tonight as I'm away to my bed soon.  It's first day back at school after half-term and the getting up at 6am and being out by 8am has done for me today.

Firstly I'll share my card, like this:
Front shot:

Detail of image:

I used:

Sugar Nellie - Simply Sassy: Book club

Memory Box - Simple banner

Ummm can't quite remember - I'll check and get back to you

Anything else?
Craftwork Cards - card blank and sentiment
Rose ribbon - from my stuff

Secondly I'll share the story, like this:
And what did SHMbO say then?  Well as you no doubt are aware today is 5th November - variously known as Bonfire Night, Guy Fawkes Night, and that blooming night when our peace is shattered!
Well, they must've been talking about it at school because, as she was going to bed daddy asked what sort of day she'd had at school.  
"Oh OK", she replies
"was anything in particular really good?" continues daddy  
"well we learnt about some people, but you wouldn't know them" was the reply
"who were they then, and we'll see" replies daddy
"someone called Gay Forks and a lady called Grace Darling - she saved some people you know and she was only 10!"

Do you know we didn't even notice the Gay Forks - we were too busy congratulating ourselves that we knew who Grace Darling was and how she was the inspiration for the RNLI!!

Thirdly I'll say Night, night - back tomorrow when I'll link to some challenges.



Doreen said...

This is gorgeous Sarah,love the image and how you have coloured

Sue said...

LOL! Love your story Sarah, thanks for making me smile!
Your card is gorgeous, I love the pretty image and beautiful colours

hugs Sue

Anita said...

Beautiful card Sarah - love that cute image!

scrappymo! said...

Oh kids are so precious...It was the little conversations like this one you have described that made me want to start my blog...I will have to remember to record some more as they are so precious...and great fodder for a roast when they are adults!!! teehee

Your card is lovely...those roses are gorgeous!
PS every pearl and element on my card arrived intact...It was pristine...I am still drooling over the gorgeous weight of the British cards. If you ever come for a vacation to Canada, you will be shocked to feel the weight of what is sold as cards.

Caroline said...

Hi Sarah fabulous story made me chuckle. Love the card the image is coloured beautifully and I love the colours in your layout. Caroline xxx

debby4000 said...

Oh what a wonderful, cute card.

Kim said...

gorgeous card Sarah, love the image. Glad to know SHMBO has been learning history and about GayForks....! It's a joy really isn't it?! lol
Kim x

Christine L said...

Gorgeous card Sarah... fab image!

Your story made me chuckle and reminded me when my girls were young... my eldest came in after school one day and announced they were having 'horrible vegetable'.. and that we had to donate a tin or something... of course, we found out later it was Harvest Festival! Close huh??? LOL!

Christine x

Faye said...

Lol, brill story and a brill card! Lovely colours Sarah. X

catherine said...

Great story Sarah. Hope she settles well back into school - lots going on thios term for her!!
Great card and love the ribbon flower trim
x catherine

Karen P said...

love the idea of gay forks lol! be glad of no more fireworks it terrifies our little mutt!
reminds me of a two ronnies sketch DH loves!
have to admit had to look up grace darling - that is new to me!
georgeous card, super cute image! hopefully you can get back to your usual routine soon Karen x

Anonymous said...

Lol! A great story Sarah and a great card, love the ribbon roses!
Helen x

Sarah-Jane said...

Great card Sarah. Love the image and the gorgeous rose ribbon.

Kids do say some funny things don't they! Yesterday out walking with my two year old, she said to me 'mummy it's not working'. 'What isn't working Eve?'. 'The puddle'. She was trying to jump in a really tiny puddle!
Sarah-Jane xx

mixamatoasties said...

Gorgeous card.

Still haven't used that bunting die.... should go to the naughty step shouldn't I?!

Susan x

Gail said...

I adore this image. This is just too cute for words with her eyeglasses and adorable haircut. The card is cute, too. :) --Gail