
Friday 9 November 2012

what do you do....

when the daughter is at school and going to a friend's after school so you don't have to go and get her until nearly 5pm?

Hello blogworld

Well the answer is - spend the day surfing!!!  Oh dear, I'm terrible aren't I!  I have nearly a whole day to myself, a very unusual circumstance, and I'm wasting it surfing and doing nothing!

The housework is talking to me, but I'm turning my back on it, the cards are calling, but I'm not listening, the shopping is whispering, and I'm tuning it out - the only thing I'm listening to right now is the lappy!!!

Ach well, I suppose I'll wander off eventually - and who doesn't deserve a lazy day every now and again.

So want to see a card - be warned it's a lot of one particular colour!

Here you go:
Front shot:

close up of image:

The arty farty:

I used:

Lili of the Valley - Maisie Two Balloons
coloured with my Pro and Flexmarkers

Nestie Circle
lea'bilities - for the swirly circle

Papermania - Rose Garden

Anything else?
Craftwork cards - Card Candy and sentiment
lace from my stuff

Right well, I'm off now to turn the lappy off and go and do something less boring instead!!  Oh my showing my age now - badly mis-quoting names of ancient TV programmes.


A challenge, or two:

I love Promarkers: Challenge #142 - Pretty in Pink

In The Pink: Challenge #7 - CaS.  Now then ladies, I'm not sure I've interpreted this in the right way - so if you think it's not appropriate I don't mind if you delete.  I'm not even sure myself that it's particularly CaS!

Sketch Saturday: Week #232

Totally Papercrafts: Challenge #142 - Cute and Girly


Caroline said...

This is gorgeous Sarah I love the image and the layout is beautiful. Caroline xxx

Berry said...

I like the fact that you quoted "why don't you" except I am showing my age now too! I love the pink and green combo so pretty!
I think you and I were separated at birth! I have had no girls since wednesday and have I done anything?! Have I heck, their rooms need a good sort and I have tonnes and tonnes of washing and ironing to do and all I have done is make cards, make chutney and surf the net! I really need to go and make their beds now before they come home with even more washing and I go to work oops! Hugs Rebekah xx

Doreen said...

Gorgeous card Sarah,love the fab

Sue said...

This is gorgeous Sarah. I love the sweet image and you have coloured her beautifully, I especially like the shading on the balloons.
I hope you have a good weekend
Hugs Sue

Karen P said...

wonderful colouring as always Sarah and in my favourite colour too! gorgeous card! we all deserve those don't want to do anything days, so luxuriate in it while you can xx

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Wonderful card thank you for joining us at I♥Promarkers Pretty In Pink challenge this week and good luck Ginny X

Christine L said...

Hi Sarah

I love your fabulous card... but you may be right, it could be a little bit 'too busy' for our challenge at In The Pink... ah well - I still love it!!

Big hugs
Christine x said...

Sarah such a lovely card the image is so cute and the card so pretty and girly in Pink. Alison xxx

Wishcraft said...

Aww this is lovely Sarah, so pretty! Gorgeous paper, adorable image and I love that fab lace :o) Hugs, Lisa x

catherine said...

Sarah (whyyy don't you, whyyy don't you-LOL) now who's showing their age!!! Used to love that programme in the holidays.
Great card and image and love the lace trim. Hope you enjoy your time to yourself and sit at the lappy all day if you want!
X catherine

Rene said...

Gorgeous! I love your sweet colors and image! Thank you SO much for telling me I forgot to link to SSC...I forgot to link to ALL my challenges! My mind is really going!!!
Thanks again,
Rene :D
Simply Cute

Denise said...

Love this pretty card - such an adorable image and beautiful paper.
Thanks for joining us at In The Pink this week.
Denise (GDT) xx

Lisa xx said...

Ooooh this is a proper little sweetie Sarah, hope you had a lovely afternoon xx

Wendy said...

Adorable and so gorgeous Sarah, love it.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Wendy xx


Hi Sarah, I do love this card! The image is adorable and the paper and lace are delicious! Although I agree with you that the card isn't CAS, it is beautiful nonetheless.

Thank you for joining in the fun again at ITP - do pop by again!
Sylvia xx

Grenouille Greetings said...

Well I would have preferred to have spent the day surfing but I was trying to tidy my Craft Room and it's 11.30 and I haven't finished it yet by a long way. Too much stuff!!! And here I am admiring your super colouring of Maisie and wondering if I can live without her! And your lace is beautiful (and I might need to buy some) and your papers are gorgeous and I'm coveting them. A beautiful card, Sarah! Its lovely to see you playing along with us at Sketch Saturday this week. Hugs, Lesley

scrappymo! said...

I love the image and the way you stamped off the circle and then added that delightful swirly bit around it all...
I also love that she is tiny and the look of it on the card...
I could so see this as a card for a 2 yr old!!!
Or a little girl getting a new brother or sister...a sentiment sort of like...There's 2 of us now!

I have just got back from an all day trip to America...i bought a Fiskars "Pro'cision" trimmer...They are $130.00 in America regular price but luckily were on 40% off!!! Then I stacked a 25% off everything you purchase that day! YAY! It was such a bargain.
I am so excited to use it...I had the Making memories big silver and black one and the grid finally wore off the cutting stand as I have used it for several years.
I will finally be able to know that my rectangles are straight!!!

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.i love your pretty soft colours and the image is really sweet :D

xx coops xx

sue w. said...

Aww love the image and love the pink too, very girly. Thanks for joining us at Totally Papercrafts.
Hugs Sue W.

nnalorac said...

Love your sweet card Sarah, the colours gorgeous together, love the design and sweet image. Love your vision, can think of so many better things to do than housework lol! Carolxx

Marie-Louise said...

Hi Sarah. Such lovely cards. This pink one is so pretty. Thank you so much for the advice on paper. Like you we do not have a Rymans here so I will give Joanna S a try.

WeirdCat said...

Very pretty, love the way you have the balloons, thank you for joining us at I♥Promarkers this week
Ruth x

Rebecca said...

Hi Sarah aaww your card is soo cute and i love the image and the colours!

Love From Rebecca xx

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

A gorgeous card hun, love the lace and your colouring is fab and good for you enjoying a quiet day to yourself I am sure it wont have done you any harm to relax for a day
Lindsay xx

Jo said...

So pretty in pink! Fab card Sarah, great image & the lace is gorgeous! hope you enjoyed your day...we all need a lazy day now & again, don't we & you gotta make the most of having no kids for a while lol!
Hugs Jo x

Faye said...

This is so pretty Sarah. The paper is gorgeous with that lovely lace. Also, thanks for the kind and supportive comments you've been leaving of late. Heart warming. X

Keep It Sweet and Simple said...

A day to yourself - on the lappy - sounds like heaven to me :-)
Gorgeous card - love the pretty colours and lace.
Caroline xxx

Gail said...

Cute cute cute image! Very nice card and will make anyone smile! --Gail