
Saturday 19 January 2013


Not me you understand (well actually yes I am rather wobbly!) but for the purposes of this post it only refers to....

a tooth!

Hello blogworld,

Even more exciting times - SHMbO has her first wobbly tooth!!  She was eating her sandwich the other day and sat there looking even more serious than usual.  When asked what was wrong - she said her teeth hurt, I was like - teeth, hurting?  What do you mean?  The answer - a very serious 'I said my teeth hurt!.'

So on closer inspection - the front, bottom, left tooth is wobbly!!!  It has not fallen out, but you can already see the new tooth coming up behind it.  Now I thought that one tooth pushed out the other, am I wrong?  I'm a bit worried that she's going to end up with two teeth at once.

Anyway she isn't worried at all and was very happy at the thought of the tooth fairy visiting - so I made this box for the tooth / fairy! It's a bit rough around the edges, not made a box for ages!! But Emily loves it, so job a good 'un.

Top view:

Front shot:

Open / poem inside:
 I used:

Funky Kits / Sugar Nellie - Manga Fairy
coloured with my Promarkers

Dies / Punches:
Memory Box flourish
Whimsy  Stamps - Pedestal Tag 1
Martha Stewart punch

My Mind's Eye - the sweetest thing

Anything else?
Wild Orchid Crafts - flowers
heart and multicoloured trim - from my stuff
the poem - found on the internet

Y'know I'm such a lazy crafter - I've had fine tips for me Pro's for ages, but not used them.  When I was making this and the card I posted yesterday I put them on my pens to do the hair - quite like the results!  Maybe I should use them more often than once in 6 months!!!

So, have I made up with waffle today, for the non-waffly post yesterday then??!!

See you soon

A challenge or two:

Cupcake Craft Challenges: Cupcake 225 - Anything but a card

Stampin for the Weekend: Something Girlie

The Sugar Bowl: Challenge 99


Karen P said...

That is so stinking cute! Not surprised SWMBO like it Sarah - it's gorgeous Karen x

Sue said...

awwww won't be long now then for the tooth fairy to visit little Emily. I think it is quite normal for the new tooth to start growing before the other one comes out. I wonder if your tooth fairy writes letters like our one used too!
Your box is gorgeous, I love the sweet image and pretty design.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend
Hugs Sue

Doreen said...

Beautiful card,such a lovely image and

catherine said...

Fantastic project Sarah and I have some of those nibs but don't really use pens anymore as I'm not very good at the colouring bit!!
Wow a wobbly tooth - beware the cost of the tooth fairy rises with inflation you know!!! Glad she doesn't need to visit our house anymore! Hope little one is enjoying the snow
x catherine

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet Sarah and such a lovely idea...thanks for joining us at Cupcake!
Helen x

Jo said...

Aww, Sarah, that's just wonder she loves it! That's it now though, once one's out they all start falling out......gonna cost you a fortune lol! Know what you mean about the fine tip nibs....I usually forget but they're such a faff, aren't they? Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
Hugs Jo x

Lisa Jane said...

This is so pretty .. cute little image too
sorry i havent been around much this week
Lisa x

MagsB said...

Oh this is so cute and adorable! Such gorgeous colours - and I love the pretty hearts punched border!

love Mags B x


Awwww - this is a gorgeous tooth fairy box Sarah - I'm sure Emily absolutely loves it! The colouring is fabulous BTW!

Hugs, Sylvia xx

Wendy Fraser said...

Aww, this is just beautiful. Robbie lost his first tooth a fortnight ago although it had been wobbly since October! It fell out onto his reading book at school much to the delight of himself and his friends! xx

scrappymo! said...

Ohhh, Sarah has a little goldmine ahead...teehee!!!!!
The tooth fairy bring five dollars in our area! Inflation I guess! I do think she brought Little Miss C's Mum a toonie (two dollars) and that was over 30 years I gues it isn't too bad.
Miss C pulls hers as soon as they are ready...she would rather have a minute of pain than suffer for days when she will see that they get very, very, ready to fall out and then it rally hurts to eat...Miss C asked Daddy to pull the first one and now she just does it on her own after getting the OK from Daddy that it is ready to come out!
Sometimes the tooth fairy has fairy dust on the fiver...but Sarah would probably know where that came from...I have never show Miss C how to glitter or emboss so we are safe to do that!

Off to catch up on your blog as i have been a bit remiss keeping up since the rush to Christmas. New meds for my back make me very sleepy and have been reading some but not bad:(

Sue said...

Hello again Sarah! Just popping back for another look at your gorgeous box so that I can say thank you to you for taking part in the Stampin' for the Weekend Challenge.
Oh and you could also enter this into the Ladybug Crafts Challenge this month which is anything but a card!
Bye for now
Hugs Sue

Faye said...

SWMBO is not the only one who loves this box! I cannot for the life of me do it, I always end up with wonky. Super pretty job here. Hope you have a great Sunday. Sweet Cheeks seems better today, thankfully, he was really grisly yesterday, I was thankful for bedtime! X

Unknown said...

Gorgeous Sarah, and the verse is lovely, did you write it yourself? SWMBO must be thrilled to bits with it. Start saving - is it £1 coins now?

Christine L said...

Hi Sarah...

YES... back to normal waffley Sarah!! LOL! Awwww to SWMBO's wobbly tooth... and yes, the baby one will go when the other one comes through properly. It's a bit of a shock for them at first, then they get used to it.. and that fab box you've made will take her mind off it... what a lovely little poem to the tooth fairy! (Do you think I dare own up that I still have my girls' first teeth that they lost in my keepsake box?? - They are 28 and 27 now!)

Big hugs
Christine x

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

sarah this is adorable! what a gorgeous the image too :)

Katya said...

Hi Sarah!
Super cute box for Em.! Love it.

Wendy said...

Awwww Sarah, not surprised Emily loves her box, it's absolutely gorgeous...such a lovely idea for her, hope she is ok.
Wendy xx

Rebecca said...

Hi Sarah i love your box it is so cute! Im glad Emily likes it! I used a little tooth fairy cushion and i would put my teeth in there when i lost them! I've still got it somewhere!

Lots of love Rebecca xx

mixamatoasties said...

Just fab. Now.... don't let the tooth fairy forget to take the tooth away with her and then have the child put the tooth back under for a second night to get more money.... What can I say, the first night it was a male tooth fairy ;)

Susan xx

Tammy said...

Oh, I love your adorable box Sarah! Sweet image and fabulous colors! I'm sure your daughter loves it!
Hugs, Tammy

Anne said...

Wonderful creation, such a beautiful image and great colors. :)

Hugs, Anne. said...

Sarah what a brilliant idea. the tooth fairy box is gorgeous love the sweet image and the colours you have used so pretty. Love Alison xxxx

coops said...

aw such a gorgeous idea sarah.your tooth fairy box is so sweet and i love the pretty image and details.
i hope the tooth comes out soon so emily can get her pennies :D
jack is still waiting to lost a

xx coops xx