
Saturday 9 March 2013

All about the boys (or men!)

Hi blogworld,

Well here ends another era - this is the last Saturday that I'll be posting a card for the fabulous challenge that is Sweet Stampin.  I felt that I wasn't giving 100% to my wonderful DT buddies - lack of Mojo being the main culprit!  Then with the work that is going to be going on on our house in the next couple of months I'm just not going to be able to give the time that is needed to the challenge in the future either.  I've therefore taken the sad decision to step down.

So, boss ladies, thank you for picking me to be on the Team all that time ago - and my fellow DT buddies, have loved working with you.  If you can call this much fun working!!

Back to work! This challenge it's all about the boys - so we'd like to see your masculine cards please.

Our monthly sponsor, with a prize of a £10 voucher is:
Our weekly sponsor, with a prize of a £10 voucher is:

My card:
Front shot:

Detail of image:

The arty farty:

I used:

The Greeting Farm - My Guy Ian
coloured with me Promarkers

Stacking Stars
Nestie circles

K&Co - Hopscotch

Anything else?
Hobby House - Pearls
The Ribbon Girl - Hessian Mesh

I do honestly feel that it's the end of an era for me - stepping down from two of my oldest DT positions, and leaving some fabulous Teamies, but I feel it is the right decision for me right now and I'm happy (sorta anyway!!) with the decision.

One thing thing this does mean, now then is this good or bad?, is that I should have some time to come visit all your blogs!  Be afraid, oooh yes be very afraid, this girl waffles and isn't afraid to share!!

Have a good weekend!



Claire said...

Great male card Sarah. Have a lovely day. Hugs, Claire x

Doreen said...

This is just beautiful,gorgeous image and

sue said...

fab card sarah,love the image & colours. sue xx

Faye said...

Oh Sarah, you are TOO hard on yourself. You will be missed form the teams you have left. Fab boy card, cool deets. X

Judith said...

What a great card Sarah - love how the hessian looks like a goal net - wel it does to me anyway! Hugs Judith x

Unknown said...

Morning Sarah, it looks like a goal net to me too. I am sure your DT buddies will miss you, but you can only do what you feel to be best for you and your family. So enjoy your 'free' time.

Sue said...

Fabulous card Sarah. I love the image and great choice of papers.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend
Hugs Sue

mixamatoasties said...

It's a fab card Sarah. A good one to go out on.

It has been wonderful working with you and I am really really going to miss you.


Christine L said...

Hi Sarah

Love your card for a little man... that netting is perfect behind him!

Christine x

Sue B said...

Aww this is fab Sarah! what a cute image and you've coloured him beautifully! Love the papers and embellies… the hessian mesh is perfect with the paper and those fab stars!! :-))
Sorry you are having to step down from some DT work... but sounds like it is the right decision for you at the moment. Hope you get some time to craft just for fun.... ;-)
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Big hugs
Sue xx

catherine said...

This is a great card Sarah. I'm sure you have made the right decision even though I am sure you will be missed from the team and the great work you have done for them.
x catherine

Anne-Marie said...

Awww, Sarah, it's always a shame when we have to make decisions like this, but change can be good, and you never know what might be around the corner. Sweet little boy the image!

♥Gemma♥ said...

Fantastic card hun and thank you for popping by mine and leaving such a sweet comment...means a lot!!
hugs and xxx

coops said...

stunning male card sarah.i love your fab stars and great image and colours :D

xx coops xx

Gail said...

Wonderful card! Reminds me of one of my nephews! Colored wonderfully, great paper and love the layout! --Gail

Gail said...

Wonderful card! Reminds me of one of my nephews! Colored wonderfully, great paper and love the layout! --Gail

Karen P said...

As always a stunning card Sarah! Don't ever give up your waffles - I likes it! Glad to see SWMBO has bought you flowers and goodies for mother's day. Enjoy Karen xx

Karen P said...

As always a stunning card Sarah! Don't ever give up your waffles - I likes it! Glad to see SWMBO has bought you flowers and goodies for mother's day. Enjoy Karen xx

Rachel said...

Ah Sarah...we're all going to miss you and your lovely cards at Sweet Stampin! This one is just fab!

Hopefully see you around in blogland! Wedgie xxx

scrappymo! said...

Well, this proves that you should keep on on blog reading and comments cuz I didn't know that you were going to be remodelling the house.We have to keep reading backwards now to figure it all out!