
Friday 1 March 2013

For my friend....

really that should read 'friends' and have 'in blogworld' after it!

Hello blogworld

So the reason for the title - well it's twofold actually.  One it's the 1st of March so a new challenge for a new month over at Flatfriends and this challenge the theme is 'friendship'.  So we'd like to see your Emma Canning - Flatfriend digi and your project celebrating friendships.

On the other hand - I'd really like to say hello to my new follower (are you sure you know what you signed up for?) and thank to you to all my bloggy friends who have been putting up with my waffle just recently.  I'm also sooo sorry that I'm rubbish at commenting right now.  I will pull my socks up - as dear old mama used to say - very soon and get round everyone's blogs. Cross my heart, promise!!

So want to see the card that's dedicated to all you lovely peeps out there?  Here you go - but be prepared, put your sunglasses on!!!  And that sentiment could be aimed at me - I promised myself last year I'd be a glass half-full person, hmmm well that didn't last long ;-)

Front shot:

Detail of image:

The arty farty:

I used:

Image: Emma Canning - Rainy Day
coloured with my Promarkers
Sentitment - Hero Arts (I think, I've taken it out of the packet!) - inked while in the die

Nestie for the sentiment
Memory Box - flourish (chopped up to within an inch of it's life!)

Cosmo Cricket - Mini Deck: Pixi-Licious

Anything else?:
Flowers and brad from my stuff

So why not pop on over to the blog and show your friends how much you appreciate them!


PS - For those of you holding your breath about The Tooth - it had fallen out by the time SHMbO woke up on Tuesday morning.  She very proudly went off to school showing everyone her not gappy smile - the new tooth is soo big it's just taken over the gap!  And, even better, on Wednesday morning she had had a visit from the tooth fairy - who left a chocolate coin and a shiny £2 coin - hmmm bit better than the 10p I got when I was little!!!  She also has orders from her friends for tooth fairy boxes - ooh yes my daughter knows how to drum up business!!!!


Sarah-Jane said...

Fab card Sarah. I like the colours and big flower.
Sarah-Jane xx

Juls said...

so cute!!! I love the colour combo you have used!!! Hugs Juls

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

so fun sarah! i love the big purple flower... the colours look fab together too. what a gorgeous creation! :D

Kim said...

£2?! talk about inflation! lol! gorgeous card and love that sentiment - might have to find and purchase that one!
Kim x

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Sarah. I love the cute image and beautiful colours.
I hope you have a good weekend
Hugs Sue

Karen P said...

Absolutely gorgeous Sarah! A £2 coin - I used to get a 10p piece too - inflation has gone up quite a bit these days! Love the idea that SWMBO is taking orders for the fairy tooth boxes - does she get commission? Karen x

Unknown said...

Zingy card, I love the green. £2- I used to get a 3d bit, that shows how old I am, then it went up to 6d-5p in current money! Have a lovely weekend.
Carol.x said...

Sarah what a lovely card love that image. Glad the tooth fairy has been and that she drummed up some business for you to lol. Love Alison xx

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.relly fabulous colours and i love the image :D

xx coops xx

Jo said...

£2????? I used to get a 10p too lol!
Glad all's well though that's the 1st of many visits from that there tooth fairy....good job SWMBO is taking orders! Love your card Sarah, I was lucky enough to win some Flat Friends digis and chose the very one you used....hope I can colour it half as well!Wishing you a lovely weekend!
hugs Jo x

Anne-Marie said...

Don't know what all the moanin' is about....I got a ha'penny in old £.s.d......hahaaa!Loving the sweet card, Sarah....that sentiment is just lovely, and really like the cute image, togged up in her purple and yellow....very spring-like!

Wendy said...

So gorgeous Sarah, fabulous image and love the colours and big flower.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Wendy xx

Unknown said...

Gorgeous card hun - fab colours and I'm in love with that sentiment x x Glad to hear tooth fairy has come and gone - must have been hard lugging a big £2 coin around :-) I used to get £1 so feeling sorry for you 10p'ers :-) x x

Christine L said...

Oooh what a gorgeous card... and how true the sentiment is!! What we should all do!

Glad your little one's tooth eventually decided to fall out.. and not get swallowed as some do!! And WOWWWWW £2? See what inflation does??

Christine x