
Wednesday 20 March 2013

Oh what a week!

What day of the week is it?  Wednesday, only Wednesday really??

Hello blogworld,

Well what a week we've had!  I've had some time to craft, but apart from that it's all been about SHMbO and school this week.  Firstly I do the card, and then do the waffle underneath so feel free to skip the waffle if you like - I won't be offended, wish I could've skipped the waffle this week!!

So the card:
Front shot:

The close up:

The arty farty:

 I used:

Digi stamp:
Tiddly Inks - Wryn and Emmy BFF
coloured with Promarkers and Copics

Memory Box - heart border
Nestie - circle
Go-Kreate - scalloped circle

my mind's eye - Paris & Co

Anything else?
Hobby House - lace
sentiment - no idea it's been in my box for donkeys!

A challenge or two:

Sketch Saturday: Week #250

Totally Gorjuss: Challenge 175 - Something old.  The sentiment is my 'old' it's got to be at least 3 years old.  Hope that counts.

Deep Ocean Challenge : #47 - Cute and Cuddly

So the waffle, you regular readers of my waffle will know that we've had problems getting Emily, who is nearly 6, (aka SHMbO: She Who Must be Obeyed for my new followers) off to school just recently.  We've been in and seen the Head and things seemed to be going better.  They say she is a very bright girl academically (takes after me there then!!) but lacking in self-confidence (exactly me!!!) so they were going to work on her self confidence hoping that she'll feel happier in class.

Well the class teacher has gone temporarily, we aren't entirely sure why but there are rumours!, and a new temp teacher come in.  SHMbO changed completely and was so much happier to go to school - result!  Maybe, along with the extra attention, that was the problem?

Nope it would appear not.  We're back to tears and not wanting to go in, being 'poorly' again.  End of tether time on Monday - she was allowed off school as she had a cold, within 2 hrs she was bouncing - literally bouncing - on the sofa.  Said enough you are well enough to go to school, off you go.  Cue tears, 'don't want to go's, you can't make me's'.  Well half way up the stairs with mummy at her back 'helping' her up the stairs - it turns out she doesn't want to go to school as there is a boy in her class who has been being rude, pushing her, kicking her, and threatening to steal her morning snack! 

Once she told us this she was much happier to go to school, so off we trot and drop her off - briefly speak to head who said they will make sure SHMbO not bothered today. Monday - happy at school.

Tuesday - spoke to class teacher when I drop her off.  She says nothing seen of boy picking on SHMbO, but they would keep an eye on her.  When I go to collect at chuck out time - I can see SHMbO hanging back from this boy, who was in the line in front of her, get her and she wants to go straight home - now!  I asked what's the matter - she said this boy has just said he's going to kill her!  Oh My Word - well it takes a lot for me to get annoyed, but my God I was sparking at this.  Spoke to the teacher for her to point out this boys' mum and she said the mum wasn't there yet.  They took us back into school - teacher and head spoke to Em and I calmed down a bit!!  Seems boy and mum were in office 'to be spoken' to! Went home and spoke to Em more, he also told her that he 'would pull my brains out with a coconut', now I know that upset her but I had to smile!!

Wednesday (only today, really??) - off we trot to school again.  Big fuss made of Em, and promised that she'll be watched, he'll be watched and he'll not be allowed to speak to her.

We will see.  I go to get her at 3.30 today - they'd better have kept their word - otherwise I will be seriously p'd off.

And breathe!!

If you are even vaguely interested in this saga, I will be doing updates no doubt!



Kathy said...

Sarah, I'm so sorry your DD is having this trouble. So sad for her to not like school. The little boy's behavior is totally unacceptable, it's bullying. In the US we have "no tolerance" policies. I know even my kiddos preschool has one. Threatening is definitely bullying. I hope they really let this kid and his mom know how serious this is.

I love your card, so pretty. Great sentiment and fabby coloring, too.

Hope you get things squared away at school!


Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

just love this one sarah! how cute those two are how they are standing on the lace. oh my gosh!! i am so sorry that your daughter has had a tough time... but hehe i did have a little giggle at pull your brains out with a coconut ;) but that must be so scary for her!!! sending big hugs and love xx

Laura Bradley said...

Love this Sarah, I do love that image, so cute! I got that hearts die recently and can't stop using it! Gorgeous card hun. Laura xx

Laura Bradley said...

Hope things get sorted at school, kids can be so mean! I really hope the teachers get a grip on things and make sure it stops! Love how you call her SWMbO .. hehe. Laura xx

Unknown said...

Good afternoon Sarah, your card is a beauty. So sorry SWMBO is being bullied, but at least you have got to the bottom of it. Now that school are aware I am sure they will do all they can to sort it. I choked on my coconut pyramid when I read the threat to you!

Julie C. said...

Hi Sarah,
Thanks for visiting my blog again. However, I am currently in the middle of a 'BIG' project, deadline is on 31st of March. So I guess I will not have the time to blog again till April. I am sure I will be talking about this project in my next post. Do stick with me and visit me again in April. ^_^

Your card is beautiful. Love the colour combination. And that heart die... OMG! Is so cute!

I am sorry to hear what has happened to Emily at school. Kids can be really nasty sometimes. Hope things will get sort out soon. I bet she really likes school. And it is not fair, only because of this boy that she is afraid of going. Keep us informed!

The Crafty Blonde said...

Hi Sarah, just found your blog and decided to be your new follower. Love your fabulous creations, images designs colours etc etc. I also think we may have the same daughter lol!!! mine is 6 too and switches from wearing her halo to devil horns in a flash. Have been LOL at some of your posts as they could have been written by me.
Lyndsey xx

mixamatoasties said...

That's shocking. Bullying should not be tolerated at all. Poor wee soul.

Hope you manage to sort it.


mixamatoasties said...

And sorry, the card was lovely. See you should have put the waffle first, then I wouldn't have forgotten to comment on the card.

Sue said...

Oh my goodness Sarah. It sounds like you have had a difficult week. Poor Emily, no wonder she didn't want to go to school with that boy bullying her. I hope that the school deal with it and that she will soon be happier to go to school.
Your card is gorgeous, I love the image and your colouring is fabulous.
Take care
Hugs Sue

Karen P said...

OMG Sarah - no wonder the poor little mite hasn't wanted to go to school. I went through something similar at about the age of 7, yep can still remember that way back and had the same issues with, funnily enough, an odious little s*** - and you can imagine what I've inserted there. Mum got involved and got it sorted in the end but it took a while before the teachers became 'properly' aware of all that was going on. Hope the little b****** stops now. Big hugs to you and SHWMBO and go poke a stick at the boy! Karen x

Karen P said...

rats got annoyed then hun, not happy memories but no lasting damage - which is what you need to remember - no lasting damage as long as he is sorted - so don't worry yourself all the time - know what you are like!
forgot to say, gorgeous card, fabulous colouring as always Karen x

Danni said...

Very sweet card!!

Hope that things get sorted out with your little one. No fun when there are issues at school!

DesignerDiva said...

Well your card is beautiful but I have a big problem with your waffle! OMG who do that school think they are!!! That boy should be excluded while all this is getting sorted out, no child should have to put up with bullying 6 years old or not and if I was his mother I'd be straight round to you to apologise!!
Sorry for getting on my high horse!!
Hugs Laurie xx

Kim said...

Right, card comment first! A fab card and such a cute image, love the layout too! Now waffle: do hope that you get things sorted for SHMBO - we had a similar thing with my daughter in reception class (many moons ago - she'll be 20 in the summer!) but it does eventually get settled. It's a stressful enough thing for them being at school anyway, so any thing can upset them. (did like the coconut comment tho lol!). Sending hugs,
Kim x

Chris said...

Love the card, Sarah! So sweet! I hope you soon get things sorted out for poor little Emily! No child should be frightened to go to school, it's meant to be a happy secure environment for them! Now that the teachers are aware of the problem they should get it sorted immediately!

Vicky said...

Simply gorgeous hun...:o)

biggest of hugs Vicky xx

Claire said...

Great card, love the image and our week sounds like a typical day at my school LOL. Hope you get it sorted. Hugs, Claire x

Rachel said...

First off...I love your card...its so cute and I love the colours.

Wow, children are amazing aren't they! Poor Emily...I hope everything is sorted out soon. I can't believe the coconut comment!!

Hope your week improves quickly, at least it's hump day!

Wedgie xxx

Berry said...

Firstly your card is fab love how you coloured the hair!
Secondly ruddy kids!!!! There is always some brat that thinks its ok to pick on others even at this age!
Trouble is girls seem to get it the most. Both my girls have experienced people picking on them and yes I am one of those parents who take it in their stride to start with but get my back up on it and I will blow!
Luckily for me Caleb is a tough boy and popular noone picks on him and he would def hold his own if they did!
It is shocking to think kids say these sort of things and you wonder what is said at home or what they are watching on the TV but then it only has to be the news to promote violence!
I am glad you have gotten to the bottom of what was bothering her and I would be keeping a very close eye on this boy and the mum and getting regular updates from the teacher if necc bullying should just not be tolerated at all!
Hugs Rebekah xx

Unknown said...

Gorgeous card sweetie - love it x x So sorry little Em is having troubles - when I was a little Em I transferred from London to the Cotswolds aged 7 and went through a few nasty years of being bullied by a group of older girls - never worked out why really as I was very shy - guess it was just because I seemed different. I remember the 'sick' days well and how creative you can get when you'll do anything to avoid going to school! Luckily secondary school was a completely different story but I really feel for Em and you - must be heartbreaking to see her going through it. I really really hope they sort the situation out soon x x x

Sue B said...

Aww this is really sweet Sarah! what a cute image and you've coloured the girls beautifully! love the colour combo and gorgeous embellies! :-)
I hope you get the school problems sorted… ooh there is nothing worse than being picked on… hope your daughter went on ok today!
Big hugs
Sue xx

coops said...

so stunning sarah.i love the fab image and really gorgeous papers and details :D
i hope emily is ok today at school and the problems are sorted soon.

xx coops xx

MagsB said...

Oh no, poor Em, how horrible for her! My daughter was bullied by 2 girls at primary school - all I could do, apart from alerting the school, was give her loads of cuddles and praise. It was only last year, nearly 20 years later, that she told me how important that was to her. Good luck, hun, I hope it all gets sorted soon!

Lovely card, btw, I love the delicate hearts and adorable image!

love Mags B x

xxxtglxxx said...

Well I guess I am going to have to visit more often to keep up with your waffle Sarah! :)

I hope things have much improved, its awful having to trust others to keep their eye on things for you and must be such a worry.

Love your cute card, really gorgeous colouring and colours :)



scrappymo! said...

Oh, this is quite in BC he would be suspended...maybe even expelled. Threats of violence are not taken lightly as we have had a spate of suicides among the victims of bullying.
There is a huge anti bully program and anyone threatening violence or committing it, are removed.

Fingers crossed they get it sorted.

Your card is lovely...great colouring on those sweet girls.

Off to read back further...DH is off golfing so i finally have time to sit and comment.

Unknown said...

Hey hun!
Ok, firstly, Gorgeous, GORGEOUS card! Loving the image and the hearts are so delightful!

Secondly, I hope Em is getting on better now you are getting the 'problem' sorted. My little man (4yrs) once came home with bruises on his shoulder, scratches on both hands and a bump on his head, all in about 3 days! I asked him what had happened and eventually he told me his 'best friend' had done it! I immediately spoke to his teacher and it was sorted straight away, and now there is no trouble, and he is still best friends with the boy. I'm sure it will get sorted :)
Hugs to you and Em.
Lizy xx

Juls said...

Ooooooh this is just gorgeous!! Xxx

♥Gemma♥ said...

Hiya hun

First of all...gorgeous card hun!!

Secondly as for the bullying...i cannot stand and it makes me sick. I don't understand why kids or even adults feel they have to treat others like this...if the bullying continues, keep on at the school and if they aren't doing a good enough job go above them...I wish school would put a stamp on bullying, actually i think parents should do it too!!

I always tell my kids to treat others the way you want to be treated, respect other wishes and help others that need it!!

I do know how you feel when it comes to bullying because my oldest was bullied when he was younger, he lost lots of weight because he didn't eat properly and he even got really depressed...its very frightening and scary time!!

My son's bullying all came down to the way he dressed and the music he listened too...sad isn't it that someone could so nasty to another just because they don't like they way they dress or the music...its so so sad!!

Anyhoo keep at them hun...keep us updated too, if thats ok!
hugs and xxx