
Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Anyone feeling punchy?

Goodness me three posts in three days, just a sec' let me check here - is this still my blog?  Hmm, yep there's the waffle - so it's got to be!

Good morning blogworld,

~ Well yes three posts in three days, but only two cards.  Swings and roundabouts, eh, swings and roundabouts.

So this is the more card, less waffle, post.  It's the first of the month and that means a new challenge over at FlatFriends and this time we'd like to see you using, along with your Emma Canning digi, your punches.

Has to be said, since I got the Cuttlebug my poor punches have been pretty much neglected.  So I blew the dust off them and here you go this is my card:

Front Shot:

The Arty Farty:

The Close Up:

As modelled by my glamorous assistant:

I used:

Digi image:
Emma Canning - freebie!
Coloured with my Pro and Flex markers
Fiskars - sentiment

Wot no dies - punches instead!:
Circular punch - to make the scalloped boarder
Flower punches (One is Woodware the other Create & Craft)

Cosmo Cricket - Togetherness

Anything else?
Gems from my stuff

Blogworld - you definitely need to go check out the FlatFriends blog, not only is this freebie there you can get lots of other total cuteness too.  Then you could do like me and go dig out your punches to join in.

There are also lots of totally cute inspiration from my teamies as well - so go on, go on, go on, go join in!



PS - Please ignore the wonky stitching - I'm still getting to grips with the sewing machine.  Also, now hold onto your hats here, I might even venture into the world of proper sewing - hubby says it wouldn't be toooo difficult to make SHMbO a top or dress.  Hmmmm, I've looked at patterns and I'm not sure!


Unknown said...

Seriously pretty card hun - I love it to bits x x Little Em makes for a very cute assistant bless her - what a sweetie x x

Juls said...

This is just gorgeous!! Hugs Juls xxx

Karen P said...

Tell him to go on a sewing course -it's not that easy either lol!
Gorgeous card Sarah, it matches SWMBO gorgeous top! I got to go dig my punches out and get my him to punch some shapes for me lol! Karen x

catherine said...

A fantastic card Sarah and well modelled by your new assistant there. I must admit to having neglected all my punches as well
x catherine

Chris said...

Lovely card, Sarah! Cute image and pretty colours - but not as pretty as your gorgeous assistant!

Kim said...

fabulous card Sarah, and a particularly pretty model you've got helping too!
Kim x

Anonymous said...

Sarah a gorgeous card shown to its best advantage by your beautiful assistant. Love Alison xx

Christine L said...

Gorgeous card and design Sarah... and I'm chuckling at your glamorous assistant!! hehe!

Christine x

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.really fab image and i love your design and colours :D

xx coops xx

Sarah-Jane said...

Fab card Sarah, I love the cute image.
You really should give sewing a try. I have recently started making clothes for my girls. Just skirts at the moment because they are easy to do. This afternoon I am going to have a go at making a pillowcase dress. They are loads of tutorials on You Tube. I managed to get some cheap fabric from the market and my mum gave me a few bits to get started. I think I am hooked now! I really want to make myself a dress. I am quite short so it would be great to have a dress that is the right length for once!
I will post a few pics of the skirts I made for the girls.

Sarah-Jane xx

Sue B said...

Aww this is is really sweet Sarah… what a cutie she is! I love the gorgeous papers and layout… and the flowers are very pretty! :-)
your glamorous assistant is SO cute!!! ;-)
Hope you had a lovely weekend!
Hugs Sue xx

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Fabulous, love the sweet image and the layout is fab
Lindsay xx

scrappymo! said...

My goodness...your medel has an uncanny resemblance to the digi...same hair I think! Too sweet!
Lovely card Sarah!