
Thursday 9 May 2013

My turn, and I pick....

Good morning blogworld,

Can you believe it's been a week since I posted last - bet you all think I've been up to my eyes in building works?  Well, nope!

Let's get the fun done first and then I'll do the moan!  So this is my post for the new challenge over at MAWTT and it's my turn to pick the theme.  Oooh there were nerves when I wrote the post for the challenge!!

So lets get down to the details - my theme is CaS - Clean and Simple.  There are loads of  options - you can still do cute, characters, colours, or whatever is your bag - it just needs to be simple.  If you're not familiar with the style, pop it into Google and you'll find some lovely examples.

Our sponsor this week, with a fab prize, is:

I actually, after a lot of digging in stamps and thinking, made two cards.  I think the first is my favourite, so that is the one up on the blog - but I've popped both here, any comments or criticism welcome - really!

This is my first one:

I used:

Memory Box ( I used the negative space after the die was cut out)

A very, very, old sentiment

Anything else?
HobbyHouse - pearls
And here is the second:

Front shot:

Close up:

I used:


Anything else?
Scoring board
HobbyHouse - pearl

And that's it folks!  Hope you like them and please come along and join in with the challenge.  I do hope I get a few entries for my theme!!

So the whinging - well guess who never turned up to start work on the house two weeks ago?  Oh yes, the builder!!  Peter rang him and he said he was snowed under with other work but should have someone out last week - hmmmm, well still no-one last week either!  I'd be happy to ditch him and try somewhere else, but Peter thinks we should give him another chance.  So now we wait to see what happens this week.

The house should be full off brick dust, with the roof off, walls coming down and going up - nope instead it's deathly quiet!!

Add to that my Mojo is still on his jollies and you get one very quiet Sarah.  I even turned to baking last week, you know how you do something else to try and kick start whatever it was that you want to work in the first place?

Ach well, I've been here before and come out the other side.  Maybe once things actually start moving on the building I'll be better - who knows?

Until then, I'll say cheerio folks and see you soon.



Julie C. said...

Typical builders hey?! Hope the work starts soon. I hate ge feeling of waiting for something to happen.
I love your CaS cards. I always forget that we can use the negative parts. Love the blue colour on that card!

Marita said...

I love your gorgeous Clean and Simple card Sarah♥. It is beautiful♥.

Have a lovely weekend♥.

Hugs, Marita

Jenny said...

Fabulous cards Sarah! I might just have to stea ... I mean borrow that idea of the blue and white one. Good luck with that builder. I hope that you are covered in dust really soon. :) hugs x

Sarah-Jane said...

Both lovely cards Sarah.
I have to say I would get a different builder. He should have contacted you and told you about the delay, not left you waiting.
Sarah-Jane xx

DesignerDiva said...

Both your cards are fabulous Sarah, I too think I favour the first, its simplicity is pretty stunning and very elegant.
I can't seem to raise the will to create anything lately either - all my current posts were made a while back- I'm sure you will come out the other side when your a bit more settled in the building stakes!
Hugs Laurie xx

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

this is just beautiful sarah! i love the negative die cut and that beautiful stamp on the kraft... lovely work :)

Sue said...

Gorgeous cards Sarah, you do CAS very well. I really love the colours and design of the first card and the image on the second card is beautiful.
I hope your building work starts soon
Take care
Hugs Sue xx

Debs said...

Two super elegant cards Sarah - especially love the design of the first one - so clever.
Debs xx

Karen P said...

Both cards are lovely but I must admit the first is my favourite - the bit I always forget to use lol! I've already entered MAWTT once and I'll try to make another as I love CAS but struggle with them!
Builders = blooming useless time keepers Karen x

Janice said...

Sorry to hear Bob the Builder still hasn't made an appearance Sarah. Love your cards, especially the first one, the contrasting colours work so well. Jx

catherine said...

Great card Sarah and love the image and the blue. very stylish. It is just a phase I'm sure and your mojo is still there.
x catherine

Hazel (Didos) said...

WOW even with Mr Mojo off on his Jollys you have done fantastic, these are both brilliant creations, Love them, Thanks for picking a wonderful theme for this week, Love Hazelxox

Anonymous said...

Fabulous cards, loving the first one, it's beautiful! Hope you get some work started soon!
Helen x

Claire said...

Two great CAS cards Sarah, but love the first one more. I would get shot of the builder, not a good start and could mean things could get worse. Builders need to remember you are paying them and are working for you .... so for him to not bother turning up or even send out someone is not a great start to your project and I personally would not give him a second chance! You need someone reliable, honest and who will deliver! Hope you get sorted. Hugs, Claire x

coops said...

simply gorgeous sarah.both really stunning cas designs :D
i hope the builders start soon hun, i wish the ones next door to me would go apexs collapsed into my garden today.

xx coops xx

Carole said...

Loved your card when you first posted it to the blog, what a clever idea!
Carole xXx

Chris said...

Beautiful cards, Sarah, especially the first one! Hope your builder plays nicely , it's so frustrating when you're let down!

debby4000 said...

Wonderful, beautiful cards.

Tammy said...

Beautiful CAS cards Sarah! Love that die on your first card, fab design too!
Tammy x

Lisa Jane said...

I love that you used the "waste" from a die cut ... so pretty
Lisa x

Christine L said...

Love both of these Sarah.... but the first one, like you.. is my favourite... so CAS and fabulous!

And don't get me started on builders... they should all be lined up against a wall (that they've built EVENTUALLY).. and shot at dawn!

Christine x

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Hiya, sorry it's been so long since I last stopped by, I got very behind, these are both gorgeous cards, I love the pale blue and the silhouette on the first one and the second one is so elegant
Lindsay xx

Unknown said...

So sorry you're having so much trouble with your builders hun :( At least they haven't started and then left you in a mess!
I really love the first card's so pretty and elegant!
Lizy xx

Unknown said...

I love the theme idea and your cards are gorgeous x x Good luck with the builders - fingers crossed they hit the ground running and you're well on your way soon x x

Tess Ekwall said...

Sarah, I just love your gorgeous and clean, simple cards!! Hugs from Tess.

Wishcraft said...

Hello hun... I was going to ask how you're doing, but the builder situation sounds very annoying - I also say ditch them and get new ones!

Two fabulous cards, and I also prefer the first one - such a gorgeous design :o) Hugs, Lisa x

♥Gemma♥ said...

Gorgeous cards hun and thank you for popping by mine and leaving such a sweet comments recently...means a lot!!
hugs and xxx

mixamatoasties said...

Wow, those are fab Sarah.

I love the idea of using the negative space on the first one. I might use that soon!

Susan xx

scrappymo! said...

Your cards are lovely...the first is my fave but then I am such a big Memory Box fan!

Too bad about the builders...We did a reno on this house when we bought and although nothing as grand as the one you have planned, it was still involving getting in all the trades...If the builder starts late, it screws up the plumber, the electrician etc.
No fun at all. Positive thoughts heading across the pond to you!!!