
Wednesday 31 July 2013

Toe dipping

Hello blogworld,

Now then, don't laugh - this is the first card I've made for over 6 weeks, I fear I've lost the knack!!  It certainly took me long enough.  On and off I've been colouring for over a week and it took me ages to decide on the layout.  In the end I went fairly simple.

The extension is plodding on - I think Sundays will be my weekly picture update, at least that way there is something on the blog!

We've had a slight problem or two, one is that the concrete lintel our previous builder ordered for us (above the kitchen window) appears to not be up to the job!  The Building Regs man he say no!

A slight change in how the roof is being built.  No longer a steel beam but now ordinary trusses - nope don't ask me either!  Hubby says it will still work tho.

So here is the card, can I hear laughing???  Hmmmm, probably - but if I don't re-start somewhere I'll never get going.  I won't list what I don't like about it, I'll just say that it's not my best.

Front shot:

The arty farty: 

Her close up - please excuse that fact that she has a sunburned face, I'm trying out new skin combos.

The digi is from Some Odd Girl and called Heartsy Mae - coloured with me Promarkers.
Papers are Bo Bunny.
Flower, buttons - from my stuff
Sentiment - Fiskars.

Well there we go, I've dipped my toe back in.  Hopefully I'll be ready for a full swim soon.  You never know I may even go round and try to catch up on everyone else soon!

Talking of new skin combos - does anyone have an opinion on Graph It pens?  I was watching them on Create and Craft, can't make up me mind.  I've got a few birthday pennies to spend and was wondering.

See you Sunday,


Wow - even a challenge!

Graph'It Markers: Week 5 - Blonde Hair (and I found you following watching the programme on Create and Craft)


Chris said...

Your card is lovely, Sarah! You haven't lost the knack!
x said...

Sarah your card is lovely if this is you when you have lost your mojo lord help us all when it returns. Love Alison xx

Wendy said...

It's gorgeous Sarah, fabulous image.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday and received my card.
Wendy xx

Kim said...

fabulous to have you back in crafty blogland Sarah!
Kim x

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.really love the image and fab colouring and design :D
I am looking forward to your building updates :D

xx coops xx

Christine L said...

Loving the image Sarah... and not much not to like!!

Nice to have your building updates... hope you get the Building Regs man satisfied soon!

And GraphIt pens.... fabulous depth of colour, but pens scratchey and I found that they don't match the colours on the lids! I bought 3 x 20 from The Range, and ended up taking them back for a refund after only opening one set. Will stick to my promarkers and copics methinks.

Big Hugs
Christine x

catherine said...

Stunning card Sarah and just like you have never been away!! It's always there just need time to find it!
x catherine

Karen P said...

Gorgeous card and as usual fabulous colouring Sarah! Hope the work is finished soon Karen x

Hazel (Didos) said...

Fabby card, I love it and shes so pretty. Love the new pens, Ive heard of them but havent used them. Hope all goes well with the builders Love Hazelxoxo

karen said...

ooh fabulous Sarah, gorgeous pretty card, thanks for joining us at Graph It colour challenge, Karenx

scrappymo! said...

It's August...she is allowed to have a sunburn!

Pretty card Sarah! Loving that gorgeous bloom too!