
Thursday 19 September 2013

Not a total girlie girl!

Hello blogworld.

Hope everyone is doing well, I wonder did you get a lot of rain today?  We certainly did - it's been bucketing it down!

I've also been running around like the proverbial blue a***d fly (cleaned that up a bit in case I offend anyone - but I'm sure you know what I mean!) - SHMbO has started swimming lessons after school and I also go swimming while she's at school.  So didn't get much chance to sit today!

Still I had a card that I had to get done for a friend's little girl and so, apart from helping hubby put the floor down in the new room, that's what I have been doing this week.

Now my friend's little girl loves getting her face painted, but not fairies or butterflies or even tigers - nope Asta likes zombies, ghouls and witches!!

So when I saw this image, I knew it would suit her down to the ground.  Not sure the rest of the card quite suits - but I love the image.

Front shot:

The close up:

The Arty Farty:

I used:

Digi stamp:
Pollycraft: Lil Dumplings - Frankie
Coloured with my Promarkers


First Edition - Dreamcatcher

Anything else?
Bazill Embossed card (I know it's got a proper name, but I can't remember!)
Craftwork Cards - sentiment
flower and gems from my stuff

Talking of close ups, I've been staring at the camera today myself!  I've been debating whether to be brave enough to put a picture of me in my Blogger profile and I finally decided to do it.  You'll have to tell me what you think of it.  Do I look 42 and knackered, 'cause that's how I feel.  Oh and don't I have a hugemoungus rudder of a nose!!!!

See you soon,


A challenge or two:

Sketch Saturday : Week #276

Passion for Promarkers: Embossing - the Bazill paper comes embossed with dots.  Hope that counts?

I love Promarkers: Challenge #186 - Anything Goes


Wishcraft said...

Oh I love how you've used this image Sarah, gorgeous card! Lovely photo of you too :o) Hugs, Lisa x said...

Sarah you look so different with short hair lovely photo of you though.

Your card is gorgeous and I know quite a few little girls who are into zombies etc. Sounds like you have been busy. Love Alison xx

catherine said...

Nice to see you sarah. great pic to share. Lovely card and sounds like it's just right for them
x catherine

Sue said...

Your photo is beautiful Sarah. I's still not brave enough to add mine so I'll stick with my handsome cat for now!
Gorgeous card, I love that image, fabulous colouring and pretty papers too.
Thank you for taking part in the Passion for Promarkers Challenge this week
Sue xx

Chris said...

It's a great card for a (not) girlie girl! Such a cute image!
Great photo of you too! :)

Berry said...

You look totally different Sarah loving the short hair and no you don't look 42 at all!!! I love the card too such a cute image hugs Rebekah xx

Karen P said...

You look beautiful huni and there's nowt wrong with that nose -mine has a bump on the end lol! You don't look your age either huni which is always nice for us females!
Gorgeous character and I love how you've coloured her to fit the recipient. I think it all works together perfectly Sarah.
As per usual you are being too hard on yourself - thou will not put yourself down Sarah! Have a lovely weekend x

Cathy P said...

Love your card this week, Sarah! What a cute little Frankenstein girl! Thanks for playing along with us at Sketch Saturday this week.
Cathy xx

P.S. You hair cut suits you. It is perfect for your face. If you hadn't said something about your nose, I never would have noticed it!

Crafty Moone Cards said...

Great card Sarah, and lovely pic of you.
Sue x

Sarah said...

LOVE Frankie Sarah, I'm mahoosive fan of the Lil dumplings as you know!! Great photo too! x

Lisa xx said...

oooh what a fabby card Sarah, love that image it did make me smile.

smashing photo too.....really nice and the short hair suits you!

Christine L said...

A fabulous card for the girl you mentioned Sarah... I'm sure she loved it!

And your pic is FAB!!! Now why haven't we seen you before???

Big hugs
Christine x

DesignerDiva said...

I LOVE your new picture Sarah you have made me want to be brave and update mine now, I look nothing like my profile picture LOL
I love this card too, the little green girl is FABULOUS!!
Hope your building is going better than mine - I'm now getting a new quote from a new builder!!
Hugs Laurie xx

Wendy Fraser said...

Brilliant card for a non girly girl, love the image. Great piccy of you too. Thanks for joining us at I Love Promarkers xx

Julie C. said...

Wow Sarah!! You look fab! Love your new short hair style.
Your card look cute too!! Love it!

Grenouille Greetings said...

Such a fabulously coloured fun image on this oh so pretty (but not so girlie) card! Thank you for playing along with us at Sketch Saturday this week. Hugs, Lesley

coops said...

oh wow you look fabulous sarah, your short hair makes you look so much younger and i love your card, the image is stunning ;D

xx coops xx

Wendy said...

Hi your short hair cut, you look fabulous.
Great card too, fantastic colouring.
Enjoy the weekend.
Wendy xx

Little K Smith said...

Hi Sarah
Hope you're well hun, it's a lovely piccie of you :)
And I love this card, the image is so adorable! And I love the colours too!
And with my DT hat on, thank you for joining us at Passion For Promarkers :D
Have a lovely weekend!

Laura Bradley said...

DT call over at Songbird Challenges if you are interested? Runs until 2nd October ..
Details at
Laura xx

Lovely pic btw!

Lorraine said...

Ha, ha, love it! Thanks for taking part at I ♥ Promarkers this week.

Sarah-Jane said...

Love the image, sort of thing my Amelia likes. She's not really a girly girl, likes anything to do with monsters and dinosaurs.
Great pic of yourself, you look so different with short hair.
Sarah-Jane xx

The Crafty Den said...

Hi Sarah, what a gorgeous card. I love the fun image and your colouring is fab. I really like the embossing paper you've used! Thanks for joining us at PFP this week. Hugs, Denise x
p.s. I really like your hairstyle, very funky. Great pic :)

Jo said...

Hi Sarah....hope you're well....seems ages since I last popped round! Gorgeous look lovely & your hair is fab! Fab card too...that image would suit my Rebecca, she's very girly but not....if that makes sense lol....she's all black/purple and a little bit punk-ish!
hugs Jo x

scrappymo! said...

This is such a cute little image...I'm sure she will love her little ghoul!

LOVE your shorter hair and you do not look knackered at all...I'm sure it is just the renos that are making you feel tired...It is such a huge undertaking and can be tiring and suck the energy out of you!
I know I felt like that when we did our place!