
Sunday, 27 October 2013

Phew what a week!

Hi blogland

Apologies for abandoning you all this week but, as always, when it's school holidays SWMbO's social life sky rockets and I don't get any time for blogging or even crafting really!

I did manage to get two DT cards done for early next week but had to be a bad mother and dump her in front of the telly to do it!!

She's been to two birthday parties, did a reading at Church, went waterwalking at a local swimming pool, spent a day round a friends house, been to a Halloween party, had a friend over for dinner.  Pause and deep breath!  Then she had her swimming lesson and we had the house invaded by bats!!  Oh and had to take her best friend to hospital as they thought he'd broken a finger whilst at one of these parties - thankfully just a bad sprain not a break.  Phew!

Will be nice and quiet again next week (assuming we get out of the house on Monday to get her to school - sounds like there's quite a storm on the way) so I will be back to blogging and crafting.

Anyway - waffle, waffle, and no cards.  So I thought I'd show you how we've got on with the new bedroom, oh yes we've been pushing on with that too!

Plasterer is due tomorrow and we are actually ready for him - yay!

There you go - life chez Sarah!

See you all tomorrow.


Mrs A. said...

It's amazing how far you have go with the new bedroom. It will be totally transformed with just having the pastering done.
Battening down the hatches here as according to the weather map our area is due to be hit quite badly. Hugs Mrs A.

DesignerDiva said...

OMG Sarah your daughter had a busy week, bet you can't wait for a rest next week lol
Your building has come on so much, you'll be choosing curtains in no time!!
Hugs Laurie xx said...

Wow what a busy social life better than mine lol. Glad to see your bedroom taking shape look forward to seeing your posts for your DT work. Love Alison xx

catherine said...

Sounds like your ready for a rest Sarah after your so busy week you have just had!!
Glad everything is going ok with the building work
x catherine

coops said...

i`m worn out just reading what you`ve been up to sarah.i hope this week is quieter and the bedroom is looking fabulous ;D

xx coops xx

Unknown said...

Morning Sarah, wow take a breath! Things are really moving aren't they, great! Take care.