
Saturday 15 March 2014


Hi blogworld,

So it's like feast or famine with me isn't it!! Last week was the famine - next will be the feast!

I can't stay on long - little person is either elbowing me in the ribs to get off the computer or wants help making cards, either way I'm getting interrupted quite a lot!  She's currently found my corner rounder punch - 20 corners and counting!

I've also been to see Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy for the 3rd time this morning and tomorrow we have a cinema birthday party - 9am start!!!! - to see Mr Peabody and Sherman.

I did, though, want to pop on and wish a very nice bloggy friend a very happy birthday! Very Many Happy Returns of the day Faye - hope the card arrived safely.

Which, talking of cards, is here:
Front shot:

Close up:

Side view:

I will be back (when I'm allowed) to give you the details on the stamp and papers - I know it's a My Favorite Thing - A la Mode stamp and it was coloured with my Copics - but I'm currently being called again!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, maybe a bit quieter than mine tho?

See you soon,



Sharon said...

This is gorgeous Sarah and I am sure your friend will be thrilled. Love the image and design.
Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Hugs Sharon. x

mixamatoasties said...

I LOVE that. What a fabulous image. Of course, I would never eat the chocolate. Oh no siree Bob.....

Susan xx

Can't speak for Tink (bit girly for me) but Mr P and S is fantastic!!

Crafty Moone Cards said...

Gorgeous card Sarah.
Sue x

Vicky said...

Fabulous as always hun....:o)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend...biggest of hugs Vicky xx

susiestacey said...

Lovely card Sarah, enjoy your hectic weekend x Susan x

Sarah said...

Great card Sarah, love the image and fab dots and striped paper xx

Wishcraft said...

LOVE the image, she's fab... gorgeous card hun! I had a little helper making his own cards in the craft room today too - kept stopping to help him or answer questions, and at one point he said 'aren't you supposed to be making something too Mummy?'... hmm, yes, I was lol... little monkeys :o) Hugs, Lisa x

Tammy said...

Fabulous card Sarah, I love that image and it's colored beautifully!
Tammy x

Chris said...

Lovely card, Sarah! Brilliant image and perfect sentiment! I'm impressed you manage to make anything... I have little 'helpers' just 2 days a week and I just give up then!

Wendy said...

Gorgeous card Sarah, that image is fabulous.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Wendy xx

Jenny said...

This is definitely my kind of card Sarah. Love that fine colouring. x

Unknown said...

Smashing card Sarah! Love your colouring and the LO is perfect.
Doncha just love little helpers in your craft room. LOL xxx

Ella's Design said...

Hey, Sarah! Another fab CAS creation! Sweet image - though for me it would have to be a big piece of cheese!?! Hope you got some time to relax this weekend! Hugs, Lisa x

Karen P said...

Stunning colouring, love that stamp! Although I think I need one that says cake = happiness lol! Enjoy yourself x

coops said...

so stunning sarah.i love the fabulous image and your colours are gorgeous ;D

xx coops xx