
Friday 17 February 2012

For sale!

Hi blogworld

Here I am again, having survived a whole day in Skegness Pier!  As said spent the morning in adventure play area - well the kids did.  Me and my friend sat and chatted while they charged around behind the mesh.  Emily did get a bit annoyed with her friend at one point - she went down a very big slide with the promise that he was coming down right behind her, then he scarpered!!!  You could hear her from the other side of the room going - that's not fair, come back here Ryan, come back here!!!

Afternoon was spent bowling and they loved it!  Not sure the staff appreciated all the thumps there were when I kept dropping the blooming balls.  Been near on 20 years since I last went bowling and I used to be, note used to be!, quite good at it!  Oh the years have not been kind ;-)

Today we had a quiet day in, still not done any housework tho!  Been getting the holiday cottage ready, it's let for a week from tomorrow and as it's the first let this year it needed a good clean and dust.  Oh and made an Apple Danish pastry - very nice.

So card this time, seeing all the mini cards appearing in blogworld I thought I'd have a go as well.  This is the result.  Another card made for a reason and sent - get me!!  Sorry it's a bit wonky, for once it's not the picture - it's something I got wrong when I popped the image on so the card ended up being at a slant!  Oh well, know for next time.

I used:

Stampin Bella - Izzy has a Daisy, coloured with my Promarkers and Flexmarkers.
The card was made with my largest nestie scalloped circle and paper and image cut with various size circle nesties.
Paper is a scrap - think it's from one of the First Edition paper pads, but not sure which one.
Flowers are Prima (had 'em ages) and gems from my stuff.

And finally, why the post title?  Well as we put Emily to bed tonight, I said something mumsy (can't remember exactly what) and she said that I can't mustn't say that and that if I keep on she would put me up for sale!!!!!  So what do you think you would get for a (ahem!) slightly plump, over the hill, out of MOT product of the 70's?  Made hubby laugh anyway - he told Em that he'd been trying to sell me for ages, but couldn't get anyone to buy me!  She did say when I was tucking her into bed, that she is sure she won't have to sell me as I'm going to be good now!

So off I toddle to bed again!

Hope you are all well, and not being put up for sale.


A challenge, or two:

Craft us Crazy: Challenge #21 - Favourites - my favourites are patterned papers and flowers

Cute Card Thursday: Challenge 204 - Flower power


Wendy said...

Hi Sarah, sorry I have missed your posts this week, did'nt see them in my reading list..naughty blogger all your creations this week and sounds like you are having a great half term.
Wendy xx

Jayne A said...

Fantastic cute card Sarah.
Sounds like you have to be on your best behavior or else!

I asked my son to dance with me yesterday and he ran screaming to his room!!!


Faye said...

Ahh, kids! Don't they just say the most adorable things! Loving the totally cutesome crad. xxx

An Occasional Genius said...

Oh Sarah, Emily is absolutely priceless, this really made me chuckle lol!! Don't think either of my girls would put me up for sale...give me away free to good home, make that any home, but not sell!

Can't see your gorgeous cards as blogger or my internet is playing up but I know they will be fabulous even without seeing them so there!

Hugs xx

Doreen said...

Fabulous card Sarah,gorgeous

Anita said...

Love your card Sarah - it's adorable. Such a cute image and beautifully colored too. Children say the cutest things don't they lol?

DesignerDiva said...

Really cute little card Sarah, careful these mini's are totally addictive!
Sounds like you had a great day and your little lady sounds a real character!
Hugs Laurie xx

Lol to Jayne's comment above

scrappymo! said...

Oh what a sweet card and equally sweet story.

I just love to hear these little gems that kiddies come out with!

coops said...

oh do say the most funny things.i hope you`ve been taken of the market now ;D
love your card sarah.gorgeous sweet image and the shape and colours are stunning ;D

xx coops xx

Christine L said...

HI Sarah
Love hearing your tales of being a Mum... and this one made me chuckle!

Loving your mini card... like Laurie says, very addictive, I can't resist making them now! My first was slanted too... I figured out that when I cut it, I need to have two of the scallops just slightly over the edge of the nestie before I cut... then it sits right as a card. I even tape them there to cut it to make sure!! LOL
Christine x

Julie C. said...

Oh... Kids say the funnies things! Emily is sweet! Love your mini card it is cute! Julie x

An Occasional Genius said...

See, I knew it would be a cutie!! Your card is gorgeous hon xx

Wendy Fraser said...

Aww, she's so sweet! Fab card. xx

Lily Anuska said...

Hi Sarah. I now how it looks when you
popped the image on the card wrong. I did it two times. First I think It will newer hapen to me again but.. This image is realy little cutie. I looking at e-bay but I can't find you...
Have a great weekend. Lily Anuska

Wishcraft said...

Lovely card Sarah, so cute and pretty! Lol at Emily, she's so funny :o) Lisa x

Berry said...

Lol get you being put up for sale! I don't think I would fetch much you know, too many newer and fresher models about lol! The card was lovely (and even nicer to have it in front of me!) such a cute little mini card. Hugs Rebekah xx

Karen P said...

What a gorgeous cute card, beautifully coloured again Sarah. I hope you don't mind but I picked you as one of my Liebster Blog award winners hugs karen x

Kathleen said...

Awww Sarah what a cute funny story, Dont they sya the funniest cutest things.
Love your card btw, I am really liking all these round cards I keep seeing in blogland.
Kat x

Unknown said...

I love this Sarah! And I love the story about being 'up for sale'...aren't kids the funniest!

I also wanted to tell you that I have given you the Liebster Blog award! Hope you don't mind! :)
Lizy x

Flowergirl said...

This is so cute! Love the shape and that stamp is adorable!
Bless Emily! Hope you're still not for sale! Lol!
Wendy x

Sarah-Jane said...

Lovely card Sarah. I like the cute image.
Has Emily put you for sale on ebay yet?!
Sarah-Jane xx

Karen P said...

You cheeky madam - yes I am in sound mind but not in sound body rof lol x Your cards are not, and this is not my words here, 'averagey'. You produce gorgeous cards and I wish that I had your colouring skills hugs Karen x

Karen P said...

Ooh the butterfly in my brain flittered for a moment - forgot to say your, and again in your own words, 'ramblings' make me smile. So there mrs! lol x x

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your tale of fun with the kids :-) Fab card, your colouring is great. Maddy x

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Such a sweet card, I love the image and the shape is fab
Lindsay xx

xxxtglxxx said...

Aww your post really made me smile Sarah :)

I used to love bowling, but havent done it for about 6 years when we had a work 'do'. I thought I was much better than I was! LOL

Your mini-card is so sweet. I made a smaller card for our CAS challenge last time, and even though its 5 x 5 it felt tiny in my hands! :)

Really sweet image and pretty papers and colouring hun.

I had to chuckle at Abi's idea of a crafty get-together in your holiday cottage, I would be on the beach me! :D



Arabella said...

Sarah this is gorgeous! I love it!

Your Emily sounds like such a laugh!
