
Monday 20 August 2012

A bit more like it!

Hello blogworld

Ah yes, lots of surprise at twice in two days (now, now I know the way your minds are going and we will stop that right now, please) - post and cards that is.

This time I'm here for The Cutie Pies and the challenge this week is 'Borders and Frames'.  Our sponsor is the absolute cuteness that is Pink Gem Designs.  The DT were allowed to pick images for this challenge and I finally settled on this cutie.

I have to admit to scratching my head a bit (though nowhere near as much as for my last card) over this one and this is what I ended up with - a shaker card.  My goodness, I can't remember the last time I made a shaker card, Emily was fascinated!!

Ah, and a deliberate mistake here - you might notice.  Frame - tick; border, oh dear I am such a numpty - no border.

Front shot:

Trying to get the glitter on the wings:

Arty farty side shot (yes I finally remembered this shot!):

I used:
Pink Gem - Faye with Flowers
coloured with my Promarkers and Flexmarkers

My Mind's Eye: miss caroline - all dolled up

Wot, no dies! 
(I think I must be ill!)

Anything else?
Frame from an ancient sheet of chipboard stickers
Flowers - fabric from stash, resin from My Crafty Heart
Beads from my stuff

So there we go - if you can think of a more creative way to use a frame and border pop over to The Cutie Pies, have a look at my Teamies creations and then join in!

Cheerio for now,


debby4000 said...

Gorgeous, adorable card Sarah.

Unknown said...

This is fabulous what a super shaker card you’ve made I love all the details, I havnt made one for years either must give them another go this is fab
Great work
Well done Hugs Elaine

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Awww what a cutie pie! Love the style of card and such a gorgeous image :)

Christine L said...

Hi Sarah

Gorgeous card... I love the frame you've used and your colouring is fab!

Big hugs
Christine x

Sue said...

Hi Sarah, this is gorgeous. I love the cutie image and your colouring is wonderful.

hugs Sue

Juls said...

such a cute card! Love it!! Hugs Juls

mixamatoasties said...

Lovely card. You are as bad as me though, not reading instructions!

Susan xx

Wendy said...

This is fabulous Sarah, adorable image, gorgeous papers and it.
Wendy xx

Berry said...

This is fab Sarah I haven't made a shaker in forever either! I am so not in the crafty zone right now at all! I think having a break and keeping the kids entertained too is running off with my mojo!
Hugs rebekah xx

Mickaela Vildljung said...

Such a sweet card. The shaker-part is just wonderful, I love the butterflie-background, its the perfect background for the girl:)

Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week.

Love Mickaela

Karen P said...

Such a pretty card Sarah. Wonderfully coloured character, as always from you, love the arty shot! I don't often remember to do that one - it's a bit hit and miss with me! Karen x

Jo said...

Oooo, fabby shaker card.....haven't made one for ages either, can't wait to have a go!Great image, too! Not long lot all on countdown...2 weeks then back to school/college, they can't wait!
Hugs Jo x

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Sarah, love the design and such a sweet image!
Helen x

Anita said...

Absolutely adorable Sarah!

Faye said...

Well this is packed full of summer flavours. Love it. Hope all is well with the Booettes? xx

Kathleen said...

Fabulous card Sarah, love the shaker frame. Cute image too, love her sparkly wings.
I am slowly getting back into a routine, kiddies are back at school, so I just have Maya left in the house now, thought it would be easier, but she is missing her sparring buddy Alex! Lol so we will see how it goes!
Kat xx

Plastic card printing said...

This is so beautiful. So nicely designed with the best color. I really appreciate this. Thanks for sharing this inspirational card.