
Monday 29 April 2013

50 merit certificate day!

Hello blogworld

Hopefully, as you read this, me and hubby will be in SHMbO's school assembly watching her receive her 50 merits certificate.  I'm sure those of you with kids will either have them at a school, or been to a school, where they get some sort of reward for working hard, being good, thoughtful, helpful, - etc.

Well at her school they get a merit for that sort of thing.  SHMbO has now got 50 of those merits - at that point home gets a letter asking you to come into Monday morning assembly and watch them get presented with a certificate.  This is where we are right now.

Of course, another reason for posting this is that it's a new challenge over at The Cutie Pies and my last DT card for this fabulous challenge for 6 months.  I'm taking a break while the work is carried out on our house - of course in typical tradesman fashion our builder seems to think that we don't mind if he delays the start of the work slightly, ummm nope!!  So as yet all that's happened is that we are packing up and clearing out the office - no proper demolishing so far!!

Anyway - I digress, my last challenge with The Cuties for around 6 months - as they've very kindly allowed me a break but are taking me back!

This time the theme is 'Lots of Layers', and we have two wonderful sponsors 

they currently have a Spring Spectacular Event with reductions on nearly all products throughout the store including ribbon, twine, charms, pins, rubber stamps, pearls, rhinestones and much more. Pop over and grab a bargain while stocks last! Further reductions available in our sale section too.
and one lucky winner will win
Our lovely friends at cedar chest are providing a $10 gift certificate for their online store for one randomly chosen winner.

There is also the chance of a GDT with The Cuties - how fab is that!!

The DT were allowed an image or two to play with and this is my card:

Front shot:

The arty farty:

The close up:
I used:

Digi image:
Cedar Chest Designs - Shy Alice
coloured with a combo of Promarkers and Copics

Nesties - oval and scalloped oval
C.C. Designs cutters - Umbrella

My Mind's Eye - the sweetest thing

Anything else?
Craftwork cards - sentiment
Dies to Die For - Viva pearl pen
Velvet ribbon - from my stuff

And that's all folks! I'll see you as a Cutie in around six months or so. Ladies - it's been fab, it will be fab again and you're not getting rid of me that easily! I'll be back!!!


PS - Thanks to all you wonderful bloggy friends who left the fantastic supportive comments on my whingy, whiny post about having too many cards. I'm soooo glad I'm not the only one - makes me feel heaps better!!


Janice said...

Love this one Sarah - I do so love kraft, and those little umbrella's are so cute. Have fun at school assembly and well done to your daughter, Jx

Sharon said...

This is lovely Sarah. She is a cutie and the umbrellas look fab. Great design too. I bet you are a very proud mum. It wonderful to see your children achieving at school.
Hugs Sharon. x

DesignerDiva said...

Beautiful card Sarah, everything goes together perfectly I'm sure you will have no trouble selling cards like this one!!
Enjoy assembly, it makes you so proud.
Hope we get to see pictures of the work as it develops
Hugs Laurie xx

Wendy said...

Gorgeous card Sarah, love those cute umbrellas and pretty papers.
Well done to Emily, you must be feeling very proud.
Good luck with all your work at home.
Wendy xx

Juls said...

Fab card!! great colouring and I love the touch of kraft! Hugs Juls

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

awww adorable! i just love the little umbrellas and the pink and kraft. gorgeous work.

Christine L said...

A gorgeous card with such fab layers Sarah... love it! And well done to your little one on her certificate!

Christine x

Debs said...

Adorable card Sarah - love the DP's and sweet die cuts.
Hope you enjoyed assembly - you must be so proud :o)
Debs xx

Jo said...

Aww, that's great you're a real proud Mama! Gorgeous card too, love the kraft & those brollies are fab!
Hugs Jo x

Karen P said...

Big thumbs up to SHMBO - I think it's great they do this for kids these days, we never had that sort of thing when I was at school and my mum and dad were always working. Enjoy these lovely little moments of pride and pleasure Sarah - wait until she becomes a teenager, lol, you poor thing it'll probably be bad - I was a right so and so lol!
BTW gorgeous card, of course they'll have you back - you got talent and skills mrs! Karen xx

Doreen said...

gorgeous card. Lovely image and design
Doreen xx

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.really sweet image and i love the pretty umbrellas and colours :D

xx coops xx said...

Sarah congrats to SHMBO bet you were really proud. Love your card so pretty. Know what you mean about builders/tradesmen our long bedroom chest of drawers were meant to be fitted today but I had an e-mail at the beginning of the week saying it will not be ready now until next Tuesday. Love Alison xx

Unknown said...

This is so pretty - love the colours and she's such a cutie :-) x x

Sarah-Jane said...

Well done Emily!
Gorgeous card Sarah. I love the umbrellas.
Sarah-Jane xx

scrappymo! said...

OH my goodness. you have found another stamp that reminds me of your little girl. I think it is the hair!
This is just so sweet! Love the kraft and the colours you chose...Pretty card and pretty colouring!