
Thursday 28 November 2013

Pinkness not allowed!!

Good morning blogworld,

Well here we are again it's Thursday and Team B's turn to inspire you for our new challenge over at Moving Along with the Times and it's lil' ol me who got to pick the theme this week!

I wonder if you guessed the theme I choose?  Well it's 'Girly - but no pink'!  My bloggy friend Susan is going to love this one!!!

So here you go - this is my card:

The front shot:

Her close up:

 The arty farty:

I used:

C C Designs - Swiss Pixies: Miss Rosalie
coloured with me ProMarkers

Memory Box

First Edition - Boho Chic

Anything else?
Wild Orchid Crafts - paper flower
Crochet flower, brad and pearls - Hobby House
Create and Craft - bling swirl
chipboard sentiment - from my stuff

So there we go - looking forward to seeing what everyone makes of this challenge!!

See you soon,

A challenge, or two:

Graph'It Marker challenge: Wk 22 Dark Skintones - Not my best colouring ever, but it is the first time I've used anything other than Caucasian tones.

I love Promarkers: #196 - Anything Goes


Hazel said...

More lovely colours and no pink in sight. Love all your embellishments. Hazel x said...

Wonderful card Sarah love the image and the colours you have used. Love Alison xxx

Sue said...

This is gorgeous Sarah, I love the sweet image and beautiful papers with such pretty detailing too.
Sue xx

Sue Nicholson said...

Stunning card x

Hazel (Didos) said...

WOW this is stunning, what a brilliant card and a fabby challenge too, Thank you for being the Hostess, Love Hazelxox

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh - this is so pretty - such a cute image and the colouring and design are beautiful xxx

WeirdCat said...

Gorgeous card, lovely papers, thank you for joining us at I♥ProMarkers this week
Ruth x

Jane Savage said...

Gorgeous girly card, Sarah. Love the colour combo you've chosen, those papers are lush! I think your colouring is fab, especially her hair. So pretty! xx.

Sarah-Jane said...

This is really sweet Sarah, doesn't need to be pink to be girly!
Sarah-Jane xx

Judith said...

Aw how cute Sarah - I love these colours the orange and turquoise is a great combo hugs Judith x

Sue B said...

Ooh this is gorgeous Sarah… what a fab colour combo!! and what a cutie she is - your colouring is awesome !! I love the scrummy papers and embellies… the crystals and pearls are very pretty! :-)
it's a fab theme !!
Hope you have a lovely evening!
Big hugs
Sue B xx

Sarah said...

Fantastic Sarah...right up my street. LOVE the papers and the colour combo is fab!! xx

Wendy said...

Gorgeous girly card Sarah, love the sweet image and colours.
Wendy xx

Chris said...

This is so cute and girly, Sarah. Girly doesn't have to be pink! (My granddaughters would vehemently disagree with this observation!!:)Chris

Janice said...

Super card Sarah, love the design and those hearts - just adore them! Jx

Crafty Moone Cards said...

So gorgeous Sarah.
Sue x

Debs said...

Gorgeous card Sarah - beautifully coloured image.
Debs xx

Mrs A. said...

Gorgeous colouring. I put my hand in the computer and turned it over to see if the back was pink but no, no pink in sight!!! I loves pink!!!. Hugs Mrs A.

Karen P said...

Gorgeous work Sarah, sorry I've not visited for a while. You've coloured her beautifully too x

debby4000 said...

Oh what an adorable, gorgeous card.

Tammy said...

Adorable card Sarah, I love the colors!! Great challenge theme this week too!
Hugs, Tammy

Christine L said...

WHAT??????????? NO PINK??????????!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sitting sulking in the corner now... (even though your card is fab!

Christine xx

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

Oh I really like your colour choices on this super card and you have done a fab job on her hair!

Hope you're all geared up for all of the school activities for SWMBO xx

Claire Grantham said...

Hey Sarah, sorry for the late comment, just got back from Thanksgiving! The stamp is super cute and your colouring is really great. Clairex

mixamatoasties said...

I do. I do. It's a fab card and an even fabber challenge. I luffs you!

Susan x

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.stunning image and i love your details and colours :D

xx coops xx

Iris Wiechmann said...

Super sweet card! And great job on the dark skintone!Thanks for joining us at Graph'It color challenge this week. Good luck!
