
Tuesday 4 March 2014

Home made flowers, hmmmm

not the best ones I've ever made!

Good morning blogworld,

Isn't it wonderful what a couple of days of sunshine can do, I feel almost positively positive!  One might even say cheerful - hang on there a second, me cheerful?  It won't last!

Anyways enough burbling from me onto my card.

This is my second GDT for Papertake Weekly and this week the challenge is 'Anything Goes, with an optional extra of making your own flowers' hence the title of this post.  Overall I quite like the card, but the flowers are fairly pitiful!  I realised while making this card, after digging around in all me drawers and cabinets, that I have hardly any flower dies or punches.

Can anyone recommend a flower die / punch that they particularly like?

So here, is the card for you to make up your own minds:

Only the one pose today - the image is quite large so it didn't seem worthwhile doing a close up.

I used:

Stamping Bella: Uptown Girl - Bianca loves her big cake
coloured with Copics

BoBunny - Alora Collection

Impression Obsession - Build a Flower

Anything else?
Ribbon and pearls - from my stuff
American Crafts - Thickers for the number (my goodness these are sooo old that the sticky back was no longer sticky!!)
Bit of stickles glitter glue on the cake

Ooooh and can you see I'm attempting pleats - I think they are too severe, but I'm learning and everyday in everyway I'm getting better and better!  Ha!!

See you soon,


A challenge, or two:

Totally Gorjuss: Challenge 225 - Happy Birthday

Craft Your Passion challenge: Challenge 203 - Birthday Bonanza

Penny Black and More: March Challenge - So sweet

The Ribbon Girl: Birthday

The ABC Challenge: G is for Girls


Karen P said...

A gorgeous card Sarah, you've coloured her beautifully, and the layout is fab. The flowers are cute too.
Just wait til the rain comes back - this sunshine is making think I need to clean instead of craft - that won't last long either lol! x

Sharon said...

This is gorgeous Sarah. I love the Stamping Bella and the papers and design are fab.
Have a lovely week.
Hugs Sharon x

Sheri said...

The flowers are darling and your card is really, really fab!!'

Sarah said...

Never mind the flowers...let me at that cake!! Fab card and the flowers are lovely. I don't often make flowers either but when I do I use MFT layered roses - here is the link

I do so like spending other people's money!! xx

An Occasional Genius said...

I think it's stunning Sarah, a beautiful card. I know I still owe you an do list is longer than my arms! xx

Chris said...

Love it Sarah! Fab image (what a cake!!!) and lovely design. Your colouring is beautiful and so's the colour scheme! The flowers look fine to me!!!
Keep smiling!

Sue B said...

Oh WoW!! what a fab image Sarah… and your colouring is awesome… that cake looks good enough to eat!! :-) I love the scrummy papers and your flowers are gorgeous!! they are perfect style for this card.
I have loads of flower dies punches… my favourites are Tim Holtz Tattered Florals Mini Die or for smaller flowers I like my Nellie Snellen punches. ;-))
Hope you are well hun
Big hugs Sue xxx

Debs said...

Stunning card Sarah - love that fabulous image - your pleats look amazing :o)
Debs xx

Sharon Caudle said...

Gorgeous card, Sarah and those flowers are cute! No flower bashing allowed! :) LOVE that image and you've colored her beautifully!
hugs, Sharon

Crafty Moone Cards said...

SO gorgoeus Sarah.
Sue x said...

Sarah fantastic card love the image and layout. Alison xxx

susiestacey said...

Gorgeous card Sarah and love the big cake :) x Susan x

Mrs A. said...

Your pleats and daisies are lovely. The Doc does all the bad habbits, eating the crisps, custard tarts , drinking the whisky. I get the empties to play with!!. Works a treat. Hugs Mrs A.

Jocelyn aka JoBear2 said...

Wow, this is so gorgeous! Your colouring is amazing!

Jocelyn x
Instead of Ironing Blogspot

Jane Savage said...

Gorgeous card, Sarah. Fabulous papers and terrific colouring particularly the pleats!
Loving the flowers I have so many flower dies and punches it would take me a week to list them all! Not very helpful I know. xx

Ella's Design said...

Great card, Sarah! Love your colouring of that sweet image and boy, that's a cake! Bright cheery papers and nice CAS design!
When it comes to making my own flowers, I only have a couple of old Xcut flower punches, but it's surprising how many different looks you can get with them! I'm not a big flower person - probably because then it means you have to faff about with boxes and as I've said I'm leaning towards clean and simple these days!
Hugs, Lisa x

Marjorie said...

Gorgeous card Sarah, love the design, and that image is really smashing!.. I have a couple of flower dies but it's what you do with them that make the difference.. the one I used on my card was just a daisy die like you have on this fab card.. have a look on the internet, loads of ideas there:)..
Marjorie xx

Christine L said...

I have a love of Uptown Girls Sarah... so am loving your card... oooooh to that massive cake! Your colouring and paper choice are fab... and the flowers look good too!

Now.. you asked for flower recommendations.. I could fill a page here... but think one of my favs has to be this one:

which I use over and over again... it's flat and easy to post!

Hope that helps!
Christine x

brenda said...

Your card is beautiful Sarah and just perfect for our So Sweet theme.

Thanks so much for sharing with us at Penny Black and More challenge.

B x

Emma said...

Lovely card wish i had that cake cos it look yummy. Thank you for joining us at The ABC Challenge for our 'G is for Girls' xx

coops said...

so stunning sarah.i love the fabulous image and your papers ar gorgeous :D

xx coops xx

Anonymous said...

Fabulous card and super colouring.Love your paper choices and the flowers look good to me.Thanks for joining us at Craft Your Passion.Hope to see you again next week :D
Lisa x

Sam K said...

Your papers and card are gorgeous and although your not 100% happy with your flowers, I think they look fab, they really suit the overall feel of your card xx Thanks for joining us this week over at CYP. Hugs, Samantha K :) x
Little Pear Tree

Whisper said...

Oooo delightful image and a great layout too and thanks for joining us at Penny Black & More this month and good luck, Luv Sam x