
Wednesday 6 February 2013

Too late!

Hello blogworld

It's about typical of my life at the moment - I made a card to enter into a challenge, that ended on Sunday.  Look when I'm finally getting to blog it, talk about it being a bit late!

So I thought, seeing as I don't have a card to show now until my DT for the Sweeties on Saturday, I thought I'd share it and some waffle.

So card.
Front shot:

Close up of image:

The arty farty:
 I used:

Mo Manning - Fairy Kiki
coloured with my Promarkers (chalks for the sky)

Circular nesties

Ahh, OK not quite sure on that one!  They came out of my scraps box.

Anything else?
Ribbon, trim and sentiment - all from my stuff and, in one case, about 5 years old!!

So what's the waffle then?  Well SHMbO is not sleeping well, she is complaining that her bed is too small.  She is 5 1/2 yrs, about 3 1/2 st and around 116cms (notice how I mix my measurements there - that's what comes from being at school when they kicked out imperial and brought in metric, I can't count in either!!) tall.  She is in a toddler bed (which was her cot then converted to a toddler bed) and complains that it's too small.  So for the last week she's been going to sleep far too late and going into mine and 'im indoors bed - then when we go up, she goes back! 

Me and 'im indoors are talking about getting her a new bed - SHMbO wants a high sleeper or bunk beds - I don't.  Hmmm, I'm trying to persuade him into a shopping trip to Lincoln on Sunday - verrryyy hard work that!!!  He doesn't do shopping - at all, ever, in a million years (oh apart from food shopping, he does that with a list and extreme precision!).

We will see and I will not doubt tell you all about it!!

Hope everyone is well, and I am behind with commenting, when am I not!  Hopefully blog hopping time at the weekend,


A challenge, or two:

In the pink: Challenge #12 - distressed.  Oh-ho, skin of teeth, ladies, skin of teeth!!

Papertake Weekly: Anything Goes

Flutter By Wednesday: Open - with a fairy


Kim said...

had to laugh about it being for a challenge that ended on Sunday! sounds a bit like my life at times! but it's still a gorgeous card and love the cute image. hope you get the bed sorted. I have problems with my youngest too - at 14 years old he doesn't want to get in the bed at night, but then doesn't want to get out of it in the mornings....!
Kim x

Unknown said...

Awwww how ridiculously cute is this?? And ypur colouring is out of this world!!
As for the bed thing, if you have an Ikea, there is an awesome reversible high sleeper bed that is fairly inexpensive! Keiran has it and he loves it! It was around £130 I think. The great thing is that it has plenty of room for storage/ toys/blow up bed underneath! And they cannot fall out of it! And if you turn it the other way, it's a liw bed and kinda like a four poster! And no, I'm not on commission lol!
Anyway, I've waffled now lol!
Bye! ;)
Lizy xx

Lisa Jane said...

aww so sweet and such pretty papers
Lisa x

Sue said...

Your card is gorgeous Sarah, I love the sweet image and your colouring is wonderful.
You are just like me mixing metric and imperial. I hope you manage to get Emily her new bed at the weekend without too much stress.
Take care
Hugs Sue

MagsB said...

Last week I managed to miss 2 challenges with the same card, so I feel your pain! I'm glad you posted this, it is so pretty!

Avoid a bunk bed if you can - it's so hard to change sheets when kneeling on the mattress, and you (at least, I) bump my head on the ceiling!

Good luck with the shopping!

love Mags B x

Danni said...

This is so sweet! Thank you for playing along with my Flutter By Wednesday Challenge!

Doreen said...

This is gorgeous,love the fab

scrappymo! said...

Such a pretty baby card...I lowe that adorable image you have done and the sentiment is fab too!

Probably she is getting too tall for the little bed...If she is wanting a bunkbed for sleepovers...I have a suggestions...
Little Miss C has a twin sized sleigh bed. It is high enough off the ground that there is a mattress that slides under the framed of the bed. DD opulls that mattress out when Miss C has a friend sleepover. I think the style of her bed is called a trundle bed.

It is a high density foam mattress...maybe 6 inches think and my eldest DD has slept on it too and says it is fine.

Little Mr P has bunkbeds and let me tell you they are a b*!* to make every day!

Janice said...

Beautiful card, such a lovely image and so beautifully coloured. Think we've all made cards for challenges that have closed so your not alone there. Hope you get the bed situation sorted soon, happy shopping, Jx

Christine L said...

Gorgeous card hon.... love the cutie MM image... and you've coloured her perfectly!

Good luck with Madame, getting her 'the right' bed!

Christine x

Claire said...

Gorgeous card hun and just love the image, really sweet. At the end of the day you need to get a bed that has been tried and tested by your little one, if its one they want, they will sleep in it. Trust me, after 3 kids and an array of cots, junior beds, high sleepers, bunk beds, mid sleepers and now normal beds as they are all in their teens, have never had a problem. Good luck. Hugs, Claire x

debby4000 said...

Oh this is absolutely gorgeous.

Debs said...

Adorable card hun - love the sweet image and perfect colouring.
Hope you get the bed (and then the sleep) that Emily needs.
Have a wonderful day.
Debs xx

Sarah-Jane said...

Gorgeous card Sarah. I like the image, I have the same one. I just love Mo's cute fairies.
Amelia-Grace was about 5 when she decided that she couldn't sleep in her bed. Same thing, was a cot that turned into a bed. A bunk bed was requested but in the end we went with a mid sleeper. Lot's of space to play tents underneath or hide away all the toys. She hasn't fell out of it...yet!
Sarah-Jane xx

coops said...

so stunning sarah.i love this sweet image and your design is really pretty :D
Jack went straight from a cot to a low pine single bed and now he has a mid sleeper which we can hide his toys under.good luck bed hunting.

xx coops xx

Wendy said...

So gorgeous Sarah, adorable image and coloured so beautifully.
Good luck with sorting out a new bed for Emily.
Wendy xx

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

ohh just stunning sarah! i love the little scene and you have done those clouds just lovely :)

Berry said...

Sarah you aren't the only one who has children sleep issues rest assured! Caleb only now stays in his bed if I sit in the room until he falls asleep - this is good he used to refuse pint blank to sleep in there at all for a while! We leave the light on, have bought a dream catcher (for bad dreams) he has a night light (as well as the main light) he used to have a cabin bed but it was too high so we cut the legs and made it shorter! He even has planets on the ceiling (which he can't see as he never turns the light off!) and even after all this he gets up between 10-12 and crawls into our bed which is where he stays for the rest of the night. It used to be 10pm on the dot but if I string him out a bit later at night sometimes I can even get in bed before he comes up! Hubby is NOT happy about sharing our bed at all but it is an on going problem without a solution right now. Good luck with your bed hunting and oh yes your card is fab I just love that Mos fairy one of my faves!
Hugs Rebekah xx said...

Beautiful card Sarah even if you were too late for the blog challenge are you sure we are not related. lol. Hope you manage to go shopping for a new bed for the little one they are so bossy are'nt they. Love Alison xxx

Sue B said...

Ooh I am always too late for so many challenges Sarah!! I even forgot to link up altogether on one of my cards… there I was checking if I had won weeks later and realised that I hadn't even blooming entered LOL
Aww I love this cute image and you've coloured her beautifully to go with the scrummy papers… the sentiments and ribbon match perfectly too… I love it! :-)
Ooh I hope you get the bed thing sorted … I can remember wanting to sleep on top bunk on holiday but my brother always bagged it… but one year I moaned and moaned until my mum gave in and let me go on top… and guess what? I hated it… got vertigo and cried!! so we had to swap back…LOL
Hope you have a nice day!
Take care
Big hugs
Sue xx

Unknown said...

Beautiful card Sarah, hope you get the bed situation sorted, think of your back when making bunk beds or high beds.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh this is crazy cute - love it to bits :-) x x

Karen P said...

I had a bunk bed when I was a kid and even then I remember thinking I don't like this.
It was blooming uncomfortable. I used to fall out if I needed to get out in the middle of the night and because I sleep walked I fell out a lot! I used to forget that I was high up in the morning and fall out again - yep I was a klutz then and still am now lol!
Ikea beds are fab - we had one for about 8 years and it was wonderfully comfortable.
Now your card - I'm always missing challenges so I find something elsewhere and pop it in there.
Your colouring on this is awesome, and I do mean AWESOME! I really want that digi and now I want to get my chalks out to practice 'cloud' making!
Now that was a lot of waffle - sorry! Karen x

Denice said...

What a sweet MM image, colored beautifully! Great choice of papers! Thanks for playing along with us this week at Flutter By Wedneday.

catherine said...

Fantastic card sarah. Great image.
I hope you manage to solve the "bed " issue and she finds just what she likes!!! Have a good weekend
x catherine

mixamatoasties said...

She's got a bare bum... I am shocked!

Great card.

Susan xx

scrappymo! said...

So adorable...beautiful card!