
Tuesday 11 June 2013

June - Day 11

Good morning blogworld

Firstly I wanted to say thank you for all the very kind comments you left yesterday on my 'have a rant post' about the builder.  Straight after posting that I went off and took out a lot of frustration on my hoovering and I now have very clean carpets!!!

Hubby is making phone calls as I type trying to find a replacement builder, but so far no luck - even tho we can't actually get one to come here, they all appear to be super busy and unable to help.

I'm not sure what will end up happening, but we haven't given up hope yet.  There may even be the faint possibility that he and I will be out there sometime soon taking the roof off ourselves!  I will share pictures if that happens.

Still looking on the bright side it does mean I still have crafting time for an unspecified length of time ;-)

So onto Day 11 and our prompt is:

Day 11: Dish the dirt on your biggest craft spend OR Craft something for a child recpient

Oh dear, what hasn't been my biggest craft spend!! The latest one would've been the E-bosser - hubby got that for me for Christmas, before that it was my Cuttlebug and before that it was my Craft-Robo.

I would say though that my two cumulative biggest spends would be my collection of dies and my ProMarkers - I shudder to think how much I've spent on those over the last 5 years or so.

And I've made a card as well!!!  Yes, I think I can hear the gasps of surprise from here!

My card for a child:
Front shot:

The close up:

The Arty Farty:

I used:

Digi Stamp:
Some Odd Girl - Big Pressie Tia
coloured with my ProMarkers

Wot no dies??!!

Do-Crafts - 'Happy Birthday to you'

Anything else?
Create and Craft - swirl
Craftwork Cards - sentiment
Ribbon from my stuff

The good news is that I actually won a prize over at the Some Odd Girl challenge and this digi is one of my picks from my prize - first time I've won anything this year!!!  I was starting to think my luck had completely deserted me!

The bad news is that my favourite base colour pen for skin tones ran out just as I started this card and so the skin tone colours are a bit off.

Anyway, super long post from me today - congrats if you made it this far and see you again tomorrow,



Kim said...

gorgeous card Sarah and wonderful colouring! My biggest single purchase was a Big Shot (no cricuts or electronic ones here I'm afraid!) - but I shudder to think what the figure would be if I totted up re pens, dies, etc.... Oh dear! Best that hubby doesn't have a clue, bless him!
Kim x

Kairen said...

sorry still giggling at the phrase 'arty farty'I just took a picture for tomorrows post which I think I got to nip back and name it artyfarty lol

Sue said...

Your card is gorgeous Sarah, I love the cute image and your colouring is fabulous.
hugs Sue xx

Karen P said...

Super cute digi, and your colouring is fab, as always! Gorgeous card too. I refuse to think about how much I have spent on crafts over the years but like you I think my dies and diferent colouring mediums would add up to a huge amount of money that would turn me tummy lol! Good luck with the builders hun Karen x

catherine said...

I'm sure you will find someone soon Sarah and your plans will be put into action!!
Great card and I would not tell you how much I have spent on distress products. lets say I have all the distress ink pads for a start!!
x catherine

An Occasional Genius said...

Gorgeous card! And I'm not even going there on craft spending lol!!!

Sorry to hear the building work is erm...interrupted! Hopefully you'll be able to find someone soon but make sure it's a good'un! xx

Wishcraft said...

Such a cute image and lovely colours too, fab card Sarah :o) Hugs, Lisa x

Sue B said...

Aww your card is gorgeous Sarah… what a cutie she is… and your colouring is fab! I love the scrummy papers and ribbon! :-)
I'm SO sorry to hear about all your trouble with the builder… what is it about builders? we had one come to look at our kitchen… he said he'd give us a quote and we never saw him again…. our kitchen is in bad way… maybe it was too much for him!! LOL
hope you find someone reliable very soon hun!
Big Congrats on your win at SOG… it's a lovely image! :-)
Sorry I am not a very good blogger lately... time seems to slip away from me…
Hope you have a lovely evening!
Big hugs
Sue xx

Jo said...

Pens, pens, pens.......think we're all as bad as each other lol! Great card too, fab image & love your colouring!
Hugs Jo x

Winnie said...

Many congratulations on our win - like the digi you choose. She is cute and the coluring is beautiful. X

Lisa xx said...

Hi Sarah, firstly.....super cute card, love the way she's kicking her little heel up!

Secondly, its a bit of a stab in the dark but.....the trading standards dept at our local council keep a "trusted trader" list, so it might be worth a couple of phone calls to see if your district council do something smimlar. It might be a way of finding a decent builder. If if you've already gone down that road.....apologies!

If all else fails.....I've got a big hammer in the shed xx

Mel @ Melusberry HQ said...

Love Tia from SOG she is so cute! Congrats on the win! Great post! I would hate to add up how much my Promarkers cost altogether! Shudder to think about it! :S

Mel xx

DesignerDiva said...

I love your pretty card today Sarah the colours are lovely as is that image and I'm really enjoying your posts everyday even if I don't comment I'm reading them!!
Hugs Laurie xx

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah. really sweet image and I love your pretty colours :D

xx coops xx

Christine L said...

Super cute image and gorgeous card hon... love your colouring and can't see anything the matter with the skin tones!

And oooh you're brave admitting about your craft spends... I couldn't put it anywhere in black and white in case it's held against me!! LOL

Big Hugs
Christine x said...

Sarah another wonderful card. Love Alison xx