
Friday 13 December 2013

A Very Important Card

for a Very Important Person

Hello blogworld

Well make the most of this - a post nearly everyday - it won't continue next week.  Life is just absolutely hectic right now.  We've been out three nights out of the last five - plus I've been to the school Christingle, ooooh had an Xbox session with the girls - now that was fun.  Next week it's the Christmas play, the Christmas sing-a-long, two Carol services and marathon wrapping sessions!!!

So I thought I'd share our card to SWMbO.  It's a bit more embellished than I've made recently but I know that SHMbO'd loves those heavily embellished cards - so that's what I made her!

I've also gone and brought a few Graph'It pens and this is my first attempt at colouring with them.  Goodness it takes me back to when I first started using ProMarkers - bit of a learning curve! Right mish-mash of pens used altogether with this card!  Can't make my mind up anymore which pens I like best!!

Front Shot:

The Close Up:

I used:

Digi Stamp:
All Dressed Up - Happy Christmas Little Star
coloured with: ProMarkers, Copics and Graph'It pens
and the background was chalked as well

Memory Box - corner and snowflake

Martha Stewart

Not sure - had them for years

Anything else?
Brad, ribbon, Stickles glitter glue, 3d gloss
all from my stuff

Right that's it for this week.  Will see you next and then it's almost Christmas!!!  Anyone else not entirely sure if they are looking forward to it or not??


A challenge, or two:

All Dressed Up Challenges: Challenge #5 - Christmas

A Creative Romance: Sparkle at Christmas

Digi Haven: Christmas Cards

Graph'It Marker Colouring challenge: Anything Goes (as I don't have the Mix'It fluid)

Totally Papercrafts: Christmas using Non-traditional colours


Sarah said...

Gorgeous Sarah and I'm sure she will love it!! xx

Wishcraft said...

Your colouring looks fab Sarah, and I love your pretty card :o) Hugs, Lisa x

PS. yes, it's been a truly rubbish day lol!

Wendy said...

Absolutely gorgeous Sarah, adorable image coloured so beautifully.
Wendy xx

Sharon said...

This is such a cutie of an image and I love the graph it pens. Beautiful papers and embellishments.
Have a lovely weekend.
Hugs Sharon. x

Karen P said...

It's gorgeous Sarah, if she doesn't love it we will have it! Your colouring, as always, is fab! Your schedule wears me out lol! xx

Nancy said...

Really beautiful card, Sarah! Thanks so much for joining our challenge at All Dressed Up! :o)

Crafty Moone Cards said...

Beautiful card Sarah. Have a Great weekend. Sue x

Julie C. said...

This card is beautiful! I bet Emily will love it! I love the big die cut snowflake so pretty!

Christine L said...

Hi Sarah

I'm sure Emily will treasure this card... believe it or not I used the same image for my daughter who is 28 on Christmas Eve!! Fabulous to see you using All Dressed Up images... (so gorgeous aren't they?) and thanks for joining in our Christmas challenge too!

Now... get on with your busy week - you haven't got time to be reading this!! LOL

Big hugs
Christine x

Jane Savage said...

Gorgeous colours and beautiful colouring. SWMBO will adore it! xx

Marilyn said...

This is beautiful and I love everything about it, especially how it has such a softness and gentleness to it. Gorgeous card!
Thanks for joining us at all Dressed Up and I hope you'll be back again.

mixamatoasties said...

Beautiful card Sarah. I hope SWMBO likes it!

Susan x

Anne said...

oh Sarah this is stunning!!!
Love your non traditional Christmas colours.
Thanks for playing along with All Dressed Up
Anne x said...

Sarah this is beautiful and I am sure little one will love it. Alison xx

Lizzy said...

Hi Sarah, such a lovely card, gorgeous muted tones, very clever! Thanks for joining us at All Dressed Up x x

Jo said...

Hi Sarah.....this is gorgeous, Emily is sure to love it! Those All Dressed Up images are just fab, aren't they? Hope you're well & enjoying the weekend!
hugs Jo x

Anjie said...

Wow! Stunning

Claire said...

Gorgeous card Sarah, beautiful colouring!
Claire xx

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.stunning pretty image and your details and colours are beautiful :D

xx coops xx

Pat K said...

Gorgeous, girly card Sarah. Love the image and wonderful detail. Thanks for joining us at TPC. Pat K x

Juls said...

Just beautiful!! Love the soft colours xxx

Unknown said...

Awww this is so cute - she's going to absolutely love it xx Hope things have started to calm down at your end - it always gets so busy in the lead up to Christmas doesn't it!! I'm happy to say I've finished my Christmas wrapping this week - glad to have that job ticked off!! We're hosting a Christmas party this weekend for friends so getting the house as festive as possible over the next couple of days and then it'll hopefully be nice and relaxing for the rest of the Christmas break :-D xx

Unknown said...

This is so adorable! I hope she likes it. :) I haven't made any card for my kids far too long, but next year all that will change!
Great coloring and lovely embellishing. :)
Have an awesome day, Sarah!

ps. got some candy on my blog...