
Sunday 18 March 2012

Some exciting news!

Hello there blogworld

Well and how are we all today?  Now I know it's Mother's Day and I do hope that those of you who celebrate it are having a lovely day, but I'm also aware that there are lots out there who do not.  So I'm not going to bang on about it or whether you got lots of pampering and presents, I will share a story and probably post a pic or two another day how my day went (did you realise I like to share?).  But not today.

I certainly find today day tinged with bitterness.  For many years (and I do mean many), while we were trying to start our own family I found the concept pushed at me that if you weren't a mother you weren't a proper woman, that hurt.  Also I don't have a particularly good relationship with my family - so this day reminds me that my mother and I don't speak, that also hurts.  But I've learnt to live with it, some times life does not go the way I would want.  I realise that some of you are not going to be able to understand not speaking to your parents / family - but unfortunately that's how things are in my life and I'm coping with it.

Anyhow, enough angst from me!  On to happier things and that would be - I was recommended by a good bloggie friend to be a new face on a challenge blog and I'm happy to say I am now a proud Design Team member at:

So straight into this fortnights challenge which is Easter - so come on then lets see those eggy cards!  The lovely sponsors and prizes for this challenge:

One lucky winner gets to pick four images of their choice from:

A goody bag from:

Well I would be entering this week if I hadn't been asked onto the Design Team!!

So, finally, my card.  And here it is:

Front shot of card:

Detail shot of image:
I used:

Pollycraft digi image: Spring things: eggcellent for sharing, coloured with my Prisma pencils
Sentiment is from an All That Scraps set, probably a Swiss Pixies one but I chucked the packaging, again!
Die-cut with a Go-Kreate die
Papers are from a kit I got from QVC many moons ago, don't know who made them.
Ribbon and brad from my stuff.
Craftwork cards: card blank

So there you go, that's my eggciting (couldn't resist!) news and I do hope that you will pop over to the challenge blog and take a look at my new Teamies wonderful creations and maybe even join in? I'd love to see you!

See you another day.


A challenge, or two:

Sketch N Stash: Challenge 83 - Michelle's Sketch

Joanna Sheen Chellenge: Spring is in the air

Totally Gorjuss: Challenge 123 - Spring


Doreen said...

Love your gorgeous card Sarah and your fab

Laney said...

Beautiful card Sarah and congratulations on your new DT you will be a great asset!!
Now Hun all I'm going to say to you is
I totally understand..You celebrate being a great Mum today.... coz thats exactly what you are!

Wendy Fraser said...

Congrats on your DT position, stunning card. xx

Tracey T said...

Congratulations Sarah! Very well deserved, too - your DT card is adorable. Know what you mean about Mothers Day - it's just another day for me as there isn't anyone to organise things on Gregor's behalf and he's too young to buy anything without having to ask me for the money! Plus he's a boy and nearly a teenager and it's not how their minds work, is it? Still, I'm very lucky and grateful to have him. Enjoy your Mothers Day your way - you deserve it, Sweetie. Hugs xx

mixamatoasties said...

Well done on your new DT slot Sarah! Well deserved.

Love your card too :)

And hugs for you today. My mum is sadly gone and I feel a bit "off" today xxx

Unknown said...

WOW Sarah this card is gorgeous.
I love the little chicks.
I am sorry that you find days like this tinged with bitterness as you don't speak to your mum, I didnt speak to mine for quite a few years, I found her too controlling in my life and we clashed . I made the first move and we put things aside, but sadly she then had a massive stroke, she is now like a child and I help to take care of her. How I wish I could have that fiesty but sometimes controlling mum back. Life is so complicated sometimes , but you are right we just cope with it.

Loads of hugs to you today

Berry said...

This is fab and bright Sarah full of sunshine and spring! It's a pity that things are the way with your family which puts a bitter edge on mothers day for you. It's often hard for anyone to understand the ins and outs of others family and everything that occurs between them. I hope you are having a lovely day being appreciated as a mum but your darling Emily! I certainly don't feel any more or less of a woman having had 3 children a saint maybe lol or a glutton for punishment but I know plenty of independent, strong and probably more sane women without children!
Congrats on your new DT place!
Hugs Rebekah xx

MagsB said...

Hi Sarah! What a cute card! Such gorgeous bright colours, and I love the striped ribbon!

During the 8 years hubby and I were trying for a family I was told I wasn't properly married, or a proper woman, without children. A quarter of a century later and I still get an itch in my toes, wanting to kick that person from here to San Francisco. So I sympathise very much with you. This day is very hard for many people. *hugs*

And welcome to Dream Valley!

love Mags B x

Janette said...

Hi Sarah, Sorry things are this way for you sweetie, hope you managed to enjoy the day anyhow....

Your card is gorgeous and I just adore the image you used.....
Welcome to Dream Valley, I'm sure you'll love

Lily Anuska said...

Hi Sarah.This is wonderful card, I love colors and ribbon is sweet. Congrat on became new DT member. This week is a week of awards for me. I got another for Versatile blogger, and I want to share it with you. So I nominated you. I wishing you a wonderful day. Hugs. Lily Anuska

Mel said...

Woop woop!
Can't wait to work along with you petal, I know you will just fit in with the team!
Stunning little card and image is coloured beautifully! Love it all!
Hugs Melly xxx

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your DT position Sarah and a fabulous Easter card, love it! I understand your family situation completely but I have discovered that what doesn't break you makes you stronger in the end!
Helen x

DesignerDiva said...

HUge congrats on your new DT position Sarah, they are lucky to have you! Your card is beautiful and I'm in love with that gorgeous ribbon!
I struggled to concieve for years and had to have fertility treatment in the end and no one who hasn't been there has a clue how it made me feel. With your lovely little Emily you can do everything the way your mother didn't!
Much Love Laurie xx

Unknown said...

Congrats Sarah!! And your card is wonderful! And regarding everything else, whatever has happened in the past, I'm sure you're a wonderful Mum to Emily and your family are the important ones now! :)
Lizy xx

Little K Smith said...

Hi Sarah
Congrats on your new DT position! :) And such a lovely card too, love the pretty colours and gorgeous ribbon!

Sorry to read that you and your Mum don't get on. Unfortunately I've not been blessed with children of my own, but have managed to deal with it and then there's my Mum, we lost our brother Lewis, aged 18, 2 years ago, so it's a difficult day for her, I suppose it's a funny old day for alot of people, sorry to go on but your words really touched me.

Anyhoo, I do hope you had a nice day :)


Christine L said...

Congrats on our DT post Sarah.. Well deserved too!

And I know exactly what you mean about the time when you were struggling to conceive.. I was the original woman who bought baby clothes before I was pregnant! And all that seems to surround you is babies and pregnant women! But after years of trying, I had two lovely girls.. who are now 27 and 26 and who have spoiled me today..

Beautiful card btw.. And hope you had a lovely day!

Christine x

coops said...

gorgeous card sarah.i really love the sweet image and stunning colours.huge congrats on your dt news hun, thats fantastic and i hope emily has spoilt you today :D

xx coops xx

Kim said...

Congrats on your new DT position! Your card is beautiful too, love the colors.
We celebrate mothers day in May but sadly my mom is gone two years now. I am sorry to hear that about your mom, what is important is what is best for you and your daughter! I am sure she is a lucky girl to have you as her mom.

Pamela said...

Congratulations on your new DT position Sarah. Beautiful card. Hope you enjoyed your day with your little girls.

Pam x

scrappymo! said...

That truly is eggciting news!!! Good for you!
Cute, cute, card...Nice lively colours!

debby4000 said...

Oh this is so cute Sarah, well done on your DT place.

NGCARDS said...

A wonderful creation hun! Thanks for playing at Joanna Sheen! xxx

Sarah-Jane said...

Congratulations on your new design team post Sarah.
Fab card. I like the image and stripy ribbon.
Sarah-Jane xx

Basslady said...

what an awesome and super-cute card!
love the image and your coluring!

hugs and kisses from germany,
silvi xoxo

Jayne A said...

Congratulations on your new DT post Sarah. Your card is gorgeous.


Aunty Sue said...

Hi Sarah just getting round to doing some blogging. I too dont really do Mother's day either as my Mum passed in her 40's and my ex wouldnt buy presents for my son when he was little saying i wasnt his Mum. So I do get a card but most of the time is all. Sorry to hear that you struggle with this time of year but onto your card i love pollycraft images dont get to use them as much as i would like and this is just stunning. A great card to start the new DT postion and great to be working with you. Hugs Sue xxx

xxxtglxxx said...

Wow Sarah! Congratulations hun, thats brilliant news and very well deserved. This card is gorgeous, love the zingy colours and the amazing layers! :)

That ribbon is something else too!



Doreen said...

gorgeous card - super cute image and great colours
Many thanks for joining us at SnS this week

congrats on your new DT post

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card. Love that ribbon. xx

Pauline said...

What fab news, congrats on your new DT position! Gorgeous card, that image is so adorable!

Arabella said...

Congrats on your new DT position Sarah! That's great news! Your card is gorgeous!


Wendy said...

Congratulations Sarah on your new DT, well deserved... love your gorgeous card.
Wendy xx

Karen P said...

Congratulations Sarah, maybe you will start to have a bit more confidence in yourself and your wonderful creations lol! This is another gorgeous card Karen x

Michelle Short said...

Great card, so cute.

Thank you for joining in with my sketch at Sketch N Stash this fortnight,

Michelle x