
Friday 2 March 2012

What is it about Jaffa Cakes.....

that once I start I just can't stop!

I absolutely love 'em, I have to restrict myself to an occasional packet otherwise I think I'd turn orange as well!!  I have demolished half a packet this evening and thankfully I feel slightly sick now, otherwise I'd be onto the other half already.

So now I've got that little confession off my chest - how are we all doing today then?

We took Peters dad off to Skeg this afternoon so he could catch his train home, and everything has run late since that.  Also am rather stuffed 'cause not only did I finish off half a pack of Jaffa Cakes but we also had homemade pizzas and now I can hardly move!  Diet, what diet?

So onto my card, this is the companion stamp to the one I used yesterday - which by the way I have to say a great big thank you for all the lovely compliments, they are very appreciated.

The card, it's for my friend's little boy - the one who is Emily's best friend.  When I asked if she thought he looked like Ryan, she gave the card careful consideration and said 'no - he's too short'.

Front shot:

  Detail shot of image:

I used:

The Greeting Farm stamp: Happy Days - coloured with my Promarkers.  The die-cut out with and mounted onto nestie shapes.
The papers are all Basic Grey Archaic, and I've used my last bit of the dinosaur papers from it!
Ribbons and number 5 from my stuff
Sentiment is Craftwork cards

Oh and do you want to see the state making that card yesterday left my dining room in?  Look at this:

Off now to try and digest this pizza and Jaffa Cakes and wander around lots of blogs!

See you soon.

A challenge, or two:

Sketch Saturday: week #196 ( I rotated the sketch - hope you can still see it)

Cupcake Craft Challenges: Boys and their toys

Aud Sentiments Challenge: Challenge 49 - Happy Birthday


Doreen said...

Love your gorgeous card Sarah,a fab

Vicky said...

Oh Sarah what a sweetie hun...and love the table

have a great weekend...big hugs Vicky xx

Kathleen said...

Hi Sarah, hehehe, we are so alike!! Lol I love jaffa cakes too and once I start I cant stop too. They are soooo yummy. I try not to buy them, unfortunately Meghan was given a huge box of them for her xmas, it contained the equivilent of 5 packets, it was torture!
Anyway, love your card, cute little guy, beautifully coloured too.
Hugs Kat x

Lily Anuska said...

Hi Sarah. Wonderful boy card. You made me hungry. I am lucky that I do not have Jaffa cakes at home. I go to bed. This will be the best.Have a wonderful weekend. Lily Anuska

Wendy Fraser said...

What a super image for a wee boy's card. Fab colours too. xx

Julie C. said...

This is a cute boy card. My friend's little boy LOVES dinosaurs. Might need to get this stamp set too! ^_^ Have a nice weekend!

Tracey T said...

You're on a roll, Sarah - another fabby card! Don't feel bad about the Jaffa cakes - I've got a glass of wine and a Magnum! xx

Wendy said...

Fabulous boys card Sarah, love the image and great dinosaur paper,perfect.
Mmmmm thinking about jaffa cakes now, will have to get some when I do the shop tommorrow lol...
enjoy the weekend.
Wendy xx

mixamatoasties said...

That is fab Sarah. Love that wee image, he's so cute :)

My confession - one of the girls at work brought in cookies today. They were delicious. Well, the first one was, the next two were just greed....


catherine said...

You see sarah your great at making cards. fab one and great papers. have a nice weekend
x catherine

Berry said...

I love this Sarah you have coloured him brilliantly he is a fab image! I'm a sucker for any biscuits can't have a coffee without consuming half a pack! Hugs rebekah xx

Jo said...

Hi Sarah, I hear ya with the jaffa cakes! we've all been there lol
Too short or not, he's a cutie, and you've coloured him beautifully.
Thank you for joining in the fun at Sketch Saturday.
Jo xx

Anita said...

This is such a cute male card Sarah - love it! If you think your table looks bad, you should see my craft room - looks like a bomb went off in it :)

Kim said...

Love your card, the paper is a perfect match.
Wish I knew what a jaffra cake was because it sounds good haha. What can I say, I live in America never heard of one.
Love your dining room table, signs a of a true crafter!

scrappymo! said...

Thank goodness I am dieting as I don't need to discover any others foods I like!

The dining room will tidy up...the bright side of that messy bit is that at least you have a nice, big dining room table to craft at!

nessy said...

oh what an adorable card ~just love it all ~perfect for any little boy!!
aaaaaah jaffa i did the same last week sat watching "escape to the country" ~hot latte in hand and a new box of those cakes by my side....half an hour later no coffee or jaffa cakes left..and got angry at the tv as again "they" didn`t buy what would have been my dream house......
vanessa xx

Rachel said...

Fab card, its sooo cute! Glad to see someone elses craft space ends up like mine after a crafting session!! Hope you have an awesome Saturday. Wedgie xxx

Faye said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, jaffa cakes! I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurve jaffa cakes. I love this card too. specially the image/ paper combo. Perfecto. xxx

Flowergirl said...

Super cute card! He is gorgeous. Love your table! looks like my desk! I work better in a muddle! Or thats what I tell myself!!
Wendy x

The Crafty Den said...

Hi Sarah, what a fantastic card. I love the fun image and your papers are perfect. Thanks for joining in with my challenge over cupcake craft this week. Hugs, Denise x

Christine L said...

OMG to your dining room.....!!! And OMG to your jaffa cakes (confession time tho, I can eat a whole pack in one sitting!)!!

Love your little man card.... fab colours and perfect layout!

Christine x

Karen P said...

Gorgeous card! Love TGF images anyway and you've coloured him wonderfully!
I'll try and take a photo later of our table in the dining room, and the units ooo and the floor lol!
Can't eat them Jaffa Cakes since they changed the recipe make me feel ick! Karen x

Wishcraft said...

Fab card Sarah. I love this image, he's so cute, perfect papers too :o)

Dex (he's 4) likes looking at my cards and he's usually quite enthusiastic about them, but he once studied one that I'd been fairly happy with and said 'well, it's not exactly perfect is it?' lol! Lisa x

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Sarah, love the image and great colouring! hope you manage to digest those Jaffas soon, LOL!
Helen x

An Occasional Genius said...

Oh blimey, I've missed so much hon! Glad to hear you've come to your senses about your cards, they are fabulous!

Such a cute card, I remember DQ12 coming out with a similar sort of comment when she was a bit younger, you gotta laugh at how they see the world!

Only half a pack of Jaffa cakes?!

Hugs xx

xxxtglxxx said...

Too Short!! LOL :)

This is a fabby boys card, great colouring and papers too hun!

......and yes there is a story around my dog being called Kevin....

I remember hearing on the radio several years ago that following a survey it was revealed that the most popular name for a best mate was 'Kevin'.

It said everyone wants a friend called 'Kev', as it sounds like he would be a top bloke, handy to know, always buys his round and always help you out in a crisis... LOL!! :) So I thought I'd have some of that.

My other dog is called Oliver (much more normal) but my shortlist of names for our next dog is 'Nigel', 'Hector' or 'Dennis' (as in menace!) ;)



Dragonlady said...

Brilliant card for a boy. Thank you for playing at Aud Sentiments.

Hugs Ali x

Pauline said...

What a gorgeous card, love your colouring!
And what a fab busy space you have, I too have to use my dining room as a crafting area!

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Gorgeous card hun, love those papers, so cute and lol your dining room looks very tidy compared to my living room floor at the moment (craft stuff everywhere right now hehe)
Lindsay xx

Lisa xx said...

fabby card Sarah! thank you for joining us at aud sentiments......nothing worse than an empty table in my book!

Jayne A said...

Hi Sarah

Gorgeous card. I would like to pass on the Leibster award to you for inspiring me to keep blogging


Julie said...

Such a cute card. Thanks for joining us at Aud Sentiments