
Thursday 17 May 2012

Hmmm, not quite sure!

Hi blogworld,

Hope everyone is well?

So what shall I waffle on about today then? How about an update on the cat situation? Well it's still here and settling in even more! The arguments between it and the other two are slightly lessening but they are still not 100% happy in each others' company.  Emily however loves it!

Hubby took it to the vets and all they could say was that it doesn't have a chip - they think it's between 2 - 6 years old (put it much younger myself!), can't tell if it's a boy or girl as it has no 'bits'! They said it's very difficult to tell if it's been done or is a girl and they do have a missing black cat on their books but in a different town to where we found it - not much help there then!!

So it now has a name, but I don't think it's a name that's staying - Emily wants to call it Ryan!! We're sticking with 'puss' for now! It has a collar, is sleeping on Emily's bed, getting up before 6 every morning and eating about 4 meals a day. I do hope something happens soon to say whether it will stay or not, it's getting harder to get Emily to say it might be someone elses!!

There we go - I'm all waffled out and I would imagine you are all fed up of my waffle as well!

So onto card - it's for my friends' mum and I'm not entirely sure I've got it right.  This is the friend who likes big cards, so it's larger than I'm used to working on and the image isn't one that comes naturally to me.  It's a beautiful image, but flowers aren't something that I would immediately go for.

But I'll show it anyway, and you can make up your own minds.

Front shot:

Detail of image:

My pins:

I used:

A Passion for Stamps - Two Roses, coloured with my Promarkers

Nesties for the image
Memory Box - Maderia Corner
Shapeabilities - Fancy Tags two

Daisy D's

Doily, ribbons, pins all from my stuff
Sentiment created on my PC
Craftwork Cards - card blank

Oh, and another bit of waffle before I go - Emily has her class assembly tomorrow afternoon.  They are doing a play based on 'The Hungry Catterpillar' book - they've all got lines and actions and all the parents / rellies are invited to come see them perform!  So guess where we are off to at 2.25pm tomorrow.  I'll let you know how it goes.

See you all soon,

A challenge, or two:

Sketch n Stash: I hope it's OK that I turned the image square into a rectangle and the backing square into a doily?  The ribbon is the strip going across the sketch - can you see it?  On the whole, I do hope I've not altered it tooo much, sorry!!!  My stash are the papers and the image is new.

I love Promarkers: Challenge #117 - Anything Goes

Papertake Weekly: In the garden

Moving Along With The Times: Keep it Real

and for fun: Lisa's Waste not Wednesday - it's the papers Lisa!  The image is new, but the papers are from when I dabbled in scrapbooking after Emily was born - so they are getting on for 5 years old and it's the first time they've seen daylight. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!!


Vicky said...

So gorgeous Sarah...and thanks so much for joining us at SnS too...:o)

big hugs Vicky xx

Doreen said...

Love this Sarah, fab colours and

Tanya said...

Gorgeous card, I love the soft colours! your ribbon and pins are gorgeous :)

Tags xx

Jayne A said...

Gorgeous card Sarah. Love the colour.

Catherine said...

Pretty card, love the pink bow....

catherine said...

I would say you have got this card "spot on". Colours are fab. looks like your new house guest is really enjoying your company!!
x catherine

Kathleen said...

Gorgeous card Sarah, love the colours. Fab colouring.
Sounds like the puss is there to stay! Lol all I can say is good luck!
Kat xx

Teresa said...

Beautiful card Sarah. xx

Wendy said...

So beautiful Sarah,love your pins...enjoy Emilys class assembly, I have one to go to next Wednesday.
Wendy xx

Berit said...

Gorgeus card, I love the hat-pins.
Thanks for joining us at I ♥ Promarkers this week.
Berit x

Ruth said...

This is a gorgeous card and your colouring is excellent. I'm so glad you enjoyed your digi image! Ruth x

sue said...

gorgous card sue xx

Ruth said...

PS just to say I've added your lovely card to my gallery HERE...

Judith said...

Such a pretty card - love the soft colours and the way you have coloured the image - we had a cat like that - we called him Jack cos we found him on the hills (Jack and Jill!)- he stayed for for 15 years! Thanks for playing along at MAWTT this week and good luck hugs Judith x

ps just became a follower - i need to know what happens to this cat!! x

Arabella said...

This is lovely Sarah! I love how you have coloured the roses! I'm with you... flowers are not my thing, but you have done a fabulous job! I love your pins too!


Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Really pretty hun, lovely papers and die cuts and the bow and pins look fantastic. I hope the cat issues get settled one way or the other before too long and I hope you enjoy the hungry catterpillar performance
Lindsay xx

Sue said...

A fabulous card, lovely image and gorgeous colours..very pretty indeedy:)

thanks for joining us at SnS


WeirdCat said...

Fab card, so pretty, I think the cat has made his decision and hope the play went well, thank you for joining us at I♥Promarkers this week
Ruth x

Sarah-Jane said...

Lovely card Sarah, really pretty. Thank you for joining us at Sketch n Stash.
Sarah-Jane xx

coops said...

stunning card sarah,your soft colours and design are gorgeous and i love the roses :D

xx coops xx

Wendy Fraser said...

What a stunning card, Ruth's floral images are gorgeous. Have a good weekend. xxx

Sue B said...

This is gorgeous Sarah - I love the image and the beautiful papers and doily are so pretty!
Hope you have a good weekend!
Big Hugs
Sue xx

Karen P said...

Fabulous card Sarah, how are you doing? Not long for you now to go to your show and be able to craft shop without any guilt! we love cats and know it can take a long time before they settle down together. must be hard for you with Emily getting so attached though. hugs Karen x

Debbie said...

Lovely card your beautifully coloured image.
Debbie x

Wishcraft said...

I think it's lovely Sarah! Gorgeous colours and your colouring looks fab. Love your pretty pins too!

I have some papers shoved in a drawer that have probably been there for 4 or 5 years - I bought one of those goody box type offers when I first started crafting, full of different 12x12 papers. Most of them are aimed at scrapbooking really so they've hardly been used... I should really think of some ways I can use them, or do the unthinkable and get rid!

Thanks for joining in with my WNW challenge hun :o) Hugs, Lisa x

Chrissie said...

It's a beautiful card and yes, it's perfectly alright that you changed some elements sweetie.
I'm sure this will be perfect, I think we all just get so used to our 'normal' styles.
Thanks for joining in with Sketch N Stash.
Chrissie xx

DesignerDiva said...

I've been such a bad blogger Sarah I'd missed out on the whole cat thing!
hope you enjoyed the assembly, I used to love going to watch mine when they were little.
Your card is gorgeous sweetie, stunning colouring.
While I'm here......Thanks for 'keepin' it real' at MAWTT this week and good luck with the challenge
Laurie xx

Daniele said...

such a pretty card, love the soft colouring and the bow is lush, hope the cat settles down real soon, thanks for joining us at SnS this week

Andie's Space said...

This looks fab. I love your pretty image & gorgeous colouring. Great take on my sketch too. Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Stash this week.
Andie xx

xxxtglxxx said...

Maybe the cat (Tinker) was just meant to belong to you :) (or Emily - lol)

I struggle with larger cards (8 x 8) and also 'mainly floral' images too, as I am scared they look kinda old fashioned. However flowers mean and say so many things and a very safe bet if you are making for someone else too.

It is a really pretty card hun, lovely summery colours and very delicate touches. I think its lovely! :)

