
Wednesday 30 May 2012

I went, I saw,

I spent and then I spent some more and more!

Hellooo blogworld

Me again, here I am being a bus (nothing for ages then twice in a day) or something like that anyway!

So I promised some pictures of my new stuff - somehow it didn't look as much when I laid it out on the dining room table as when I was carrying it around at the craft fayre!!

Dies, dies and more dies oh and some paper, embellies, doilies and a stamp (bargain that was!).

DST, Artbin storage (already had the nesties), ribbon, lace and mettalic mesh - ooooh you should've seen the examples of bows and flowers - gorgeous!  Now if only I can do the same!!!!

My postal spend - shed loads of flowers and a new bottle of Crafters Pick.  Had the other bottle for roughly two years?  Thought it might run out soon!!!

The only things I didn't take pics of was my new glass cutting mat, beads and plain white heavy paper for the inserts that I'm going to start putting in my cards.

Ummm, think that's it.  I could've spent more but I'm now hanging on until my birthday and will self-present some craft stuff then.

Oh and the craft fayre saga - well the first stall I stopped at I spent a fair amount and went to put it on my Visa - only to be told that my pin had been blocked, so the lady did the transaction as cardholder not present.  None of the stalls took AmEx so I had to revert to cash - blooming good job I'd taken a wad of cash otherwise I'd been stuffed.

I did try to phone hubby (he'd taken Emily away and out so that I could shop in peace) but he has a  rubbish phone and I couldn't get through to him (note to self - fathers' day present new phone and not a fiver one from Tesco this time) to see if I could Switch stuff.  All OK in the end as I didn't spend as much as I thought so that one credit card and a large chunk of cash later I was done.

Of course, then I had to try and find said hubby and child.  Ended up swearing at the damn phone and wandering around in the blistering heat trying to find the car.  Eventually found the car, but not the family.  Still I got 20mins to sit and look through all my purchases!

Off to bed now, and dream of all the cards I'm going to make with all my new stuff - ahhhh, bliss!!!!!!



Sharon said...

Hi Sarah
You sound as excited as I get when I go to craft fairs. I am like a kid in a sweet shop. Have fun tomorrow - though you have bought so much stuff you wont know were to start.
Sharon x

catherine said...

Looks like it was a great time you had at the fayre and all these things are essential items!!
Beautiful looking goodies and only wish I could come and craft with you!!
Enjoy and hopefully show us soon some wonderful creations using it all
x catherine

Tracey T said...

Sounds like you had a good day and what bliss to be able to buy some new stash! Had a little spend in the Glitterpot online sale last week and got some more Magnolia stamps ('cos you can never have enough)! Hugs, Tracey xx

Laura Bradley said...

Wow! Looks like you had a great time! All looks fab .. bet you can't wait to start playing with it all .. those dies look gorgeous!! Think I am due a flower splurge at WOC and they have a jubilee 10% off until 5th June so will feel less bad about it! hehe. Oh and just bought the 100+ bundle from Pollycraft, I wasn't aware of it but they are lovely images. Such a shame they are finishing! Laura x

DesignerDiva said...

LOL thats some serious shopping Sarah! I've been so busy working all over the nice weather that I've treated myself to some online shopping (any excuse) Love all your new dies and that Boho paper pad looks interesting!!
Can't wait to see your creations
Laurie xx

mixamatoasties said...

Wow you didn't half shop!

I've got that Boho Chic paper too - shh....


Fiona said...

wow have done well and sounds like you had fun!!


Tanya said...

I'm so jealous of you right now :P I'm going to make it my mission to get to the UK for some craft fair or other this year - we have nothing in Ireland as far as I can tell! I am however going to make a shed load of postal orders this weekend - they all have Jubilee bargains on! :D

Enjoy your new amazingness!
Tags xx

Karen P said...

"Dark green clouds and a noxious smell are eminating from a house in rural Northamptonshire! We've been told it's crafters envy!" Wow Sarah would a fab haul! Am very envious of the Memory Box dies - love them and, of course, want more! Blimey how many flowers did you get?! Enjoy your stash hun, sounds like you had fun and enjoyed yourself! You've done so well to go without until now - and I do know how hard that is! My planned little spree will be at the end of June when i get some pennies for me birthday and i can't wait lol! Karen x

Kim said...

Wow SArah looks like you had fun! Good for you! Can't wait to see what you create now.

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Wowee Sarah! This is such an awesome little stash! :D

Sue said...

Hello Sarah

wow!! looks like you are going to have lots of fun with all those yummy goodies.
Thanks for all of your lovely comments on my new blog and for becoming one of my first followers

Bye for now..

Christine L said...

What a fabulous lot of wonderful stash!! Love it all!

Also love your fab funny posts... really enjoy reading them as I can feel your enthusiasm through your words!! hehe

Christine x

Faye said...

That's a pretty major haul you got there - well done you. BTW, in terms of first date gifts, Boo is more of a bird boy! xx

coops said...

wow fabulous goodies sarah.those should keep you busy a while, enjoy :D

xx coops xx

xxxtglxxx said...

Oooh Sarah, what a fabby collection of stash! :) You must have had an amazing time choosing all that stuff.

I would like those blooms! :)

Whats craft pick?

Cant wait to see what you create with these and I bet you cant wait to play too ! :D lol.



Berry said...

Oh wow what a tonne of wonderful crafty stuff I love it all and want it too! Wish I was closer and could pop by to "borrow" some lol hugs Rebekah xx

Jo said...

Oh my gosh, Sarah, what a haul!You're gonna be busy for a while with that little lot.....enjoy!!
Hugs Jo x

Wendy said...

WOW! Sarah what a lot of really gorgeous goodies, love it all and so wish all those gorgeous flowers were here on my desk...Have fun.
Wendy xx

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Wow! When you have a spree you certainly do it right lol. the dies and flowers look gorgeous, can't wait to see what you make with it all. Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog the other day it was very much appreciated (sorry it's taken me a little while to get back here to reply)
Lindsay xx

Wendy Fraser said...

Ooh, yummy enjoy! xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sarah ,
Well , I’m back and I have the rest of today free so as to catch up on everyone’s creations since I have been away refurbishing my old house.
I adore reading the blog’s and looking at all the lovely cards and projects, almost as much as making the cards myself.
Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog , its so nice to keep in touch.
Wow what a fabulous array of stash...glad you stuck to your resolution I bet tese new things are more fabulous than they would have been if you hadnt waited for them ? oh Sarah I love those Memory box dies, the heart die, if you turn it upside down and clip it a little makes a nice butterfly.
Great work well done ,
Hugs Elaine

Sue B said...

Ooh lots of goodies here Sarah! they all look gorgeous!! can't wait to see them on your cards! glad you had some cash with you to get what you wanted!!!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Big Hugs
Sue xx