
Saturday 8 September 2012

A facelift and a surprise!

Hello blogworld,

Firstly the facelift - I'm making you wait for the surprise! Well I've gone even plainer with my blog look, what do you think - too severe?  I wonder if the slight shading for the columns that I've seen on other blogs will be there, or is that something you have to do?  The only thing I would like to do now is make the header centred and slightly more personalised.

So come on you experienced bloggers, how do you get a fancy graphic in the header then?

Now the surprise - see that new button over there on the right, you know ---> there!!

It's it just so classy?  And so cute?  And so fab - I've only gone and been picked to be on a new Design Team for a new challenge blog!  It's called Flat Friends Challenge blog and is the baby of a fab Digi stamp designer - Emma Canning.

You can find her digis here at Polkadoodles - aren't they just the cutest?  I actually feel a bit of a fraud as I hadn't seen the digis before the DT call, but I applied anyway and you could've knocked me down with a feather - when Emma emailed and told me I'd actually got on the DT!!!  I'm not sure Emma and the other lovely DT ladies realise just how much waffle they are in for - you, my loyal followers, could tell them - couldn't you!!

So there you go a good point in a not so good day.  Let's just say, childish tantrums aren't fun (and they aren't always from children!).

See you soon,



Sue said...

BIG congratulations Sarah,that's great news. I'm sure you will be a great asset to the team.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend. Hopefully one without any tantrums!

hugs Sue

Karen P said...

Huge congratulations Sarah! I saw you were one of the new DT member on Emma's blog. Looking forward to seeing your cards/creations Karen x

Tracey T said...

Well done, you! That's great news - and very well deserved! Sorry to hear about the tantrum tho'... I know only too well what that can be like... mine could sulk for Britain and could make the silent treatment last for weeks. Ah, the joys! xx

Christine L said...

First - the facelift!! No shading of the columns showing here (though I did read 'shaking' to start with!! must put my glasses on!) And yes, plain and simple and says it all! Can't help with the centre-ing it I'm afraid... I've heard its a prob.

And your DT position!! CONGRATS!!

Christine x

Unknown said...

Hiya hun, feel very lucky to have you :-) Loving the new look x x

coops said...

Huge congrats on your DT news sarah and i am loving your new blog look, its really clean and crisp :D

xx coops xx

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Love the new look sarah :) And a huge congrats on your new dt!! How exciting and very well deserved :)

Wendy said...

Congrats Sarah on your new DT, well deserved.
Love your new look, very clean and crisp.
Wendy xx

catherine said...

Huge congrats on the new DT spot Sarah and you'll do the team proud I'm sure of it. Wow your blog looks so big but love the clean and crisp look to it. Hope you're surviving the tantrum and had a good weekend!!!
x catherine

Tanya said...

Congrats on your new DT appointment Sarah :) you deserve it!

Tags xx

Berry said...

Hugs congrats on your fab new DT place how are you gonna manage all this?! You are beginning to get as crazy as me! Hugs Rebekah xx