
Wednesday 5 September 2012

And we're off....

back to school!!

Hello blogworld

Well today is 'S' day, School that is!  As you read this I will be tootling back from dropping off She Who Must be Obeyed to her first day in Year 1.

I'm fingers crossed she's going to like this Year - I've not really explained that it's learning now, not play, so we will wait and see what happens.

This won't be a long post as I'm typing this Tues evening scheduling for Wednesday morning.  I'm hoping to get back posting again before the weekend, but you never know - it is only a three day week for me this week!!

So we are starting a new week and therefore a new challenge over at Divas by Design and this week the theme is 'Friendship' and we are sponsored by:

And this is my poor excuse of a card:  Apologies for both the poor card and poor photo - I'm really struggling at the moment both with time and space and it's seriously affecting my mojo.

So front shot:

 I used:

Sugar Nellie: Rachelle Anne Miller - Lola with bunny
Coloured with my Promarkers

Nestie circle

Ooh they are a right mish-mash!!
Blue spots and blue roses- Papermania
Yellow background - Basic Grey

Anything else?
Craftwork cards - card blank and sentiment
Flowers (which I'm wondering why I used!) - from Joanna Sheen

There we go people - one slightly disappointing card and one not disappointing challenge!

See you soon,


Doreen said...

This is gorgeous,lovely image and

Anne-Marie said...

Hope your little 'un settles in okay. We've got a grandson starting high school never lose that "gulp" moment when they walk away from you...hahaa!
Don't be disappointed with the's sweet, and that's a really cute image. Just don't expect a bonus, this week...hahaaa!

Wendy said...

Gorgeous card Sarah, adorable image and the flowers are pretty.
Hope Emilys first day in year 1 goes well.It's very quiet here mine have gone back today too.
Wendy xx

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Aww soo cute sarah! What a darling image. Hope your kids had fun on their first day :)

Sue said...

This is gorgeous Sarah, I love the sweet image and the pretty colours

Hugs Sue

Karen P said...

It's gorgeous Sarah, love the image and the colours are gorgeous. Those flowers are wonderful too Karen x

Berry said...

This is NOT a poor excuse for a card! Ugh I so know the feeling though struggling with time and mojo and stress and everything right now!!! I hope Emily has a fab time at school, Caleb was quite quiet going off to year 1 this morning though Hiolette was thrilled to be in year 6 and Amelia was a bit nervy as yesterday was just year 7s and sixth form and today she has to contend with the whole school going back!
I'm on a no day week as hubby is about today and tomorrow and I'm working fri through sun so hopefully next wk will be better for me!
Hugs Rebekah xx

catherine said...

I do hope she really has a great time at school. What will you do with all your spare time now(LOL)
This is a super card and great image.
x catherine

Wishcraft said...

I think it's a lovely card hun! Cute image and fab colours :o)

Hope Emily enjoyed her first day back at school, Morgan said it was 'brilliant' today, so seems like a good start! Wonder what Dex will think when he starts on Monday...

Hugs, Lisa x

coops said...

so gorgeous sarah.fab sweet image and i love your pretty colour combo.i hope emily enjoyed her first day back :D

xx coops xx

Faye said...

Hope school went ok for you guys. This is a lovely, fresh and clean card. So there. X

Christine L said...

You're being hard on yourself... your card is fab - I love your colouring and those pretty flowers!

Hope your little one is settling in!

Christine x

Christine L said...

HI Sarah... me again...

I just read your lovely comment about my pink cards.... and your reference to our 'Pinkie Palace'!! I LOVE those words.... would you mind if I used them on the ITP blog?

Big hugs
Christine x

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

so sweet, I love the yellow and blue together, just gorgeous
Lindsay xx

mixamatoasties said...

It's not disappointing at all. It's lovely.

Love the colours and the image is so sweet.

Sarah-Jane said...

You are always far to hard on your self Sarah! It's a lovely, pretty card.
Sarah-Jane xx

Anonymous said...

Well I think It's a lovely sweet card Sarah!
Helen x