
Thursday 12 January 2012

And here I am again!

Hello blogworld

I'm being a fluke again and posting on a regular basis!  And I'm back to waffling, daughter has been in bed since 7pm, dishes done, adult bottoms happily parked in various chairs in the living room and lappy attached to lap (ha, that's why they are called lappys isn't it!).  Plus one cat now also squashed onto lap with lappy - making it difficult for me to type!

So dilemma of the day, is a school bus journey for daughter.  We've just found out that a friend of Emily's who lives fairly close is getting the school bus home.  This has put ideas into hubby's head!  Personally I think she is too young (at 4 1/2) to get the bus home on her own, even if it is a mini bus instead of a proper double decker.  Problem is that Emily is keen as well!  I fear I am a lone voice in the wilderness, I think I will insist tho on waiting until she is 5 and in Year 1.

Anyway, that's my problem of the day over with - now for card of the day.

This one was actually for someone and has been posted and received - I made a card I used!  So weird, eh.

Here is front shot of card:

 Detail shot of image:

I used:

Kraftin Kimmie - Charlotte stamp; coloured with Promarkers.  A little bit of Glamour Dust highlighting her choker and underskirt,
Die-cut with a Nestie and chalked while in die for the background.
Papers are unknown - Using It Up while digging through my big box of 12x12 papers.
Ribbon and gems from stuff.
Fanciful Flourish die
Sentiment computer generated and cut with a Shapeabilites die.

Maybe see you tomorrow?


A challenge, or two:

Passion for Promarkers - Week 131 - Theme; "inspired by a song"; my song is Queens "Friends will be Friends" Great song, one of my favourites!

Cute Card Thursday - Challenge 199; You're having a laugh! (well I thought my card was funny, maybe weird funny - but still funny!)

Moving along with the times - Challenge 130; Spots/Stripes

My Mum's Craft Shop Challenge - Challenge 39; Here come the girls


Doreen said...

Your card is gorgeous Sarah.Well I must really be living in the past because none of my kids got on a bus on their own before the age of 10yrs.

Doreen said...

Your card is gorgeous Sarah.Well I must really be living in the past because none of my kids got on a bus on their own before the age of 10yrs.

Berry said...

This is fab Sarah what a fun image and superbly coloured! I would be with you on the bus thing, I know it's not a public bus but still! I would def wait until yr 1 and if I could string it out longer I would! Use yourself as an excuse, that picking her up keeps you socially in with the other mums otherwise you become a hermit lol!
Hugs Rebekah xx

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Fab card, love the papers and that image is so fun,love her hair
Lindsay xx

Wishcraft said...

I love this image, she's fab! Gorgeous card hun :o)

I agree with you about the bus... seems way too young to me - Dex is slightly younger as he's only just turned 4, but I can't imagine him doing that sort of thing without me at all, he still seems quite 'baby-like' although I know he's not really!

Oh, and I know - I've gone a bit weird haven't I?! Not sure what's going on with the whole change of style thing, but I'm having fun anyway lol :o) Lisa x

Arabella said...

This is gorgeous Sarah! How exciting to actually send a card you made! I must admit I tend to forget to send mine.

Oooh big decisions on catching the school bus! I'm with you... I think 41/2 is a bit young.

Neither of us think of Greece as home... it's just a job thing at the moment... pays the bills and what not. We will eventually move back to either NZ or Australia once we find another way to earn money!



catherine said...

Fab card and the colours are great. As a mum myself I am with you on the bus front.
x catherine

Christine L said...

Fab card Sarah.... and don't let your little one get the bus at four and a half.... as a mum, we know that's too early! Don't give in under pressure... do what you feel is right for you and her!
Christine x

Hazel (Didos) said...

Love the card its super, that image is stunning. I too am with you on the bus, I still wouldn't let my son and hes 7 now. Thanks for playing on MAWTT this week, Hazelxox

Unknown said...

Hey Sarah this is gorgeous, I love the colours and the image, so super cute. .. we always take our kids to school, like you feel we worry about them. .. hey saw your comment on my Christmas card. I'd love to keep on going doing them weekly, but you'll see.. I'll stop midway ha ha :)

coops said...

so stunning sarah.i love this fantastic image and your colours and design are gorgeous.
thanks for joining us this week at PFP ;D

xx coops xx

Deb said...

this is so cute Sarah, love that image, she is so fun!
Many thanks for joining in the Cute Card Thursday Challenge this week!
Have a great weekend, Debxx

Anonymous said...

A gorgeous card Sarah, loving that image and great colours!
Helen x

Jayne A said...

Fantastic card.

On the subject of the school bus I would definately try and hold out a bit longer. My son is 11 and if he would let me pick him up in the car from school I would!!


Sarah-Jane said...

Lovely card Sarah.

My daughter is 6, so a bit older than Emily. We are quite lucky because the school it less than 5 mins walk away but I still wouldn't let her go on her own.
Sarah-Jane xx

Vixykins said...

Please tell me you're joking?!!! Mine wont get the bus home till they're 11 (they're 3& nearly 5)

Lovely card hun, Thank you for entering Passion for promarkers challenge and hope to see you again x

Julie's Blog said...

Awesome card Sarah ... Probaby one of my faves on your blog :D Love the colours ... Julie :D

Lisa Jane said...

wonderful card - love the spots and stripes . Thanks for joining us at MAWTT this week
Lisa x

Anonymous said...

The colors are awesomely adorable.
Membership card
plastic cards