
Thursday 19 January 2012

Catch a falling star

and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away.

Great song that one - been going round in my head (and probably yours now) since I started making this card this morning.  But enough singing from me, I'm scaring the cats!!

Well hello blogworld

Want an update on little miss boss?  OK she was in bed for 7pm last night, but then spent from 1am to 3am awake, on and off, in our bed - in her bed - then a trip to the bathroom - then standing in the hallway once I'd put her back to bed again, and so on.  Oh it took me back to when she was little!  She's never been what you could call a good sleeper, but last night was a doozy!  At one point, just before I did get her to go to sleep (at 3am) she is sitting up in bed saying that as daddy has gone downstairs (he ended up sleeping on the sofa) she wants to go down too and play as 'my body just isn't tired mummy'!

Needless to say I was tired today, hubby was tired and she was in fine fettle!  I should've been going swimming this afternoon - part of a new trying to get rid of some of this fat routine - but was so pooped I feel asleep on the sofa!  Luckily Peter was awake and went and picked her up for me!!

Anyhows, enough of my waffle and onto card:

Only the one picture as I thought I made a good job for once of taking the photo!!  The only problem with it is that I used my Prisma pencils to try and get a good colour match for the papers - as I couldn't think what colour Promakers to use, hmmmm didn't get that one right!

It's one of the things I struggle with the most - colour matching.  I'm not colour blind, but I certainly couldn't name you colours or shades and sometimes I get in a right pickle trying to colour match - there that's my moan for the day!

Card is:

I used:

Pollycraft stamp: Sharing Sherbet - Catch A Falling Star; coloured with a little bit with my Promarkers but mostly Prisma pencils: Sherbet Words for the sentiment.
I inked the edge of the die-cut as otherwise I felt it got lost a bit.
Stickles on the stars and flowers.
First Edition paper pad - Isabelle
Memory Box die - Valerian Flourish
Shapeabilities - Fancy Tags for the greeting
Flowers and pins from my stuff.

So there you go, I'm still not sure about whether the one paper is too close in colour to the other - does it get lost a bit?  That's what I think, anyway.

Hope everyone else is well, back soon,


A challenge, or two:

Pollycraft Monday Challenges - Challenge #123; Bingo (Die cuts, Pollycraft image, flowers - were my choice)

Totally Gorjuss - Challenge 114 - be a star!


Doreen said...

A great card Sarah,love this

Lily Anuska said...

Sarah beautiful card. I like your selection of images and sentiments. Put me in a good mood. Hugs. Lily Anuska

Anita said...

I think this is adorable Sarah and your colors are fabulous.

CraftyC said...

Must be catching Sarah. My 9yr old should have been in bed and now at 10.45pm she's still in a strop and says she's staying up all night. Someones going to be grouchy in the morning and that will probably be me lol. Another gorgeous card and I love the dies!

Wishcraft said...

Oh I love these papers - I tried to get them but everywhere was out of stock when I looked. Fab image and love all your pretty embellies too :o)

I have two good sleepers really although they have their moments of course! Hope she sleeps better tonight for you.

Re the colour matching - you might have already done this, but I'd be lost without my colour charts. I've done one for PMs, one for flexmarkers and one for prismas - then you can hold your papers up against them and see which pens/ pencils are best. Oh and write down any combinations that work - so if you find the perfect colours to use with a favourite paper, write them down and then you can use them again. I'll stop waffling now!

Lisa x

DesignerDiva said...

Well I like your papers - individually and together! Love the cute image too!
Hugs Laurie x

Christine L said...

Fab card Sarah... and I think the papers work well together! And I agree with what Lisa said re the colour charts... though I'm a bit 'colour the image then find a paper' kind of person! LOL! NOT good!

And my second daughter was similar sleepwise to yours (she's 26 now!) - she would just say 'but I'm not tired'.... and she wasn't! She tells me now that she just used to lie awake!
Christine x

catherine said...

I like the card and I think the colours match well. The image is great. Hope you got more rest last night. I've been recovering from a bad night with poorly child.
x ctaherine

Wendy said...

Fabulous card Sarah, love the image and gorgeous papers...hope you have a great weekend.
Wendy xx

Berry said...

Ooo the singing is catching on!!! I love this such a fun card! I so want a memory box flourish die but they are out of stock everywhere and I am on a stash diet for a tiny bit! I colour match through paper pads mostly I choose what papers to use then colour accordingly.
HUgs Rebekah xx

Karen P said...

It's gorgeous Sarah and I think the colours and colouring is perfect hugs Karen x

Karen P said...

It's gorgeous Sarah and I think the colours and colouring is perfect hugs Karen x

coops said...

gorgeous card sarah.i love your scrummy papers and stunning colours and image ;D

xx coops xx

Kathleen said...

Fab card Sarah, love these papers and I love love love that memory box die!
Hope you had a better night last night with Emily, cant really help re sleep thing, all 4 of mine like their beds (bit like their mum lol!!) one thing to look forward too is when they get to 14/15ish, they wont get out of their bed! Its usually at least 1pm before Meghan appears at the weekends
Off for more painkillers and deep heat, my back is so sore, may need to visit dr's on monday :-(
Hugs Kat xx

Hazel said...


This is just an awesome card - I love the image her expression is just priceless!

Thank your for joining us at Totally Gorjuss this week and the very best of luck. I hope you will be able to come and join in with our next challenge.

Hazel x

Laney said...

WOW!! its absolutely fabulous Sarah!!Hope the little one sleeps better for you tonight

nessy said...

what an adorable card sarah ~ such a sweet image and love the swirl!!
hope you have caught up on some sleep ~why do little ones need so little sleeps lewis was just the same last night ~and paul had to be up at 5am for work!!
enjoy your weekend
vanessa xx

Pink Dandelion said...

Beautiful card Sarah, the backing papers go so well together. Hope Emily is sleeping a bit better now. We had a dreadful time when our Em was small but she settled down once she went to full time school. Now when she is home from Uni you have to drag her out of bed lol. Take Care Debs xx

mixamatoasties said...

Fabby card Sarah xxx

Arabella said...

Beautiful card Sarah! Your paper matching is perfect!

I hope you all get some sleep soon!


Anita said...

Hi Sarah, I forgot to thank you for joining in the Pollycraft Challenge.

An Occasional Genius said...

Well I think your papers match beautifully! I know several people who only buy paper stacks so that they know the papers will match...Doesn't help with CS though I suppose! Anyway super card sweets. Hope things settle down xx