
Friday 13 January 2012

Here it is - draw closed.

Me again,

My goodness you must be sick of me by now!  But this time it's something different - my 100 followers candy I promised you.

So what do you think to this?

It consists of:
Magnolia Stamp - Ballerina Tilda
Three reels of ribbon
A packet of ribbon bows
A set of Basic Grey fibres
A packet of sticky back flat gems
Assorted flowers (from Wild Orchid Crafts)
K&Co 6x6 paper pad - Amy Butler, Belle

Very simple rules for this candy - it's a thank you to all the people who have been following my blog - so I'm not looking for people to publicise it or looking for new followers so no need for you to add it to sidebars or post about it.  Though I won't stop you if you want to!

You MUST be a follower of this blog to enter for it.

I will post overseas and also send it recorded delivery so that I, and you, know that it was posted.

Just pop a comment on this post and I'll leave it open until next week (Friday 20th January) then do a draw and announce a winner.

Good luck and thank you for following my blog.  I am constantly surprised that people want to look at my averagey cards and listen to my insane waffle - you are a lovely bunch of crafters!

Hugs and snugs


San @ Made in Hem said...

I'm one of your latest followers because of the UIU. Just here to cheer on you for using it up but I can't say nothing to a give-away. That's a very nice package! ♥

Fiona said...

congrats on your 100 followers Sarah and your candy giveaway looks very yummy!!


will do a post about it tomorrow as I am having a bit of a blogger issue tonight.

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Congratulations on 100 followers, fantastic candy huni, thanks for giving us the chance to win.
Lindsay xx

Unknown said...

Oooh you're doing what I had planned to do but as I seem to have missed it, I think I'll do mine for my Blogoversary instead!

I've also joined UIU....great idea! :)
Lizy x
PS I love your wafflings! :)

Wendy said...

Congratulations on reaching 100+ followers Sarah,thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous Candy...have put a piccy of your candy in my side bar..enjoy the weekend.
Wendy xx

Unknown said...

Congrats on reaching 100 followers!
Lovely candy - thanks for the chance to win!


Berry said...

Well done on your 100 followers your cards are much better than average lovey and I like listening to your waffle lol! Hugs Rebekah xx

Brenda Brown said...

Yay congrats Sarah on your 100 followers, well done on a fab blog and great 'waffle'.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

Barbara said...

Hi Sarah, I am now a proud follower of your blog. I love your crafting style!! I am so glad that I found you :) I can't wait to return and see the next project that you create! Congratulations on reaching 100+ followers ( I am 106.) Would love for you to stop at my blog and visit if you have a moment. Thank you for the chance to win such awesome blog candy.

Pamela said...

Congratulations on your 100 followers Sarah. Great candy, thank you for the chance.

Pam x

Laney said...

Congratulations Sarah! great news reaching 100 followers
beautiful cards as always and I also love to hear your 'waffle' LOL!!
Especially when it concerns the little one always makes me smile

Sarah-Jane said...

Congrats on the over 100 followers Sarah. Your cards are fab and the waffle is great! Thank you for the chance to win some yummy candy.
Sarah-Jane xx

noga said...

Congratulations on 100 followers, and wish you good luck with the blog!
i post it here:

Lily Anuska said...

Congrat on l00 followers, now there are more. Thank you for chance to win. Hugs. Lily Anuska

Стю said...

Hi! I'd like to join too! Thanks for the chance to win!

Julie C. said...

Hi Sarah! Congratulations! Your blog always makes me smile. It's great to be your follower. I really enjoyed reading your blog. Your cards are very inspirational too!! ^_^ Thanks for the chance to win!

Karen said...

Oooo lovely candy. Thanks for the chance to win xx

Ulli said...

What a wonderful candy, Sarah!!

And by the way: Congrats! I wish I was where you are today.

I'd love for you to stop by at my blog

Natali said...

Congratulations with your 100 followers!!! Great number!!
Sooo sweet candy!! Thank you for a chance to win it. Good luck everyone!!

Karen P said...

I've found you because of our mad UIU pledge! Like what I see so i'll be sticking around. Thanks for the chance to win more stuff! lol Karen x

Julie's Blog said...

Just found you while blog hopping and I have been having some fun looking at your beautiful creations. While I was here I became a follower not just for your candy but because I'd like to continue seeing what you post :D I am going to think really long and hard aboout doing the "stash diet" ... I have so many beautiful papers and embellishments because I scrapbook too and as long as I can still buy the occasional copic marker or digi stamp then I think I'm in lol. Anyway, off to check out some more of your blog ... Thanks for the chance to win some yummy candy ... Julie :D

Flowergirl said...

Congrats on reaching over 100 followers, you should'nt be surprised people want to look at your work, it's fab! And I for one love your waffle! Thank you for the chance to win your candy x
Wendy x

Ani said...

Lovely candy! Hugs, Ani

Rosalee said...

Congrats on the 100 followers Sarah. You are so generous to be offering this wonderful candy. I would so love to have a chance. I've linked to my sidebar and I'm a new follower. Thanks for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee