
Tuesday 17 January 2012

This feels like going naked in public!

Hello blogworld

I did tell you the run of regular postings wouldn't carry on, didn't I!  And this is not even a cards post - it's a reply to Abi's post about her boxes - and I quite agree with you Abi I don't know whether to be ashamed or proud about my stuff either!

Right, well you will really have to bear with me on this one.  It is very, very picture heavy!  It does also really feel like I'm baring my soul in public, but well I promised and here I go.

These are pictures of what used to be my dining room but where I now 'play' stamps and cards - hubby has promised me that one day I'll get a corner of the computer room, but no idea when that day will be.  So in the meantime, we have to put up with this:

My 'desk' which allows us just enough room to sit at the other end of the table for dinner: you might just be able to make out the lappy on the kitchen table through the door - thats where I am right now!

My flowers, cuttlebug, dies, papers, cards and general mess:

Ribbons, card blanks, envelopes (in the boxes), light cube, stamps:

My unmounted stamps:

 close up of boxes:

Mounted stamps, each tray is double layered as shown:

Books (I read a lot!), MS punches, glitters, various bits and bobs:

More papers, flowers, pens, pencils and assorted stuff:

So this is why I'm Using it Up - nearly 10 years worth of buying and not enough using!

Abi, for you!!!  And I'm posting before I turn chicken.



catherine said...

I know what you mean. I could probabaly open a craft shop in my room, but I enjoy it so much and that means my stuff is well loved . It's always lovely to find something you haven't used (hiding under!!)
x catherine

DesignerDiva said...

OMG Sarah! I think you're gonna need more than a corner of the computer room! Don't know why I'm so surprised - mine is the same!
Hugs Laurie x

San @ Made in Hem said...

Oh, another brave girl! ♥
I hope I'm able to take a couple photos tomorrow to show you my stash... That's why I'm here, to support you on the UIU! We can do it! Don't you love Fran and her challenge?! :)

An Occasional Genius said...

Well I'm so pleased you chose to post rather than go naked in public, I would have felt obliged to come bail you out lol!

That's some collection you've got there, I think hubby will end up with a corner in the computer room if he moves you in there!!

Not sure who's got the most stash....mind you I haven't shown you all mine & you do have 3 years 'collecting' on me lol!

Have to say though it looks like a fabulous craft room!

Hugs xx

LadyofLostTimes said...

Can I come over and play at your house!

Christine L said...

O...... M.........G!!!!! And I thought I was bad?????

I LOVE it! And when can I come and play???

Christine x

Christine L said...

PS... I'm going to leave your pics up so my OH knows it can only get worse.... hehe!

Tracey T said...

You are very brave and I'm proud of you darling! I don't have a craft room or a dining room, so all my stuff is in the kitchen! And I'm definitely not posting a piccie, not ever!!! xxx

Karen P said...

OMG - and I thought I was a stamp addict! I'm doing the rounds to see who are the nutty crafters that have signed up to the UIU pledge! I've never seen so many stamps! We used to have a craft shop in Banbury and they didn't have that many stamps, in fact I think you've got more than my local Hobbycraft!
And yes, like you and Abi I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed that I have quite a bit of stuff! hugs Karen x

Pink Dandelion said...

OMG Sarah I thought I had a lot until I saw all yours lol. Every time hubby moans about my stash I'll show him your pics lol. I'd love to come and have a rootle through all your boxes. Debs xx

Wishcraft said...

Wow that's a lot of stash Sarah! Looks like lots of fun though :o) Lisa x

Liz McGuire, said...

This made me smile. My dining area looked exactly like this. Then I was 'given' a corner of the computer room. Now the whole room is mine, all mine (scary laugh here).

liz x

Julie C. said...

OMG! You do have a lot of stuff. All those play and all those fun! Can I join in?! ^_^

Angenita said...

That's a lot of stuff. How big is that computerroom if a corner is enough? :)

I know what you mean. I think almost all people who joined UIU know what you mean. For me it's good to see other peoples stash, it makes me feel less weird :)

Have fun using it!

Berry said...

Wow you do have a lot of stuff lol! I actually can't compare though cos I jut hide mine well! Hugs Rebekah xx

Flowergirl said...

Lol! I love to see where others create their cards, and you have lots to look at Sarah! Wow! A lot of stamps, and lots of lovely goodies, you lucky thing! I think you need your own room not a corner! X
Wendy x

Fiona said...

wow Sarah...check out all that stash that you definitely need to use up!!

I have nowhere near as much stuff so that's makes me feel so much better when I am buying new stash as I definitely need more to catch up with you and Abi!!


Felicia said...

Ok you win! LOL WOW That be a lot of stuffs! BUT on the flip side it puts you way ahead on the UIU cuz look at all the things you get to "shop" from!! This has been so much fun getting to know new people via UIU! Cant wait to see all the creations you come up with! *huggles* =0)